星期一至日: 12:00:-23:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
我呼籲大家唔好去呢度食呀,啲服務態度勁差囉,趕客嫁,我地食咗1個鐘左右,有個侍應走埋嚟話我地仲有15分鐘last order,無話要我地交枱,咁我地咪出去拎野食囉,last order只係我地唔叫野食仲可以慢慢食架嘛,宜家係我地自己出去拎咋喎,無order啲咩,跟住有個侍應走埋嚟話「你地拎咁多野,一定食唔哂囉,仲浪費我啲食物,你地宜家要走喇喎」,態度極度差劣,仲話我地食淨咗啲野要計咩$50 150g,又要我地畀多$50加時食埋佢,講到自己好巴閉咁喎,啲侍應仲要眼啤啤,熄埋我地個火,咩服務態度呀?仲學人做服務性行業,返歸學做人先喇,連最基本嘅尊重都無.........呢間野真係無下次囉,請我都唔去,食到啲客人火都嚟!
The OccasionJust wanted some hotpot style food but not go to HIPOT again. BIG MISTAKE.Service / AtmosphereThe service was OK and fast. Why? Because there was a limit to how long we can stay there - 1.5 hours. We would never have stayed longer then that anyway so thats OK, not with all the terrible cpop playing in the background. 1.5 hours of Joey Yung? NO THANKS.Food Quality / ChoiceTerrible. Meat arrived, some browning on the side. Buffet veg and some mega cheap crab sticks, sausages and ONE type of ball. All three were terrible. Took some of the tofu - I thought tofu was supposed to be soft and smoothe, not hard like a brick... or maybe I'm just uneducated in the way of food Also had unlimited haagen dazs. People queuing like crazy. Daaaamn people, its just haagen dazs! I didn't take any. Looked nasty as hell. (no offence to the others who did queue for it)At least we were provided unlimited canned soda as part of the set. But let's be real, we are not going to drink more than 2 cans each max.TasteNASTY. Had two soup based - shabu shabu (tasted like water and looked like dirty water), and pork bone soup (tasted like water, looked like sewer water). For a restaurant that has 'beef' in the name and advertising wagyu beef etc etc, what a LET DOWN. Texture was like old rags, and tasteless. Each set came with 3 plates of meat, the main course of beef, some pork, and the third plate I honestly could not tell what it was. Couldn't even stomach finished half of it.Value for Money$175 + 10% each person. WHAT? I would be willing to pay $40 for the meal maximum, and that's only if this was the only restaurant in a ten mile radius and I haven't eaten in days.And here's the kicker. My friends and I all developed stomach aches and diarrhea and we all had to invest in some medicine, which basically added an extra $50 to the price each person. RecommendationNone. Skip this if you have any alternate choice. If you have no other restaurant to choose from, just eat some toilet paper - the public toilet kind. Because that's what the beef felt like.
今日經過APM, 就順便食埋個LUNCH,1點鐘見牛陣已經有8成人,入座計60MINS,咁我同個朋友就快快手出去拎配菜,我地揀了清湯底,牛肉6得耐左都唔會太un,味道清甜,而其他配菜包括生菜,芽菜,菇類,南瓜,冬瓜,蕃茄等等...用料新鮮!配菜大小都切得適中食物REFILL速度理想但拎配菜同雪糕的位置太近,唔係禁方便!選擇唔算多....雪糕係H字頭 都幾多人"不".....有strawberry, chocolate,coffee同vanila一個鐘時間其實都幾趕!!!時間過得好快!!走既時候門口巳經企左2,30人...真係誇張不過價錢都算合理.....SERVICE都OK!如果下次唔知食咩都可以揀佢!!