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巴辣香雞翼 巴辣雞腿包 白汁雞皇飯 葡撻 磨菇飯 薯格
食評 (15)
Got the Crunchy-Munchy Black Pepper chicken and I was surprised it tasted better than I expected.I was expecting fried chicken with plain spicy black pepper taste but the black pepper was not that strong and there was basil flavouring it in as well which made it really nice.Visually it looks similar to the usual fried chicken but there are lots of black pepper on the coating. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++With the set, I had Chicken A La King and I had that first before eating the chicken. It is similar to chicken royale but nothing as nice compared to it and there is not meant to be black pepper in the chicken royale.It ruined the fried chicken for me because the black pepper taste in the Chicken A La King was much stronger than the black pepper in the fried chicken.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++O.MO Pudding (Purin) - yogurt flavour On the lid it saids PURIN.Custard Pudding which is creamy and smooth is generally called purin in Japan.There were two flavours sesame and yoghurt, I got the yoghurt because not many custard desserts are yoghurt flavoured and the taste was quite interesting.However, the yogurt taste was faint because the chicken before had strong taste but if you tasted the purin before anything else it would have tasted normal.It is hard to refresh your palette with soft drinks such as coke unless you have plain water.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Red bean ice drinkNot my cup of tea, but it is red beans, condensed milked and syrup!A Chinese favourite!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2010-06-02
82 瀏覽
今晚晚餐時間得20分鐘,,要平要快要有位又要穩陣,,唯有又KFC,, 呢次叫既係超級雞翼餐B,,$31.8 有5隻雞翼 + 辣汁蘑菇飯 + 葡tart + 汽水,,5隻雞翼有兩隻巴辣香雞翼/2隻至激青芥末雞翼同1隻咖喱惹火醬呢次係第二次食喇,,已經無左新鮮感,,不過令我意外既係呢間KFC既野食比上次九龍bay果間分店好好多!咖喱惹火醬味道不錯,,真係幾惹味!青芥末有少少芥末味,,唔會辣,,反而我覺得有少少似洋蔥/蒜味,,都唔錯既!今次D雞翼炸完都唔會太乾身,,而且個飯擺15分鐘後仲係熱既,,D飯唔會似聲米,,比其他分店好!總括黎講都OK既,,值得一試=] 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2010-05-23
59 瀏覽
晨早流流入來開工兼探班, 來 KFC 吃早餐都是亂挑之下的結果。不想在 KFC 吃炸物, 好在還有這款厚肉鮮茄燒雞腿貝殼粉早餐。忘了價錢, 好像都要廿多元的 ($24?)。蕃茄湯底酸酸的幾醒胃, 蕃茄厚肉嗎...都 OK 啦不過厚肉就沒什麼蕃茄味的啊。又有幾粒粟米。貝殼粉有一段日子沒吃過了, 有點腍不過看上去覺得開心一點的。雞腿肉是蜜蜜燒的那種, 雞皮非常薄脆, 沒什麼脂肪, 可以食埋; 雞肉少少甜的幾惹味。跟餐的蜜糖綠茶不算太甜。 繼續閱讀
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(非會員) 2010-04-02
48 瀏覽
本人想投訴將軍澳東港城分店的外送速遞1)晚上22:09落order,20分鐘後分店致電本人,"火辣狂惹燒雞"Sold out!!!!要我轉香辣脆雞,你們的營業時間是直至11:00pm,點解咁早就沒有?2)Order到後5分鐘,我打開一盒雞後,簡直是垃圾,"火辣狂惹燒雞"都細少得幾狂野喎6cm x 5cm(有相為證)3)野菌湯凍,完全一d都唔曖,我用電子溫度計check,只有36.5度4)送漏了2件香辣脆雞,總數11件,但只有9件5)致電call center投訴,轉線落鋪,但call center說分店較忙,未能接電話(都好好生意喎)6)當值經理完全沒有誠意跟進我的order!!!說要重新做order,但要wait多30分鐘,湯又冇,又要轉汽水2支,而且態度惡劣得可怕!!!!!7)向當值經理投訴後,竟然送回2件,"火辣狂惹燒雞",是否要客人投訴,才會有該產品賣呢?8)食一餐KFC要足足要wait110分鐘!!!!!!落單22:09,最後到達23:51 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2009-04-07
74 瀏覽
今日夜晚叫咗kfc外賣, 叫咗六件雞, 四個葡撻, 再用coupon, 買滿$80送兩客家鄉什菜湯10:50pm落order, 佢話11:40pm前送到我地等到好肚餓, 好想佢快d送到黎.......終於等到11:20pm, 佢打電話黎話送到樓下點知落到去, 佢先同我地講話因為太夜所而d湯賣晒.....咩話!?頭先落單時又唔講, 而家先同我地講出車之前可以打個電話同我地講賣晒都得je~ 最多咪唔要law我地係特登為咗個coupon先叫超過$80一心諗住有湯飲, 點知得個吉~~有咩理由可以咁做生意ga最過份ge就係我地返到上去發現佢淨係送咗四件雞黎我地要六件就淨係送咗四件黎, 太可惡呀~! 梗係打返電話去追啦好在佢都幾快送返俾我地kfc d外賣服務不嬲都唔係太好, 但今次係最差的一次!!! 繼續閱讀
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