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又是一餐簡單的Working Lunch, 在太古城中心不用排隊等待的不多, 作為Working Lunch快也是很重要的元素, 在太古誠品這家以甜品著名的餐廳, 除了不用等待之餘, 午餐配甜品大約六七十元, 同區消費不算昂貴, 就選了這家, 吃完就回Office開會, 時間啱啱好.先說它提供的午餐, 就是撈麵和餃子, 相當簡單, 撈麵配以三件鮑魚和花菇, 用料算是有心思, 蠔油汁夠杰身, 花菇相對煮得入味, 而鮑魚只有表面有味, 內裡平淡而且口感死實, 果然沒有”咁大隻蛤乸隨街跳”的意味. 麵煮得夠爽口, 添加了蒜油味道OK, 總體來說不算出色, 但也未到坊間的劣評如潮.沒有點上比較出名的杏仁茶, 因口喝關係而點了椰汁, 味道和市面上發售的椰樹牌椰汁差不多, 這就有點失算了.Hang Heong Un is based at Macau but opened some branches at HK. One of the branches is located at Eslite of Taikoo that is very close to my office. Hence I h
先說它提供的午餐, 就是撈麵和餃子, 相當簡單, 撈麵配以三件鮑魚和花菇, 用料算是有心思, 蠔油汁夠杰身, 花菇相對煮得入味, 而鮑魚只有表面有味, 內裡平淡而且口感死實, 果然沒有”咁大隻蛤乸隨街跳”的意味. 麵煮得夠爽口, 添加了蒜油味道OK, 總體來說不算出色, 但也未到坊間的劣評如潮.
沒有點上比較出名的杏仁茶, 因口喝關係而點了椰汁, 味道和市面上發售的椰樹牌椰汁差不多, 這就有點失算了.
Hang Heong Un is based at Macau but opened some branches at HK. One of the branches is located at Eslite of Taikoo that is very close to my office. Hence I have my working lunch there. Although she is famous for her dessert, the hot dishes are not that expensive. The stirred noodles with abalone and mushroom are not as worse as other believed. The sauce, mushroom and noodles are fine and the abalone is too hard in texture. The lunch set also includes the dessert or drink but I don’t recommend the coconut milk which is too similar to the canned one.