10:00 - 23:00
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食評 (146)
I am writing to express my utter dismay and anger over the deplorable treatment I received at the GINDACO outlet in the food court adjacent to the log on store in Taikoo City Plaza. Upon purchasing my meal at the GINDACO stall and waiting for my order, I was astonished by the rude behavior exhibited by a middle-aged man with golden hair and glasses. Despite my silent presence and a mere step forward, this individual aggressively shouted at me, "Wait for your number! Can’t you understand?" FOR TWICE. His tone was not only disrespectful but utterly uncalled for. Following my meal, I promptly approached the counter in an attempt to identify this individual. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be found. When I inquired about his name from the other staff members present, they blatantly refused to provide me with any information. Besides, when I tell them about my experience, THEY JUST IGNORE ME AND NOT FEELING SORRY AT ALL. Their collective indifference and lack of accountability were appalling. As someone with hearing difficulties and limited proficiency in Cantonese, I felt singled out and discriminated against. The blatant disrespect and lack of consideration I encountered during this incident are inexcusable. I am now contemplating sharing my experience on various platforms, including social media, to shed light on the discriminatory practices of individuals within your establishment. I demand a formal apology and assurance that appropriate action will be taken to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. Racism and Discrimination in any form is unacceptable and should not be tolerated under any circumstances.
呢間章魚小丸子得閒經過會幫襯下估唔到都就來結業地點都就腳呢間分店難得是food court 可以坐低買買食總有炒麵同其他小食總有綠茶牛奶飲 唔係間間分店都有架好可惜啊
築地GINDACO (太古)好食度: 😋😋😋/5性價比: 😌😌😌/5回頭率: 🚶🏻🚶🏽🚶🏾🚶🏿/5價錢:HKD52,八粒明太子芝士章魚小丸子呢間係其中一間港男有情義結嘅餐廳之一,基本上如果去到會食嘢嘅話,都係首選會食嘅。老實講,由初到香港好hit,到現在其實無咩特別有人會留意,都係香港好多年了。望住啲職員轉啲章魚小丸子,其實都好治癒。咁啱今日見到有隻應該係期間限定嘅口味,明太子芝士章魚小丸子,港男就梗係即試。講真,可能真係無以前咁多人幫襯了,基本上好快就拎到,食落唔係太熱,少少溫咁,而啲芝士真係就咁放上去,其實無咩特別,咁明太子都只係明太子味。或者真係記住初心,食返原味先係最好呢。———-//////————地址:太古太古城道18號太古城中心地庫Apita Food Plaza電話:25607155
如標題所見喇,由中學食到宜家,$50有麵有章魚燒仲有野飲,太古城呢個地段有呢個套餐真係好救糧尾命架😂😂加$2就可以加蛋沙律醬,好多時我都會加,因為真係好食架,好似有球雪糕係面咁😂Matcha Latte 今日就麻麻地啦,比較水,希望下次再食時可以濃返啲🍵