港鐵灣仔站 A1 出口, 步行約10分鐘
08:00 - 18:00
11:00 - 18:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
今日去開灣仔, 肚餓餓哋,叫咗個下午茶, 叫咗個家鄉雞套餐, 套餐包括兩件雞、一個細磨菇飯同一杯飲品, 啲雞炸到外皮好爽脆, 內裏好軟滑, 蘑菇飯有大量嘅蘑菇配埋香濃嘅黑椒汁, 味道一流! 價錢方便就偏貴,一個套餐盛惠45.5,同午餐差唔多價位!
香港終於有麻辣炸雞食啦... 上年12月去台灣旅行食過"椒香麻辣脆雞",一試難忘。今次喺香港見到呢個"椒麻脆辣雞",鐘意麻辣又鐘意食炸雞嘅我一定要試埋.....當然,完全了解兩地推出可能唔係同一樣嘢,但因為上次太好食,又因為呢次係衝住回味上次味道而食,所以呢次評論我亦難免會以先入為主的心態,去跟嗰次台灣作對比。首先雞件雞肉炸粉比例為佢哋基本雞件製作水準,香口乾身,雞肉都算嫩,個人嚟計都OK。講重點個麻辣,椒麻脆辣雞打開有傳嚟麻辣香味,但細心檢查一下,發現原來真係唔係我心目中台灣食過果種,香港呢個係用味粉灑面,整體比較乾身脆口,入口如果唔食皮就同食普通炸雞一般。而台灣果個係醮麻辣醬汁,個人比較喜歡醮有醬汁炸雞。辣度方面,椒麻脆辣雞唔算好辣不過夠香,適合一般人食,相信係因為想穏陣採取保守策略而唔敢過辣,嗜辣者可能會失望。台灣果個係大辣,好刺激!不過呢次啲雞係啱啱炸(定焗)起非常咁熱,所以加分不少。
Odered a chicken meal and was asked to wait for the potato fries to be cooked and was given an order number card for my table. So I sat down and started to eat my meal slowly. The words on the card reminded me to wait and the food would be delivered to me when ready. I saw staff members walking around the tables and in/out of the kitchen and saw they noticed the card on my table so I continued to wait. After 30 minutes I asked the lady walking around the tables if she could check where my order was as it's been a while? She simply told me to go to the counter myself and ask. I reminded her that the card said wait for delivery, but she again said to go and ask myself, and I began to wonder if this staff member realised what her job was or where she worked? I asked her, why couldn't she ask, as she was standing right next to the serving counter and she again told me to go ask myself and just walked away.To my frustration, I asked the serving lady where my fries were and that it had been over 30 minutes already, and she simply replied, "What?" In Cantonese. Then she went and got my fries knowing what I wanted anyway. No apology, no explanation given. The staff then begain to walk past my table and even stand and stare at me aggressively. When I left I was even shoulder barged by the same table staff lady. Totally unwelcoming and horrible experience. The attitude and aggression from staff is totally unacceptable.