港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約3分鐘
*(Last order 20:30)
17:00 - 23:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Kappo dinner. Helmed by Japanese Michelin chef duo from restaurant formerly known as Sara. Counter seating approx 12 with full view of chefs’ meticulous preparations.Here’s what we had. Creamy and rich 白子 from Hokkaido in steamed egg, topped with fragrant chopped Matsutake mushrooms. Sashimi, featuring:- Masaba mackerel from Nagasaki served with ginger -Sawara mackerel from Fukuoka, lightly hay-smoked (adding a delicate layer of flavor) then grilled.Deep fried chunks of the shrimp-shaped taro from Kyoto with its distinctive striped pattern and curved shape, renowned for its robust stickiness and fluffy texture. Loved the intensely concentrated, flavorful profile.Grilled kamasu (barracuda/魳魚) from Fukuoka, in season twice a year (spring/fall) with fluffy, soft flesh and the savory skin. This was paired with crunchy deep fried lotus root from Saga, and served in a light broth freshly made with bonito flakes.White Unagi (eel) from Kumamoto, perfectly grilled and glazed that melted in the mouth. Served with wasabi; and salt- which wasn’t really necessary. As promised by server, beating the one from Nikushou.Jinenjyo yam found near the volcanic area of Saga, a delightful mass of sticky goodness, topped with Ishigakidai sea bream and garnished with shiso flower. Kobako Crab from Fukui, beautifully complemented by tender Hokkaido turnip. Beef Tenderloin from Miyazaki, served with Maitake mushroom on a bed of miso sauce. Topped with shavings of chestnut from Kumamoto adding a unique texture reminiscent of grated cheese.Rice cooked with green pepper and ayu with roe from Wakayama (grilled then cooked very slowly in its own fat).Refreshing Persimmon and Rainbow Red Kiwi both from Fukuoka paired with soybean Ice Cream with Cinnamon.Matcha WarabimochiIn summary: a truly immersive dining experience showcasing the best of seasonal ingredients and artistry of Japanese cuisine, with each dish a testament to the chefs’ passion and precision. Great team effort with impeccable service.
As the culinary scene sees an increasing number of crafty hands joining forces on an event basis, Chiso Tomiki 馳走富木 is one step ahead of the game in joining the hands of Tomita San and Uchiki San, 2 Michelin Chefs from Kyushu, in a permanent setting, that showcases their skills in ably elevating the individuality of each seasonal ingredient presented. Hairy crab with shreds of okra from Kagoshima and taro stem from Fukuoka to start. Refreshing and balanced. Seasonal Sashimi comprising masaba (mackerel), ishigakidai (sea bream) and katsuo (bonito).One of my favourites of the evening. Tilefish, matsutake mushroom and chrysanthemum. Tilefish was silky smooth and the chrysanthemum adds a distinctive fragrance to the dish. Ayu and ginkgo nuts. Both chargrilled to perfection.Akauni sea urchin and house-made grilled sesame tofu. Tofu was packed with nutty flavours, adding a different flavour and textural dimension to the dish.Unagi from Kumamoto Amakusa and lotus root purée My other favourite of the evening- Hamo from Oita and Kujo green onion from Kyoto. Hamo is a prized summer delicacy, preparation of which is a true art form that demonstrates the Chef’s exceptional skills and precision in carrying out a procedure known as honekiri (bone-cutting), in which tiny bones are meticulously sliced into tiny pieces without damaging the flesh. Chef Tomita did just that right before our eyes. What a treat! Loved also the delicate flavours and firm texture of the hamo. Beef tenderloin from Miyazaki, with kikuna (crown daisy) from Fukuoka and Shiitake mushroom from Oita.Madai (Sea Bream) from Fukuoka takikomigohan (炊きこみ飯 ) with grated jinenjyo yam. Incredibly fragrant and umami packed. Loved the gelatinous texture of the grated yam. Asked for refills of the rice despite being full to the brim.The meal ended with a bang with Uchiki San serving us house-made Matcha Warabimochi a la minute. Overall, a very well thought out menu featuring meticulously prepared seasonal produce. A restaurant that I would revisit on a seasonal basis.
