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食評 (111)
•懷舊點心👍飲茶食晏竟然有好味糯米包👍鮮蝦腐皮卷極之好味,好味到食晒先醒起未拍照存檔😆。黃金蝦餃皇大大粒,包滿鮮蝦,大滿足🤤可以遂粒叫。香煎黑白菜肉包底部,鋪滿黑白芝麻煎香,大大增添香味。黑糖薑汁糕無乜薑汁味,但好香黑糖味👍食落質地似鬆糕。酥炸魷魚鬚好脆,可惜食到底好多油。•訂位臨近新年同事食飯好難訂位,呢間通常即日打電話去都可以訂到枱食晏。•酒樓環境一般酒樓,位處商業大廈內,少少難揾。**可惜做到新年後就結業 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2022-11-22
1524 瀏覽
秋風起 今年都係第一次食大閘蟹🦀冬天都已經快到 要食就快啦🫠已經好耐未去過東海酒家食飯啦記得細個去都係食大閘蟹😗▫️大閘蟹。淺嚐二人餐 ($846)呢個二人套餐幾抵食 頭盤先黎個蜜汁叉燒配青瓜 叉燒真係加分個蜜汁做得甜而不漏 大大舊好腍香👍 鮮拆蟹粉小籠包係每次必食😍又多汁 蟹肉+蟹膏內餡 包滿!套餐包兩隻5両蟹公 蟹膏黏口味濃一開蓋流到成手都係🤤蟹肉夠厚身 仲好多肉添😍🍤頭抽美極大花蝦 大大隻 肉質彈牙最後整埋碗薑茶芝麻湯圓 飽哂🤤 繼續閱讀
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Went to the restaurant to celebrate in-law’s birthday, ordered their hairy crab set meal for 4. Food: first round of hairy crab was unfresh, I suspect they were cooked ahead of time or leftovers from previous nights. The size of the crabs were a lot smaller than advertised. When we asked to return one of the overly small crabs to be replaced, I suspect they brought the same crab back, or at least they changed to a similarly small crab despite us sending back. Prawns were the same, prawn heads were falling off and flesh was mushy.Decor: all the dishes and utensils on the table were unclean and oily, obviously having not washed throughly from previous use. The interior looked worse for wear like one has walked into a time machine going back 10 years in time.Service: very unprofessional and unhelpful bordering incompetent given that waiters working in these establishments should be witty well-seasoned veterans ie. serving us orange juice by default without even asking us our choice of drinks for the set menu; when serving cake, waiter brought dishes to the table but then asked us if we needed fork; we realised after leaving that they forgot to serve us the dessert course etc.Note: I am rating this restaurant fairly and not as a foreign expat without a broad knowledge of local cuisine and cultures. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2022-10-25
1007 瀏覽
每年東海酒家的大閘蟹餐都不能錯過!今年👇🏿與2021年比較,今年2人大閘蟹餐有三個變化👇🏿2021: 宋嫂魚羹 9/10; 蒜片安格斯牛肉粒 9/10 家嫂臘味飯 8/10 服務 8/10 總評分:34/40 2022:姬松茸燉螺頭湯 9/10 鮮鳳梨黑豚肉 8/10 蜜汁叉燒拼青瓜 7/10 服務:7/10 總評分:31/40個人感覺:2021年的餐勝過2022~,2021年餐仲有75折👍 以下是2022年大閘蟹餐:本次買單:- HKD728.-/2人 (openrice電子優惠券)- HKD140.-/2人 (東海cash茶芥及+10%)-(HKD100.-) (MasterCard付款優惠)總支出: HKD768.-/ 2人 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2022-06-05
3487 瀏覽
十幾年前, 第一次食灣仔 “海都”, 格調高級, 點心水準一流, “啫啫生菜煲” 一試難忘. 此後食過同系嘅 “東海”, 一樣咁掂. 過去幾年“大眾化” 咗, 雖然服務質數不可同日而語, 食物水平仍然Ok. 今日四人飲茶飯局, 點咗六款點心, 四款廚部食物.🥢 東海蝦餃王. 皮薄餡靚.🥢 蟹皇燒賣. 發揮出色.🥢 灌湯小籠包. 以酒樓嚟講, 算係唔錯. 皮薄, 又唔會薄到穿, 肉汁還好.🥢 韭黃鮮蝦腸粉. 正常.🥢 七味豆腐. 外脆內嫩.🥢 啫啫蝦醬生菜煲. 名菜之一, 蝦醬味道同生菜神級配合. 雖然水準大不如前, 仍然係必點項目.🥢 胡椒鹹菜豬肚. 味道不俗.🥢 醬汁金錢肚. 味道調教準確. 我鍾意.🥢 XO醬蒸鳳爪. 醬汁較為 “渴撻撻”. 可以嘅.🥢 鮑汁鳳爪. 味道一流, 最緊要鳳爪夠腍.🤗 總結: 點心出色, 水準穩定, 服務還可以, 一分錢一分貨. 性價比有吸引力, 港島東飲茶之選. 繼續閱讀
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