2009-12-21 146 瀏覽
本打算試試電器道那間台式小食,誰知剛好遇上工展會,天后那邊食肆也客似雲來,不經不覺走到遠遠的蜆殼街,不如試試那間雅緻tea and herb,只是週末下午都是享受下午茶的客人,遲來的月巴人只有望門興歎,幸好發現旁邊這間素食小店空無一人,反正醫生要我多吃菜,那來個素食午餐更妙。跟正在喝湯的阿姐打個招呼,保險起見問問她還有東西吃嗎??阿姐熱情地說"有飯呀! 你黎睇下想食乜野餸丫!" 飢腸轆轆的月巴人就走入廚房裡看看有什麼好吃的,嘩....幾盤素菜看來很豐富,樣樣都很好吃似的!!最終選了以下三款:咖喱薯仔一飯碗的給我,吃薯仔也可吃飽了! 薯仔都是一口size,吃來方便得很!由於每件也小小的,因此煮得夠軟又不會不透心, 粉粉糯糯的十分好吃;咖喱味道不濃,有形無實的黃色咖喱汁一點不辣,也沒有額外香料或椰汁味,簡簡單單的味道來得清爽,沒有配肉的咖喱也很好吃的。秀珍菇扒雙花用上西蘭花和椰菜花,兩種花也切得夠件頭,不會碎得像吃剩般,相當有看頭! 兩種菜花煮得軟硬剛好,兩者也帶爽脆感但又不會過硬,很多時候在外面吃的椰菜花會過淋而西蘭花則過硬,這裡的雙花卻沒這種問題,處理得很好;秀珍菇雖然只有2朵,仍不失
本打算試試電器道那間台式小食,誰知剛好遇上工展會,天后那邊食肆也客似雲來,不經不覺走到遠遠的蜆殼街,不如試試那間雅緻tea and herb,只是週末下午都是享受下午茶的客人,遲來的月巴人只有望門興歎,幸好發現旁邊這間素食小店空無一人,反正醫生要我多吃菜,那來個素食午餐更妙。

跟正在喝湯的阿姐打個招呼,保險起見問問她還有東西吃嗎??阿姐熱情地說"有飯呀! 你黎睇下想食乜野餸丫!" 飢腸轆轆的月巴人就走入廚房裡看看有什麼好吃的,嘩....幾盤素菜看來很豐富,樣樣都很好吃似的!!最終選了以下三款:

咖喱薯仔一飯碗的給我,吃薯仔也可吃飽了! 薯仔都是一口size,吃來方便得很!由於每件也小小的,因此煮得夠軟又不會不透心, 粉粉糯糯的十分好吃;咖喱味道不濃,有形無實的黃色咖喱汁一點不辣,也沒有額外香料或椰汁味,簡簡單單的味道來得清爽,沒有配肉的咖喱也很好吃的。

秀珍菇扒雙花用上西蘭花和椰菜花,兩種花也切得夠件頭,不會碎得像吃剩般,相當有看頭! 兩種菜花煮得軟硬剛好,兩者也帶爽脆感但又不會過硬,很多時候在外面吃的椰菜花會過淋而西蘭花則過硬,這裡的雙花卻沒這種問題,處理得很好;秀珍菇雖然只有2朵,仍不失其獨有菇香和爽脆質感,多一點當然更好!芡汁薄薄不糊口,味道不太重,真的好吃。

本只點甜酸齋,阿姐問我要不要些咖喱齋,那就卻之不恭呀! 麵筋吃來比一般的滑溜也不會過油,煮得夠軟滑; 甜酸味應用了白醋來煮,第一口時較為嗆鼻,很有通鼻效果!習慣後就吃到茄汁味,以酸齋味道來說算有勁度了; 咖喱味跟咖囉薯仔相距不遠,同是有色而不重咖喱味的,相對仍是甜酸齋較吸引。

幾款素食味道不重, 調味輕輕的可感到材料天然味道,而且油份很少,合乎少鹽少油健康原則,不錯的素菜味道。

阿姐繼而送上半碗紅米飯和一大碗蓮藕湯; 紅米飯其實是混了白米來煮,質感沒有想像中硬,其實跟白飯差不多,而且軟硬適中用來淘咖喱汁就很好。

在湯碗裡撈呀撈,原來蓮藕湯不單有蓮藕,還有切得幼細的甘筍、紅棗和花生,好豐富!沒肉同煲也一樣清甜。湯渣蓮藕爽脆可口, 想不到煲過湯的花生也是脆脆的,那種清甜比得上平時去佛堂的齋湯,不想浪費食物的月巴人連湯渣也清得七七八八, 結果十二分飽足,少有地連甜品也沒法子再吃!