想慶祝生日或特別日子? ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ 一定要去中環的 🇯🇵 馳走 冨木 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐢啦~ 由兩位日藉米芝蓮星級大廚主理👑,主打廚歸發辦割烹(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)。超水準的料理深受日本人和港人歡迎,今晚真的令人期待呀!!!𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒆🥢$𝟏𝟕𝟖𝟎/𝒑𝒑𝒍▽ 北海道毛蟹·鹿兒島秋葵·福岡芋頭毛蟹折肉,鮮甜不已💕。▽ 長崎真鯖·福岡石垣鯛·鹿兒島鰹魚鯖魚結實,石垣鯛甘甜😚。鰹魚厚切,魚香味濃。▽ 和歌山香魚·新銀杏香魚配搭銀杏去煮,也不錯。▽ 佐賀赤雲丹·燒胡麻豆腐海膽非常鮮甜😍,配上炸的胡麻豆腐,口感獨特。▽ 熊本鰻魚·佐賀蓮根即燒的熊本鰻魚,超級好吃(≧▽≦)!! 皮脆肉嫩,魚肉鮮美,高質!▽ 大分鱧魚·京都九條蔥大分鱧魚𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐮 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐮🍲,火喉剛剛好,魚超滑的!▽ 宮崎和牛·大分椎茸天婦羅宮崎和牛🥩是我的最愛😍,肉汁豐富又鮮嫩,最高!!!▽ 福岡真鯛·佐賀長芋真鯛日式炊飯,把魚鮮都煮出來了。飯粒彈牙甘甜,且有魚的鮮美,加上長芋,更加特別。▽ 梨·無花果·生薑雪糕·即製抹茶厥餅最後的甜品,都好高質🥹~抹茶厥餅即埸製作,真的想吃多幾塊呀(*¯︶¯*)/料理水準真心高,大家千萬不能錯過啦❤️。•🇯🇵 馳走 冨木 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐢
今日黎到哩間好高質素既日本料理餐廳。餐廳裝潢走日式木系路線,以淺木色作主色調,除左L型既長吧檯位置,亦有2人座位。餐廳由兩位日藉師傅主理,食材由日本直送🇯🇵✨廚師發辦 🔸鱧素麺(大分) (鹿島)尊菜(秋田)鱧魚肉做嘅麵有魚香之餘,質感仲好爽彈,湯底係以鰹魚熬製既凍鰹魚汁,配上梅乾醬及秋葵蓉,加上滑溜嘅海藻蓴菜,味道清新開胃。🔸造 ·関鯖(大分) ·太刀魚(長崎) ·岩牡蠣(福岡)兩款魚刺身都配上新鮮即磨嘅山葵,太刀魚因為表面燒過嘅關係,入口帶有魚油香。鯖魚肉質保持彈性,配上酸汁,特別鮮甜。岩牡蠣鮮甜creamy,配上木魚湯做嘅啫喱,再加上胡麻菜及紫蘇花,配搭得恰到好處。🔸赤雲丹(佐賀 唐津) 胡麻豆腐上層係鮮甜既既海膽,下層係烤過嘅自家製胡麻豆腐,豆味醇香,質感滑溜,用上木魚調製既醬汁提鮮。🦀椀•毛蟹真丈(北海道)賀茂茄子(京都)用雞蛋、毛蟹及魚肉打成魚丸,配上木魚熬製嘅湯,上面仲放有蟹膏及山椒葉,每一啖都充滿蟹肉嘅鮮味。🐟鮎(和歌山)新銀杏 飯蒸烤過嘅香魚,再配搭新鮮銀杏及少許柚子皮,加埋高湯煲製嘅飯,估唔到咁夾。