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食評 (63)
等級3 2016-11-01
1522 瀏覽
搵新地方食午飯是每天工作動力之一, 今日鎖定奧海城3期開張不久的美心香港地, 新裝修令人充滿新鮮感。門面好吸引, 以舊香港招牌鐵閘地磚那種綠色作主調。厚多士加炒蛋, 多士要讚一讚, 做到外香脆內鬆軟, 不簡單。牛油味好香。我平時不喜歡吃多士, 但這除澳牛以外算比較好食的。炒蛋, 相信落了牛油, 牛奶, 很滑, 蛋香濃郁, 又不會流出蛋汁, 火候控制得不錯,碟上亦不會好多油。咖哩滑蛋漢堡扒飯, 同事點的, 賣相味道都不錯, 只是咖哩有點深色, 咖哩汁有點鹹。漢堡都算厚身, 鎮上肉汁。龍蝦汁叉燒意粉, 龍蝦汁稍偏鹹, 意粉硬度剛好,  叉燒不夠香, 偏瘦。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-06-08
1161 瀏覽
係奧海城都幾難搵食見到有位所以就即刻入去坐低一邊睇餐牌價錢雖然唔係貴食物預咗係公式化但一坐低就不斷聽到身邊周圍嘅食客投訴感覺真係唔係好得有啲人可能真係等左好耐所以心情煩躁我其實都等左半個鐘先見到個鐵板飯韓式牛柳食落覺得牛肉唔新鮮幾大浸雪味荷包蛋係凍嘅飯底太乾身仲有另外一個豚肉鍋Sukiyaki 汁太甜似糖水但冇乜鮮味道豚肉一睇顏色已經覺得好唔新鮮滾熟咗之後係有少少怪味仲叫啲肉質勁0鞋本來想退但係因為等得太久我食哂啲菜同烏冬就算數好一個甜到爆嘅楊枝甘露底有少少西米可能食快餐仲會比較好少少 繼續閱讀
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Hong Kong Day is a new Concept by a larger consortium at large in Hong Kong, it is aiming at creating new food concepts for what I coin as Upper-end HK food, averagely affordable to the local population but with a core quality that is always guaranteed. One will find this at Hong Kong Day’s outlets and currently most shops are currently promoting a Teppan hot plate concept as well. Me and some friends were keen to visit here as a lunch catch-up as I wanted to try out several dishes to share as some lived and worked along this convenient train line. A lot of people won’t understand my thinking – but to me personally, I am always training myself alert to develop my business senses and instinct, because it helps me out a lot in general when we monitor everything in the market and we have to predict trends in order to make it happen before time. For some reason I found resonance with this group’s restaurants thus far.. Hong Kong Day 香港地 -I have already been to their other Hong Kong Day Shop in Ma On Shan and Central before. . Interior Space -It’s the latest food trend presented here which I was most interested in.  Modernized Hong Kong food but a staple for everyone day in and day out. I am getting hungry but hope it turns out to be ok good... Sizzling Pans - We ordered a couple of these options…. Surprisingly a few were localized Hong Kong Cantonese influenced. Interesting...蜂蜜薏米冰 – Iced Barley Drink with Honey (Included in Meal Set)The lady serving me this said this is with natural honey and not artificial sugar. which hits the right spot. ~ 8/10.豬腳薑醋蛋鮮雜菌雞粒芹菜炆紅米飯 – Pigs Knuckle in Ginger & Red Vinegar, with Teppan rice of Mixed Mushrooms, Chicken pieces, Celery and Mixed Red & White Rice grains $68This recipe is usually more for pregnant women or people needing more ‘heat’ in their body if you follow Chinese medicine and it’s philosophy of slowly maintaining the balance of body.. Was surprised personally to see this recipe here, as this is quite feminine and with more ginger and mushrooms too as a combination. Interesting indeed and it tasted great and vinegary/gingery. More suitable for ladies in general I still believe! But I really liked this myself ~ 9/10.Fully Cooked Egg in the Chinese Vinegar and Gingery Solution -Part of the above meal.Cheese and Fried Chicken Thigh with Kimchi, Pork Belly Slices and Potato Starch Noodles 芝士煎雞扒泡菜腩片, 炒薯粉 – $68This was very good as a combo, the chicken fried tender and so were the julienned pork slices. I somehow wished there were more gooey cheesy though to complete the package, as is the current trend as people nowadays love to pull more cheese. ~ 8/10 蠔汁鮑魚梅菜腩肉魚柳炆紅米飯 – $88This has a whole Abalone, with Pickled Pork Belly, Grouper Fish and Half white and red rice. This was another highlight. Unassuming at first, this was cooked really well for a Fast Food Shop with a new concept. On of the highlights for sure and glad we also ordered this to try. No wonder this shop has gotten so many positive reviews online lately. Just typing this up makes me hungry for supper already.. I miss this dish the most myself. Price: HKD $58 to $88Food: ♕♕♕♕ - ♕♕♕♕ 1/2Address: 大角咀海泓道1號奧海城三期UG65號舖大角咀海泓道1號奧海城三期UG65號舖Ph: +852 2758 5228 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-09-23
