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食評 (49)
等級4 2020-01-06
1785 瀏覽
星期日晚係最唔想煮飯嘅一晚,上網找到這間隱世嘅親子餐廳,話明隱世,即係唔係好多人知、位置不太張揚,的確,人不太多,星期日都唔使訂位,Walk in🚶‍♂️就有得食,位置係何文田,雖然都叫係鐵路沿線🚉,但出咗站都要行一段路架!雖然係咁,但去到有驚喜,坐到個靚位,店員一見到我囡囡,就話:「不如坐近遊戲的地方,不用小朋友走得太遠,又可以容易看管到小朋友。」十分體貼細心😘食物方面,有set、有散叫,我哋就叫咗兩個set:1. 煙三文魚忌廉汁意粉:味道不太濃,好啱小朋友食2. 肉眼牛扒飯:五成熟,煎得好好,恰到好處可配湯🍵或沙律🥗及跟兩杯飲品,個湯係無味精嘅亞媽靚湯,亞囡勁鍾意❤️遊戲位置有Lego牆,小廚房等玩具,好適合3-6歲小朋友玩,不得不讚下囡囡,佢好乖,食嘢唔會扭計,食完晒嘢先去玩,抵錫😘大家都來試下啦! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2019-11-22
807 瀏覽
同我家男人黎到何文田廣場到諗下晚餐食咩,咁岩見到依間餐廳,就走入黎試下啦,入到黎見到地方都算大,仲有好多俾小朋友玩的遊戲,拎左餐牌睇下,因為唔知食咩好,有個同事就走埋黎推薦左個佢地晚餐入面的祖傳五香焗雞,因為我懶,就決定食依個,就跟左個薯菜,而男人就叫左肉眼扒,男人個肉眼扒就上左先,我當然就有叉隻叉吉黎食下,估唔到好有驚喜,個扒煎得幾好,肉質鮮嫩,真係煎到7成熟,跟住到焗雞,肉質都好嫩,雞胸都唔好”鞋”,果然係唔錯,最後食埋個巨型焦糖燉蛋,真心勁滿足,下次一定會再幫襯。因為食晒啲嘢先醒起影相,所以只可以影到個甜品。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-07-16
670 瀏覽
欣賞這家餐廳的店員工作賣力亦很有禮貌.今次在中午時候到訪, 點了一客雜菜蒜蓉意粉, 午市亦奉送沙拉和飲料.蒜蓉煎得很香口, 份量很足, 令整道菜更惹味.不合格的地方是意粉量太多而餸的份量太少. 整碟意粉幾乎都真的只有意粉, 雜菜的部份真的只有幾條幼青瓜, 露筍和一粒小蕃茄. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2019-07-11
606 瀏覽
The restaurant is located on the second floor of Ho Man Tin Plaza, and is themed to be a family friendly cafe. There is a play area specifically for kids to play video games and have fun, which is one of the major selling points of the cafe. The concept of the restaurant is quite good and unique to the district of hmt, but the quality of food definitely have rooms of improvement.The first dish was Black truffle seafood risotto. The portion was very small and the plate was not appealing. The only thing good about the dish was the sauce. Although the color of the sauce looked plain, the taste of truffle was actually quite rich and the texture was creamy. The other mains was the Shrimp spaghetti in garlic sauce. When it was served, again, it looked plain and dull. It looked as if they forgot to put the sauce. At the first bite, all I could taste is SALT, not the garlic. It was too salty that it burned my tongue and I could not even finish my plate. The better dish is the burger and chips, which could hardly go wrong. The patty is juicy and the cheese melts to the perfect extent. The fries are crispy and thick as well. That was one good dish.The chicken with blue cheese was good as well. The skin was crispy on the outside and the flesh was very juicy on the inside. The blue cheese dip was also a very good match with the chicken.About the drinks, the apple kale juice was quite refreshing and unique.The sweetness of the apple juice softens the bitterness of the kale. I thought there will be no residue, but surprisingly there was kale for me to chew on, which is not preferable for some people, but I like it. We also ordered coffee. It tasted very watery and not rich in coffee flavor, which is quite a disappointment. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
終於明白點解噤易搵位,原來完全唔值這個價囉。碟黑松露海鮮飯一來到,我&同事啞口無言、碟野細份到連女仔都唔夠。完全同之前大家POST 出來既相有差十萬八千里。以為佢隻碟好深啦,點知連2CM 都俾多佢。真係兩啖就可以食完。同個職員講啦,佢話Menu 既相只供參考,又話有齊黑松露、蝦、飯啦。我地話「個份量會唔會細份過頭啊?」職員就話「厭細份之嘛...」就一手攞走左去。語氣勁唔滿意囉。怪唔得之噤易搵到位啦。總之,無下次。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)