Bostonian Seafood & Grill (已結業)

港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 C1 / L5 出口 繼續閱讀
餐廳詮釋美國小餐館的裝修,於香港繁華之最的尖沙咀區精心打造出現代化的美式風格。賓客可與親朋好友共享薈萃多國美食精髓的手工乾式熟成牛肉、時令海鮮及烤肉美饌,盡情感受更愜意玩味的餐飲體驗。 繼續閱讀
*星期六至日: 12:00-16:00 (早午餐)
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 AE 銀聯 JCB 微信支付 OpenRice Pay 大來信用卡
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Bostonian Seafood & Grill


食評 (320)
等級4 2024-08-21
341 瀏覽
The Bostonian is a Seafood and Grill Steak House in the Langham Hotel. It has recently relocated into the space where the Main Street Deli American Style Diner use to be in the lower basement level of the Langham Hotel. We ordered from the a la carte menu despite there being some good value set menu offers.For the appetisers we chose the crab cakes ($320) and lobster bisque ($220). Note complimentary basket of breads was provided with free refill 👍The portion of 3 no. of crab cakes was quite good and there was plenty of crab meat inside them. The crab cakes were nicely fried on the outside giving a nice crispy coating wrapping the delicate crab meat inside. They went well with the tartar and mayo sauce that were offered with the dish. The lobster bisque was creamy and had a strong lobster flavour with some big chunks of lobster tail meat inside the soup. It was hearty and generous portion. For the mains we ordered the:Wild mushroom risotto ($298), the risotto was creamy and fluid without being too thick, the mushrooms gave it an earthy taste and the shaved flakes of Parmesan cheese sharpened the dish with a nutty flavour. The US 🇺🇸 Ribeye Steak 🥩 ($880) - We ordered a medium cook and it came out perfect. Tender and juicy with a rich beef flavour. The marbling of fat on the steak was balanced to ensure maximum taste whilst needing very little fat. There was also a perfect sear on the outside of the steak which gave it a subtle char grilled taste. We chose a black pepper sauce. The US 🇺🇸 Sirloin Steak 🥩 ($880) - We ordered medium cook despite the sirloin being a leaner steak and it was still tender and juicy, but less intense flavour as the rib eye. Having said that, it was a good contrast to the rib eye and the beef flavour was exceptional. We chose the béarnaise sauce for the sirloin. We chose two sides for the steaks which were sweet potato fries ($98) and mashed potatoes ($98). The sweet potato fries were crispy and fluffy and moist inside whilst the mash potato was smooth, silky and creamy and great side dishes for our steaks. Next was dessert where we could make 3 x selections of our choice for $128. We chose the New York Cheese Cake, Tiramisu and a Mille-feuille. The cheese cake was the best among them, followed by the tiramisu and then the Mille-grille, which had a crispy puff pastry. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-07-27
521 瀏覽
朋友生日想搵間體面啲又唔會好貴價嘅餐廳慶祝,呢一間喺尖沙咀朗廷酒店入邊嘅一間扒房餐廳,環境燈光偏昏暗,有少少浪漫情調。同朋友點咗US Prime Rib Eye, 五成熟,肉質嚡口,有少少難入口,帶點失望🥹反而cape cod crab cakes 有啲驚喜,蟹肉味濃,帶有肉汁嘅蟹餅煎得幾好食。Mushroom Risotto 煮得較為偏濕,外觀好似糊仔咁樣,但口感還可以接受。最後因為朋友生日有免費芒果Musea蛋糕贈送,蛋糕唔太甜,勉強可以成餐完美落幕。 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-06-13
881 瀏覽
最近,我們有幸訪問了 Bostonian Seafood & Grill,位於市中心的一家高級餐廳。餐廳的氛圍非常優雅,讓我們感到非常舒適和放鬆。我們的用餐之旅開始於 Seafood Tower,這道菜式讓我們感到非常驚喜。塔上擺放著各種新鮮的海鮮,包括龍蝦、蝦、蟹肉等,每一樣都非常新鮮和美味。配搭的調味也非常適合。我們也嘗試了 Wild Mushroom Soup,這道菜式的味道非常濃郁,蘑菇的口感非常嫩滑,配搭的奶油讓整個菜式的味道更加豐富。主菜方面,我們嘗試了 U.S. Prime Beef Sirloin、BBQ Pork Rib 和 Australian Lamb Chops。每一道菜式的口感和味道都非常出色,讓我們感到非常滿足。牛排的口感嫩滑,味道濃郁,豬肋排的口感軟嫩,味道甜美,羊排的口感嫩滑,味道濃郁。最後,我們嘗試了 Passion Fruit Meringue Tart with Mango Compote。這道甜點的味道非常獨特,百香果的酸甜味道與芒果的甜味道搭配得非常好。Bostonian Seafood & Grill 的食物非常好吃,價錢也很合理。如果你也想嘗試高級的海鮮和肉類菜式,推薦你來試試! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-06-09
988 瀏覽
這一間位於尖沙咀朗廷酒店的 Bostonian Seafood & Grill, 我曾於約二十年前吃過,不過整體回憶已忘記得一乾二淨了。今天和家人再去食,並未能勾起過往的回憶。今次沒有試他們的 Seafood Tower,反而試了 Cooked Fresh Mussels with Brandy、Wild Mushroom Soup、 U.S. Prime Beef Sirloin 和 Austrailian Lamb Chops。食物方面就是平平無奇,口味也很本地化,完全感受不到什麼特色。不過價錢方面有點偏貴,我寧願多花些少金錢去食 fine dining,至少那些食物在設計和製作上都花多一點心思。環境方面,由於座位都比較疏落,加上顧客不多,感覺較清靜。職員方面人數充足,並且很慇懃,也能照顧到我們的需要,例如對某些食物敏感,他們也能從善處理。整體來說,如果要一個舒適用餐體驗,這裡會不錯。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-03-10
1741 瀏覽
適逢屋企人生日,就安排食個Weekend semi brunch慶祝一下。環境舒服寧靜。坐到卡位😌海鮮凍盤可以任refill。不過我都係refill 左一次蝦同生蠔。蝦係夠實肉貼有甜味。生蠔都可以。其他凍海鮮我就覺得一般般,所以無再refill。出面嘅甜點,沙律,餐湯,麵包,火腿芝士等等,都係任食。餐湯係南瓜湯,我覺得幾好飲。甜點方面,我中意食佢哋嘅馬卡龍。主菜我就揀左羊。屋企人就揀左雞同豬。我覺得羊好好食。pork chop都不錯。 雞就一般般。野飲方面係free flow。分左3個價錢。由於我哋都唔飲酒,所以最平個soft drink, coffee and tea嘅free flow就夠。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)