阿姐態度像媽媽般,靜靜坐在後面絕不打擾你, 吃完後會問"好吃嗎??" 真的好吃呀, 沒有騙你!食齋不如講正話耶,我兩者也做到了 !只可惜葵芳區沒類似食肆,不然我也樂意當個齋姑
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$28 (午餐)
  • 咖喱薯仔
  • 秀珍菇炒雙花
  • 素湯
2009-10-20 148 瀏覽
周日要一早起身返工, 三軍未動, 糧草先行, 落樓食早餐去。附近的餐廳不是周休便是未開門, 好在還有新近由福元街那邊搬了過來的甘香齋。約 8 時來到, 店子才剛開門, 兩位阿姐還在準備中, 但見到我來了, 也就招呼我入內坐。早餐 11 時前 $13 一套, 粥麵餈飯都有, 我有點趕時間就點了可以快快吃完的粢飯 + 豆漿。粢飯可選紅米或白米, 要了較有益的紅米。阿姐知我要趕著吃, 連忙送上豆漿, 放下手上的工作給我做粢飯。一面喝著豆漿 (對我來說還是稍甜, 如有走甜的就好了- 不過晨早流流可別要求太多), 一面看著她先從飯桶裡舀出熱騰騰的紅米飯, 鋪在塑料膜上, 再放上油炸鬼和榨菜, 還有店內有售的素牛肉鬆, 手勢熟練, 不出一分鐘已做好了。平時給「硬掘掘」的粢飯吃壞了胃, 還不知道原來現造現吃的粢飯是這樣的美味呢! 紅米混白米的粢飯有嚼勁但仍保持香軟, 配料雖然簡單, 但是難得地不會過鹹, 在出色的飯襯托之下, 是很窩心的早點。放下 $13, 咬著半個粢飯繼續趕路。離開時阿姐笑笑口地說「多謝」, 讓人在微涼的秋倍添暖意。
周日要一早起身返工, 三軍未動, 糧草先行, 落樓食早餐去。附近的餐廳不是周休便是未開門, 好在還有新近由福元街那邊搬了過來的甘香齋。約 8 時來到, 店子才剛開門, 兩位阿姐還在準備中, 但見到我來了, 也就招呼我入內坐。

早餐 11 時前 $13 一套, 粥麵餈飯都有, 我有點趕時間就點了可以快快吃完的粢飯 + 豆漿。粢飯可選紅米或白米, 要了較有益的紅米。阿姐知我要趕著吃, 連忙送上豆漿, 放下手上的工作給我做粢飯。一面喝著豆漿 (對我來說還是稍甜, 如有走甜的就好了- 不過晨早流流可別要求太多), 一面看著她先從飯桶裡舀出熱騰騰的紅米飯, 鋪在塑料膜上, 再放上油炸鬼和榨菜, 還有店內有售的素牛肉鬆, 手勢熟練, 不出一分鐘已做好了。

平時給「硬掘掘」的粢飯吃壞了胃, 還不知道原來現造現吃的粢飯是這樣的美味呢! 紅米混白米的粢飯有嚼勁但仍保持香軟, 配料雖然簡單, 但是難得地不會過鹹, 在出色的飯襯托之下, 是很窩心的早點。