1250 瀏覽
 「香港地」--這家港式餐廳,名字擁有地道特色,在香港各區都有分店。在中環區上班的我,喜歡早上在「香港地」吃早餐,嘆一杯香滑的絲襪奶茶再工作。閒時亦會光顧他們的午市。至於晚市,倒還沒試過。某天下班後來到奧海城,又看到這個熟悉的名字,於是奉獻了晚市的第一次。這間分店比中上環分店大得多,樓底高,裝修雅緻,還有適合六人以上的沙發座位,坐得舒服。 餐廳門外的廣告牌推介「滋吱叫鐵板」,未入座前已想試。拿起餐牌看看,共有四款選擇,分別為鮮雜菌雞粒芹菜炆紅米飯配豬腳薑醋蛋、芝士煎雞扒泡菜腩片炒薯粉、芝士豬軟骨鮮茄牛肉絲燴意粉、蠔汁鮑魚梅菜腩肉魚柳炆紅米飯。 每款的配搭看起來都好吸引。而因為這天胃口較好,結果點了三個「滋吱叫鐵板」!除了豬軟骨外,其他三款都點了。 為什麼叫「滋吱叫鐵板」?因為食物放在鐵板上煮,上桌時鐵板「滋吱」作響,熱氣騰騰。首先來的是「蠔汁鮑魚梅菜腩肉魚柳炆紅米飯」(HK$88)。矜貴的鮑魚與市井的梅菜腩南的創新配搭,是三款之中我最喜愛的一個。先嚐一口飯,採用較健康的紅米。喜歡米粒炒得 Juicy 分明,更伴隨著蔥香,鮮爽清香。鮑魚是一口大小,炆得入味而嚼感亦不俗。梅菜夠甜,「男人的浪漫」之一的半肥瘦腩肉亦鬆軟入味。至於魚柳亦煮得夠滑溜,各方面都做得不錯。 而「鮮雜菌雞粒芹菜炆紅米飯」(HK$68)的材料全部切碎,混在飯中一起炒,口感豐富。味道比鮑魚炆紅米飯濃一些,但少了那份清新,各勝擅長。個人來說,會比較喜歡鮑魚炆紅米飯。這個飯配一客豬腳薑醋蛋,甜味較重,味道不差。 最後的「芝士煎雞扒泡菜腩片炒薯粉」(HK$58)融入中、西、韓式食材及料理風格。薯粉爽口彈牙,帶微辣,伴著泡菜、紅蘿蔔絲和芽菜等配料,口感更豐富。雞扒大件飽滿,加上半融芝士更添滋味。 另外,每款「滋吱叫鐵板」均奉送一杯蜂蜜薏米冰。本來微甜的薏米加入了蜂蜜,味道吸引又健康,且有清熱下火的作用,適合吃完鐵板等熱氣的食物後飲用。 小評:奧海城分店的環境很舒服。幾款「滋吱叫鐵板」由 HK$58 至 HK$88 元不等,價格合理,而整體質素亦不錯,值得一試。當中我最喜歡的是「蠔汁鮑魚梅菜腩肉魚柳炆紅米飯」。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-09-12
1164 瀏覽
Hong Kong day has done it again!We were there for the sizzling dishes.There are four sizzling choices so we tried all four.We went to the Tai Kok Tsui branch because it is accessible by MTR and the restaurant is spacious.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★All the sizzling dishes came with a soothing iced honey and barley drink that was sweet and cooling.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Pork knuckles & egg in ginger & sweetened vinegar with braised red rice with assorted mushrooms, diced chicken & celery $68I knew I was going to like this because I love pork knuckles stewed in ginger & sweetened vinegar.Tried the braised rice and it was so tasty because it was flavoured by the chicken and mushrooms contrasted by the crisp fragrant celery.If you have the pork knuckles with the rice, you get more complexity with sweet and savoury notes.*I highly recommend this*★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★pan-fried chicken steak with cheese, stir-fried sweet potato vermicelli with kimchi & sliced pork belly $58This is the dish for people who like sweet and spicy tastes.The stir-fried sweet potato vermicelli was exciting because of the Kimchi and the chicken steak was tender, covered in delicious melted cheese.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★pork cartilage with cheese, braised shredded beef spaghetti with tomato $58As well as the rice, this is another one that should be ordered because the stir fried spaghetti has an appetizing tomato flavour with juicy pieces of tomato and tender strips of beef.The pork cartilage was soft and flavourful.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★abalone in oyster sauce, braised red rice with preserved vegetables, pork belly & fish fillet $88:The abalone was surprisingly big!This is another filling sizzling dish with fish, abalone and pork belly.The rice had a strong ginger taste which goes well with the fish and abalone.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ 繼續閱讀
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