港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
*Lunch last order : 14:00 Dinner last order 21:20
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 銀聯
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (101)
等級2 2024-09-06
1354 瀏覽
lunch time 隨心走到公司附近, 沒有訂位, 嘗試walk in, 有位. 坐低, 程序餐牌, 自己掃QR code落單. 單落左, 等. 由於平日工作有機會見合作夥伴, 自己飲些少酒精飲品就會面紅…一睇就知胃有酒精. 所以只叫了串燒s, 沒有order飲品, & 打算餐後去買杯冰凍醒神啡. 也可以順便測試一下調味, 味精等程度. 所以對於那位男manager係我食得7788既時候, 終於放左一杯水係枱面, 我完全沒有感覺,最後一口也沒有喝. 假如係坐低個陣, 應有的服務先遞上一杯水, 而且中午的陽光+34度, 我都會喝一口, 順便清清味蕾. 但果陣出現嘅個杯水, 俾我嘅感覺係, 乜你仲未口喝?! 我大方啲比杯水你.***建議可以增加飲料的多樣性. 多一點選擇. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-08-31
1651 瀏覽
Casual dinner with Partner. Fair execution. Memorable items for me were chicken skin and tail. The rest were meh.Chicken thigh. Look how haphazardly they were sliced.Cream Croquette with Crab Miso.Ginkgo Chicken skin. Perfectly chargrilled. One of my favourites of the evening.Chicken wing. Tasted bland. Not sufficiently seasoned.Liver. This one was overpowered by the seasoning.Tsukune. This wasn’t served with any accompanying egg yolk. What a letdown.Chicken breast soft bone. Too chewy.Shishito PepperChicken tail. Another highlight for me. Juicy and succulent with the right amount of fat.Chicken soup Overall, a yakitori that I do not consider living up to the hype. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-07-09
1692 瀏覽
My first time writing review for restaurant despite using Openrice for years, I just think no way I’m not sharing the recent visit to Birdie. Been to Birdie atleast once in two months for years, it had always been great - for food and services. But ever since the staff and chef have changed to locals (used to be Japanese chef and non local servers), it has deteriorated significantly, especially on service (aka the male manager with glasses I believe). It was 34 degree out and we were all sweating when we got to restaurant and requested to turn up ac a bit, he replied right away “it’s already on max” with a sarcastic tone and smile, I had been here for years this is not max for sure. Then we asked for cold water and he went “oh only purchased water will be cold, the free tap water is not cold”. Serving iced water is common sense for jap resto and under such weather right…Lastly when we wanted to check the bill, the lady brought receipt and machine over and suddenly dropped the machine and ran away… we were like what? I can see why Birdie used to be packed and busy for lunch and dinner now only 1/3 of the place is occupied. It’s not customers giving up on you, it’s you (servers) giving up on customer. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-05-25
1904 瀏覽
難得夜晚出街食飯揾咗好耐聚腳點人人話中上環而家夜市好靜於是揀咗呢度訂枱要交信用咭落deposit經已打咗個突Fine準時到開始落單要兩杯熱茶冇講要四十幾一杯唔怪得冇refill登記入座訂枱冇清楚講限時四五十蚊一串串燒話平唔平話貴唔貴兩個人食咗差不多千六蚊到後尾成枱食物未清晒經已飛張單落枱要埋單起身啲串燒熱架點倒入口千六入面有四份一仲留係枱面被人迫走臨走時我見另一枱有個女子早過我地到但我地走佢仲係度但我地果枱高壓性地短時間內來來回回我地張枱四五次迫我地走係咩原因㕑師用心整食物但客人跟本冇時間享用真心浪費我係絕對絕對絕對唔會推薦去呢度食 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-05-02
2263 瀏覽
終於來到這間bookmark 已久的火炭燒鳥專門店‼️開業五周年的Birdie位於中環美食地標H Code,坐在counter seat可以近距離觀賞串燒師傅的手勢。無論是常見的雞肉串燒還是考驗匠人功夫的內臟串燒,火候掌握得剛好🔥炭燒香氣十足。 ⁣✦ Birdie✦ (ʜᴋᴅ 335 pp)⁣🦀 ᴏᴠᴇʀᴀʟʟ ꜱᴄᴏʀᴇ 7.5/10 ⁣味道7.5/10 | 環境8.5/10 | 服務 7/10 | 回頭✔️⁣=∞=∞=∞=∞=∞=∞=⁣✦摯愛✦⁣✽ 雞腿ʜᴋᴅ 45 - 雞皮輕薄酥脆,肉質juicy豐腴,油脂與旨味在口中爆開,是不喜歡吃雞腿也可以充分享受的一品,絕對是本日最佳👍⁣✽ 免治雞肉 ʜᴋᴅ 45 - 著色很漂亮,表面有燒烤痕跡,雞肉糜加入明顯的洋蔥顆粒,口感輕盈又有空氣感,照燒汁比較稀, 清爽不膩⁣✽ 雞軟骨ʜᴋᴅ 40 - 軟骨大塊脆口,附少量肉,炭烤味濃郁,鹽撒得比較重手😂⁣✽ 昆布醃雞柳配海膽及魚子醬ʜᴋᴅ 90 - 由奢華食材堆砌的前菜,服務員很貼心地提醒雞柳本身是五成熟,由於雞柳按照個人喜好改成全熟,口感偏柴。雞柳表面以海膽、魚子醬和紫蘇葉點綴,海膽缺少天然甜味,再加上魚子醬比較淡,味道普通⁣✦內臟✦ ⁣✽ 雞肝 ʜᴋᴅ 45 - 第一次吃雞肝,外邊是淡粉色的,血管有嚼勁,中心有些許滑漦,對初次吃雞內臟的我來說有點難以下嚥⁣✽ 雞心ʜᴋᴅ 45 - 火候掌控剛好,肉質烤得嫩,有嚼勁,香蔥汁偏鹹⁣✦蔬菜及其他✦ ⁣✽ 豚五花腩ʜᴋᴅ 40 - 五花腩經過燒烤散發油香,與微辣的韓式豆瓣醬和清爽的洋蔥塊絕配⁣✽ 青椒仔ʜᴋᴅ 35 和 牛油粟米ʜᴋᴅ 30正常⁣=∞=∞=∞=∞=∞=∞=⁣POV: It’s Friday night and you’re craving for some Japanese–styled skewers 🍢. Visit Birdie, a 🐔yakitori specialty store located at the heart of Central, with a few friends and try out their charcoal-grilled chicken 🍗tsukune & thigh skewers. Order your favourite alcoholic drink 🍻, sit at the counter and enjoy the spectacular scene where the kitchen goes live.⁣=∞=∞=∞=∞=∞=∞=⁣📍 香港中環砵甸乍街45號The Steps ‧ H Code 9樓⁣☎️ (852)2789 2881⁣🕰️ Mon-Sat 12:00-14:30; 18:00-23:00 | Sun Closed⁣⁣我們的目標是吃遍全世界! ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ᴘᴜᴜ ᴇᴀᴛꜱ🦀 @sake_krd 一起踏上美食之旅🛫⁣🔎相同菜系及地區: #KRD日本菜 #KRD中環⁣=∞=∞=∞=∞=∞=∞=⁣#香港美食 #中環美食 #中環居酒屋 #中環酒吧 #日本菜 #串燒 ⁣#日本串燒 #日本餐廳 #日籍廚師 #日本料理人 ⁣#焼き鳥 #つくね #香港焼き鳥 #香港串燒關注組 ⁣#yakitori #barbecue #pub #izakaya ⁣#hkfoodie #hkig #foodstagram #foodporn #foodie⁣ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)