港鐵觀塘站 B2 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
17:00 - 22:00
17:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
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食評 (146)
A Seafood Extravaganza at Prawn Restaurant in Hong  ;          Prawn Restaurant is a culinary gem that caters to seafood enthusiasts with a tantalizing array of dishes. With a cozy and relaxed ambiance, this eatery celebrates the bounty of the ocean in a truly delectable way.      King Prawns  ;The culinary adventure commenced with the King Prawns, a true delight for seafood lovers. The prawns were cooked to perfection, with their succulent flesh retaining its natural sweetness. The Peppery Prawns   ;The Peppery Prawns provided a flavor-packed experience that was both aromatic and savory. The prawns were generously coated in a flavorful pepper sauce that added a delightful kick to each bite.Premium US Beef   ;    The meat's tenderness was evident in every slice, and the flavors were rich and satisfying. This dish showcased the restaurant's commitment to offering a diverse range of options to cater to various palates. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-08-06
2834 瀏覽
海鮮方面,新鮮度絕對一流!特別推介他們的鮮蝦,肉質鮮甜彈牙,令人欲罷不能。生蠔更是鮮嫩多汁,一流品質!不得不提的還有招牌海鮮煲,湯底鮮味濃郁,各種海鮮的鮮甜都被完美地釋放出來。大頭蝦:鮮甜之選 - 大頭蝦今日一試「大頭蝦」,實在讓人讚不絕口!這裡的大頭蝦新鮮得令人驚嘆,大小適中,肉質飽滿。一上桌就散發出誘人的香氣。店家推薦的烹調方式是鹽焗大頭蝦,保留了蝦肉的原汁原味,入口時鮮甜味美,完全不需要加上其他調味料。蝦肉咬起來十分彈牙,鮮味充沛,讓人回味無窮。美國Prime級牛肉:質上精選 - 美國Prime級牛肉食評這次品嚐到的「美國Prime級牛肉」實在是肉中極品!質量絕對超卓,是肉食愛好者的天堂。這家餐廳供應的美國Prime級牛肉是精心挑選的頂級等級,肉質嫩滑,帶有細膩的油花,讓人一切入口即化。無論是炭燒、煎炒或烤焗,都能保持牛肉原有的鮮甜味道。店家提供多種切割方式,讓客人根據個人喜好選擇,真是貼心。此外,配套的醬汁搭配得恰到好處,提升了整體的味道。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-07-30
2499 瀏覽
1) 間鋪只得一個樓面阿姐,無論你有無野問佢 ,甚至佢過嚟收碗或收錢,佢一開口就會同你講: 我得一個人架咋。利申: 無追過佢任何嘢,自己執咗部分既碟返入廚房。2) 疑似無冷氣、抽風系統: 大濃煙、本人對眼出晒眼水,隔離枱個客自己攞遙控較部冷氣,結果係無分別既,體感溫度30°C。3) 個爐雷聲大、雨點少,煙霧大之外,係可以話烘熟食物,同「一個人阿姐」講,佢熄咗個抽風,話咁做就會大火d🙄4) 食物一般,一堆結冰蠔以供烘熟。總結: 不推薦原因: 客人同食物一同烘 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
U.S. Prime BeefThe rich marbling and succulent flavors left me in awe of the chef's expertise. I paired the beef with a selection of dipping sauces, each complementing the meat in its unique way, making for a truly savory experience.Seafood boatThe boat was brimming with the freshest catch from the sea, including plump prawns, succulent crab legs, juicy mussels, and tender squid.Macarons These sweet and colorful treats were the perfect way to sweeten the experience. Each macaron was flawlessly crafted, boasting a crisp shell and a luscious, flavorful filling that delighted my taste buds with every bite. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-07-28
968 瀏覽
Macaron:The first bite revealed a delightful crunch, and the flavors were a symphony of sweet, spicy, and slightly sour. The prawn cakes were well-balanced, not overly greasy, and packed with succulent prawn meat. This unique creation was a delightful way to start the meal. Seafood Boat:The seafood was perfectly cooked, retaining its natural sweetness and texture. The green curry sauce was a highlight, rich and fragrant, with just the right level of spiciness. The dish was generously portioned, making it ideal for sharing among a group.assorted of seafood :The grilled prawns were succulent and smoky, while the stir-fried calamari with basil leaves offered a delightful burst of flavor. The spicy seafood salad with fresh herbs and lime dressing provided a refreshing palate cleanser. Each dish was distinct, showcasing the skillful use of Thai herbs and spices to enhance the natural flavors of the seafood. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)