港鐵佐敦站 C1 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (13)
一間類似美心西餅的店,但款式較特別,如朱古力批及鬆餅。 繼續閱讀
09:30 - 22:00
09:30 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 現金 八達通
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (19)
Mrs Fields Cookies always located in different mtr stations, opened for long in hk but didn’t get the chance to try, this popular cookies and muffin shop You can easily buy muffins everywhere in US, simply in every bread shops haa, and cooking banana cake just like we eat Ma Lai Go for a breakfast, part of our daily meal, i used to cook banana cake myself with my aunt host haaa, so good experience and\ indeed missing yummy banana cake, it just a piece of cake for her to cook haaa, and i found back that old time flavor feel so good and that cinnamon taste  yayaya, personally add some marks haaa, love to eat some walnut diced Chocolate muffin is my favoriteee choice haa, big fan of chocolate yaya, good to have a chocolate chips insides haa, though i think the muffin is a bit dry not too moisturizing, only bad thingBlueberry muffin is unexpectedly sour, i rather prefer sweet sweet berry sadBlackcurrant muffin having sweeter taste than blueberry one, i’d say this one better, but still i would choose chocolate one lollI like the texture of cookies is better than muffin, way more soft and yummy haa, we take raisin cookies with cinnamon flavor is the smallest piece, tastes good and sweet with very strong cinnamon flavor yaya, i love it! giving the familiar flavor of US food haa, and having many diced walnut and nut insides, such a good good one haaGinger bread cookies having strong ginger flavor and some white chocolate insides, very soft texture. Chocolate cookies having same taste as chocolate muffin but in cookies text loll, the taste still good with lovely chocolate chips haaaFor cookies, i would pick raisin cookies or chocolate one, ginger flavor seem too hot to me menu:Not a bad choice to get some muffins and cookies here, you can tastes american flavor ha 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2018-07-27
908 瀏覽
星期五晚同同事食完飯,就買D老公囝囝最愛曲奇俾佢地聽日放假食先之前join左會員卡,每月有一次買3送3,半價好抵呢,我同囝囝最愛朱古力特靱,好香濃朱古力味,而且呢間好新鮮,日日清👍平均$7一塊,抵呀!店員好細心,一塊一個袋仔裝好,拎來食好方便好乾淨,鬆餅可以做早歺,配杯咖啡就已經好滿足 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2018-07-27
437 瀏覽
男朋友有張優惠卷去換曲奇餅,好開心!有個好靚嘅紙盒仔,我地選左一塊三料朱古力曲奇餅,同埋一塊朱古力果仁曲奇餅。(確實嘅名我唔太記得)味道好甜,材料好足,如果可以有少糖版本可能我地會更喜愛。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2018-01-24
418 瀏覽
其實我真係每次見到呢間嘅曲奇都好想食嘅因為佢每次都保持到一定嘅水準冇令我失望過我既至愛嘅始終都係甜味嘅曲奇 因為我覺得食甜野心情會好好多㗎 所以朱古力曲奇真係我最愛啦 平時食嘅曲奇一般都係脆嘅 但係呢度既曲奇真係好似啱啱焗出嚟咁軟林林 而且佢嘅朱古力粒粒既甜味啱啱好 我最鍾意就係買佢6粒細細既曲奇 因為可以逐塊逐塊慢慢嘆 除咗曲奇之外 我覺得佢嘅朱古力鬆餅都抵讚架 雖然佢嘅蛋糕唔算好大又唔係話蛋味好香 但係我好欣賞嘅朱古力粒粒好鬼死多囉 差唔多每一啖都有朱古力粒粒添架 之前買過黎做早餐 食咗個心情都會好d 架 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2017-10-15
436 瀏覽
生日月,AIA免費送兩塊曲同心形罐比客戶,非常窩心!琴日食晚飯前經過佐敦地鐵站見有分店,就即刻換埋你食,任揀兩款曲奇餅!我呢個朱古力控,當然係揀咗一塊三料朱古力,跟住一塊合桃特韌,首先不嬲都知道呢間嘅曲奇餅係淋身唔係脆口嗰隻,但原本諗住都有少少外脆內軟的,但原來一盒就已經係全淋,一點脆都無,成塊淋pat pat... 真係唔係我鍾意口感。另外個三料朱古力,食咗一口就已經覺得太太太甜,甜到我d 牙都敏感了。我同朋友各試了一口,就放棄了。合桃特韌完全無味⋯不過個心形罐好靚,好在曲奇唔冼錢買ga 😏🤣🤣 繼續閱讀
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