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蛋撻 雞批
食評 (15)
等級1 2015-04-22
434 瀏覽
這次購買了沙翁和砵仔糕,先説砵仔糕,盒子蓋根本蓋不上,要求用食物袋裝著不給;沙翁用一個比沙翁還小的紙袋裝著,並不能封口,同樣要求用食物袋裝著也不給;環保當然沒問題,但沙糖都能四處飄揚,要用多張濕紙巾去善後,又是不是能達到環保目的?先是一肚子氣,再來吃什麼也不能感受食物的味道,而且沙翁也弄得滿口是油,砵仔糕也十分甜,絕對不會再光顧此店! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-05-20
877 瀏覽
「泰昌」的美味蛋撻向來廣為人知,以鬆脆嘅撻皮配滑溜的蛋漿,簡直就是天作之合,所以無論是升斗市民又或是達官貴人,都是其捧場客。如果大家還記得的話,前港督彭定康仲讚過「泰昌」的蛋撻是「全香港最好食」嘅添!早前和食友飯聚,甜姐兒 SSG 竟然買咗個超巨型的「泰昌」蛋撻給我們作為飯後甜品,嘩,sweet  到爆,多謝曬妳的一番美意啊!哈哈,就算當晚食到幾飽都一定會留肚試埋呢個巨撻的。噢,原來這個比起成人手掌還要大的 Jumbo Tart ($58),直徑有成 7 吋咁大,比起一般蛋撻足足大咗 12 倍,造型趣緻,真係超驚喜,唔怪得一出場就立刻成為全檯食友的焦點啦!聽食友講,原來這個巨撻每日只會供應三個,咁咪即係限量發售,而且仲要係 for Mother’s Day,咁即係平時唔會食到?快啲開動試吓先,用力切開蛋撻細看,外層同普通蛋撻一樣,是牛油撻皮,不過原來中央蛋漿部份竟然換上鬆軟的海綿蛋糕、軟滑的忌廉及豐滿的檸檬慕絲,真係夠曬鬼馬,而且入口帶微酸、不甜不膩,令整個蛋糕添加了清新的元素。如果外層的牛油撻皮可以做得更鬆脆,咁就 perfect  喇! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-05-09
863 瀏覽
This could be the most expensive egg tart if it was a real egg tart which costs $58 from Tai Cheong Bakery.I was attracted by the huge size only and that fact that it was a cake shaped like an egg tart.To be honest not many egg tarts in Hong Kong taste good including Tai Cheong.The egg tart picture was posted on All About Hong Kong's FBFP or I would not have known about the size according to the poster because in Chinese it does not indicate it was huge and the English word Jumbo was in small print.All About Hong Kong is a great FB page that provides the latest information about Hong Kong in English.Attempted to get it from the Wan Chai branch but it was sold out.Since I was having dinner at Kornhill Plaza I phoned that branch and asked if it was available.The lady I spoke to called Exx Lxxxx was reluctant to reserve me the last one because she was afraid that I would not turn up.  When I gave her my English name (not supersupergirl of course), she tried to be smart and challenge me the way it was spelt which no Hong Konger has dared to ask because usually they can't spell or hear it over the phone. WTF!!!But then it was cool because it shows she has a good knowledge of English or trying to make things difficult and hope that I wouldn't reserve the cake.She even stressed that the cake was for MOTHERS DAY ONLY and not any ordinary cake.After all that crap, I got there earlier than the stated time just in case she got schizy and worried  .According to All about Hong Kong, it is a Jumbo Egg Tart Cake (weight around 1lb), with sponge cake & cream inside the tart crust and a layer of lemon mousse on top.The crust was really hard and thick which took immense strength to slice it!!When I sliced it, the texture of the top yellow layer was a bit like soft gelatine pudding but not mousse like!!From the cross section, you can see layers of sponge, cream and lemon mousse on top.The taste was nicer than a real egg tart because I don't like HK style egg tarts.It reminded me of a lemon tart with a thick crust with cream and cake in it as well.The lemon layer was quite nice which was not too sweet or tart.It would be great if the whole tart was filled with that lemon layer because I was not fond of the Chinese cream or cake even though it tasted ok overall.Video of the huge egg tart!!According to the Tai Cheong staff, only three are sold a day so they better rev it up if lots of people are going to buy it!!◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎Price: $58Service: ....Yummy factor: okSweetness levels: just rightEnglish Menu: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-05-09
624 瀏覽
是晚飯局,食友supersupergirl係泰昌買了一個巨撻作為大家的飯後甜品,sweet到漏……一打開紙盒,嘩聲四起,大家均被眼前巨大的蛋撻吸引,仿如見到大明星般,紛紛舉起手機狂拍照。據食友所講,此巨撻五十八大元一個,店員表示每日得三個左右喎﹗咁都比Supersupergirl,叻女﹗撻皮內的餡料卻不是招牌的香滑美味蛋漿,而是質感偏稠密挺身的檸檬慕絲,蠻特別的。我哋班嘴饞之輩,有幸見識且品嚐到巨撻,多謝晒金髮美少女了。食友用刀切開巨撻,撻皮蠻厚身同堅硬,食友要頗為費力,才可把巨撻一分為二。側面一看,巨撻的餡料除了上層的嫩滑細緻、散發幽幽香檸味兒的檸檬慕絲外,中間則以鬆軟蛋糕和嫩滑忌廉叠叠相間,層次分明,味道清新而不甜膩,小妹蠻喜愛的。相比下,厚身而乾硬且牛油味不甚突出的曲奇皮則顯得有點兒遜色了。若然撻皮可以更為薄身,更為香脆可口,牛油味更為突出,小妹必大愛也。小結:巨撻的份量蠻大的,可供三五知己同享,作為生日蛋糕送人也不錯。口感方面,則有待店方稍加改進了。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-11-11
175 瀏覽
上週同事在其住處附近的泰昌餅家買了一些餅食回公司請大家作為茶點, 小人之前已吃過蛋撻, 所以便留給其他同事, 選擇了吞拿魚包及兩個迷你批。先試迷你批 -- 兩款分別是雞批和义燒批, 雖說是Q版, 餡料也不少: 雞批內不只有雞肉, 更有紅蘿蔔粒; 而义燒批亦不是只有义燒醬, 也有香甜的义燒粒, 真材實料呢。批皮則厚了點, 不過因為是Q版, 不會太滯的, 整體還算不錯。^_^事實上, 吞拿魚包也不比迷你批大得多少。是否因為是炸包的關係, 故名為脆脆吞拿魚包? 實際是不脆的, 而且餡料只有一半的份量; 反而吞拿魚本身是頗香的。配一杯濃茶, 便成為一頓豐富下午茶了~~~ 繼續閱讀
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