🐠鰻(熊本天草)茎芋(福岡)糸瓜(岡山)來自熊本嘅野生鰻魚,師傅用上醬汁烤製,鰻魚外脆內嫩,味道香濃,配合日本絲瓜,減低油膩感。🥣無花果(福岡)湯葉湯葉係指豆皮,入口非常嫩滑,而且有濃濃豆香,配搭炸過無花果,加上香濃嘅醬汁,相當好食。🥩和牛 牛柳(宮崎)松茸 小松菜牛柳經過慢煮,再炙燒表面,入口充滿炙燒香氣,內裏肉質軟腍,牛味突出,可以配上少許芥末或海鹽。🍚炊きこみ飯・ちりめん山椒万願寺唐辛子(京都)自然薯とろろ(佐賀)ご飯新鮮即磨嘅山藥,口感黏稠,係日本既健康食物,炊飯用白飯魚仔及山椒煮成,配搭山藥一齊食,健康又美味。🍑🍇白桃(岡山)シャインマスカット(岡山)白桃經過白酒烹煮,之後再將白酒整成啫喱,配埋日本青提子,係帶有少少酒香嘅夏日甜品。🍵🔥作りたて 未茶わらび餅哩個真係超正❗️係師傅即場製作嘅抹茶蕨餅,可以睇到整個製作過程,而且味道出色,入口溫熱,質感非常柔軟,抹茶味香濃,係我食過最好味嘅抹茶蕨餅,真係好滿足。
中環|馳走富木 ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️
餐廳 : 馳走富木
地址 : 中環士丹利街11號Stanley 11 19樓▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️
尋找精緻美食,今晚找了一家主打割烹廚師發辦餐廳 「馳走富木 」來自日本九州的味道,由兩位日藉主廚主理,日籍米芝連星級廚師 富田耕平TOMITA 先生及內木 雄一UCHIKI先生坐陣,店名由來也來自兩位師傅 「富、木」💫店內有不少日本人光顧,進來如同走進小日本,全店以枱式設計,大約有15個位置,要來記得優先預約喔💫
Omakase 11品晚餐 $1780/位💫▪️鱧素麺
用上鱧魚肉打製而成, 由師傅席前煮理,口感彈牙,更鮮味十足,拌上凍鰹魚汁,再加上蓴菜、秋葵蓉及梅乾醬,入口清爽,夏天吃這個絕對非常適合 💫
季節刺身▪️太刀魚(長崎)油脂最為豐富表皮上火微微的炙燒 染上微焦的香氣 ,肉質細嫩柔軟味道和口感最一流💫▪️関鯖(大分)肉質紮實、富有彈性,魚味味道愈顯濃郁💫
▪️岩牡蠣 (福岡)鰹魚光加醋▪️赤雲丹.燒胡麻豆腐
佐賀唐津的赤海膽, 淡淡金黃色
入口鮮度高, 配上炸過的胡麻豆腐, 豆腐細嫩, 兩者配搭非常完美💫
以北海道毛蟹打造而成的丸子,每一口都是毛蟹的滋味,蟹肉清甜而鮮, 絕對真材實料之作💫▪️鮎.新銀杏.飯蒸
以高湯烹調的粢飯, 再加入和歌山香魚一夜干、銀杏, 鮮甜美味, 非常滿足💫
▪️鰻(熊本 天草)茎芋(福岡)糸瓜(福岡)
本身也很愛吃鰻魚飯,這裡的絕對稱王,新鮮燒製的熊本鰻魚, 酥脆的香氣,入口有富彈性,而且魚脂豐盈, 令人回味無窮💫
宮崎和牛極致的嫩度和豐富的脂肪, 肉質極為柔軟、細嫩,配上松茸及小松菜,配搭完美💫▪️麵豉湯💫
最喜愛的日式炊飯, 完全滿足飯桶要求,海量日式炊飯, 配上新鮮山芋蓉, 口感黏滑💫
岡山白桃及提子,加上甘夏酒煮的白來啫喱, 清甜美味, 作為甜品非常適合💫
過程有報, 蕨餅是席前處理
完成後立即進食, 口感比平日吃的口感煙韌軟糯💫