放下 $13, 咬著半個粢飯繼續趕路。離開時阿姐笑笑口地說「多謝」, 讓人在微涼的秋倍添暖意。
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$13 (早餐)
  • 粢飯
Wants and Needs don't necessarily go hand in hand. You want to eat out, but you may not need to do so; You need to exercise to lose the extra weight but you may not want to. It may be relative whether the two should align anytime during one's life, depending on the circumstances, often times, it is one who makes the call, weighing which trumps the other. Recently for me it's the vivid memory of the whole pork knuckle (comes with sauerkraut and beer) during a trip out west. It's not easy to tackl
Wants and Needs don't necessarily go hand in hand. You want to eat out, but you may not need to do so; You need to exercise to lose the extra weight but you may not want to. It may be relative whether the two should align anytime during one's life, depending on the circumstances, often times, it is one who makes the call, weighing which trumps the other. Recently for me it's the vivid memory of the whole pork knuckle (comes with sauerkraut and beer) during a trip out west. It's not easy to tackle a whole pork knuckle but after an entire morning of hiking with the sun blazing above, it's not all that hard to down it. (I enjoyed it a lot, in fact). The aftermath certainly involves shunning away from every bits of swine limbs every time I get, oh, and I want vegetables.

This day I just happened to stop by this little joint. The name was familiar, and when I knew I wanted mid-morning breakfast, the name of 紅米粢飯 won me over. 甘香齋 has opened for 20 some years in a different location, it's only recently that they have relocated into this new location at Shell Street, neighboring Tea and Herb just down a few stores. They offer convenient lunches with 8 different varieties of vegetables, soy products, and beans to choose from each day, feel free to mix and match with a giant bowl of soup and a choice of white/ red+ white rice to go with each meal. At $25 (for 2 choices) it's quite a steal in the neighborhood.

I ordered up that 紅米粢飯 and have chilled soy milk to go with. ($13 for breakfast, $14 after 11am). I was greeted by a smiley woman who handed me my order. The soy milk was chilled, but not ice-cold. It tasted lightly sweet. The 紅米粢飯 arrived next -- tightly bound in plastic wrap like any other ones. I looked closely from the outside -- granules of white glutinous rice turned slightly purple -- the colour of lilac, with black glutinous rice bejeweling within. The filling was fried dough, pickled mustard tuber and wait...pork floss? I looked again, it really was pork floss. Turned out, it was one of those vegetarian pork floss -- made with the stem part of mushrooms (unlikely ingredient, but think about a fresh mushroom's stem. When you bite into it, it becomes tiny strands!) I unwrapped the parcel and bit into it -- the textures and flavours were exactly the same with the meat-version, so real I seemed to have forgotten the whole not-eating-meat factor. It wasn't an issue at all when I was eating it, bite by bite. The nice crunch on the mustard tuber paired nicely with the gooey fried dough and the glutinous rice exterior, which also offered a slightly sweeter aftertaste than just ordinary white glutinous rice.

While enjoying this, I was offered some culinary tips by the smiley lady -- turned out, glutinous rice, the black one has to be presoaked and cannot be cooked in a rice cooker (I did not know that). To yield fluffy glutinous rice the granules must be soaked before hand and then STEAMED (she didn't show me how, but I figured it's like cooking basmati rice) That, I didn't know in the first place. The lady was friendly all through our conversation and that made my visit a good one with simple food but good conversations, also made me realize that restaurant experiences often don't lead up to the personal conversation of likes, dislikes, and preferences, and smiles are often in very short supply as well. (sincere ones are scarce among the smiles you get). The service, was enthusiastic and it showed me that these people who have run this little shop for the past 20 some years, have done something right, that they have wanted to do it right and felt to align the needs for their clientele and their own to do things the right way -- not to waste, and to encourage themselves to serve on a mission to promote vegetarian meals for the omnivorous clientele. That, is the kind of charity mission I think that will benefit me not just on the front of health, but others as well.

Note: 甘香齋 closes at 3 pm on Sundays and Public holidays. Other days they close at 8 pm.
Modest entrance, but you won't miss it.
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For $13 you get a good breakfast ($14 after 11am)
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Soy milk is slightly chilled but not icy cold.
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The "purple parcel" itself tasted good (no meat)
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A small selection of vegetarian products for sale
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$14 (早餐)
Modest entrance, but you won't miss it.
For $13 you get a good breakfast ($14 after 11am)
Soy milk is slightly chilled but not icy cold.
The "purple parcel" itself tasted good (no meat)
A small selection of vegetarian products for sale
  • 紅米粢飯
  • 豆漿