港鐵銅鑼灣站 B 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
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食評 (37)
等級2 2020-11-19
429 瀏覽
This place is a no-frills, very local Cantonese noodle shop that serves wonton noodles with huge prawn and pork wontons, along with other things like fishballs and dumplings. They also have beef with thick rice noodles. Their version of Vietnamese pho, except they don't at all claim it is Vietnamese, unlike Spring Field which does and is an abomination to authentic Vietnamese pho. This place's beef rice noodle soup tastes very Hong Kong. It's a generous portion of softly cooked rice noodles, with tender slices of beef, served in the same broth that they serve their wonton noodles in. But it's very pleasant, and for just $28 a bowl, a really good deal. I like this place because doesn't pretend to be something that it's not. It's authentic. The staff are friendly but also down get right down to business. The food is prepared in the open kitchen at the front, so you can see what and how they're cooking. And although I was dreading their beef noodle soup because most HK restaurants that claim to do pho just mess it up -- especially Spring Field -- This noodle soup is surprisingly pleasant, and enjoyable because it doesn't try to pass itself off as pho. Spring Field can learn a lesson from this place. Call beef noodles, beef noodles. Not Vietnamese beef noodles when it's not Vietnamese at all.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-12-12
552 瀏覽
在灣仔堅拿道西的自由麵食, 餛飩 出名大隻,雖然比起以前是稍為縮水了少少,但鮮蝦爽脆大隻, 特別一提的是,蝦腸 全部清理乾淨食得放心,而且價錢合理,鮮蝦雲吞24元一碗。  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-10-09
386 瀏覽
銅鑼灣區都有咁平嘅麵食$24 有碗單/雙拼麵個湯底都濃味,加少少辣醬已經算幾辣下魚蛋魚片都異常大粒,尤其係魚片未食過咁厚身!反而我鍾意正常嘅厚度多啲而且有少少怪味 不過呢個價錢接受到最正係出街食到菜$12 / 碟有菜心、通菜叫咗碟通菜,都幾大碟,撈腐乳好正啊叫咗支豆漿,$9/枝,仲可以整熱支裝汽水都係$9/枝嘢飲又唔算特別平~成餐都只係$45!出到灣仔/銅鑼灣區想慳錢,不妨去鵝頸橋附近呢間麵食,環境都算乾淨企利! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-08-25
301 瀏覽
今日去過鵝頸橋嗰邊,雖然銅鑼灣Time Square食野好貴,但一條天橋相隔嘅灣仔街市呢邊就平好多,所以順便食個平靚正粉麵😊招牌雲吞幼麵 $24招牌雲吞好大粒,肉饀很多,豬肉爽口嫩滑,蝦肉彈牙,而且仲成4粒咁多魚蛋米粉 $24除左3粒魚蛋外,仲有2粒炸魚角。魚蛋係白魚蛋,味道比炸魚蛋香、魚味較重、口感腍滑。炸魚角則較彈牙、香口。係而家嘅香港真係無乜邊幾間可以做到單餸$24/碗啦👍🏻良心餐廳👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-01-29
544 瀏覽
讀書時期, 隔幾日就會去嗰度食一次面。 後來出嚟做嘢,都會掛住佢啲牛腩, 逢星期六返去食一次最鍾意呢到, 使用舊式面店格局, 老闆喺門口密密手包雲吞 。而且地方闊落, 店面乾淨, 枱櫈唔會黐立立,又不會趕客, 就算食一碗麵都對我好有禮貌。不過,可能太耐冇來,最近經過發現佢唔同左, 冇咗我最鍾意食嘅侯柱牛腩真係好失望唯有食返碗雲吞河最鍾意呢到啲河粉有彈性,又唔會碎濕濕。相信佢係用新鮮河粉。雲吞冇以前咁大粒lu, 不過都ok嘅,而且湯底都有少少大地魚味...22蚊一碗非常超值了呢個價錢做到有啲質素已經算係好好啦.好過好多連鎖式舖頭,啲河粉碎濕濕,又粗糙 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)