港鐵灣仔站 C 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 02:00
11:00 - 02:00
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Burger 三文治 Quesadillas
食評 (24)
因為公司就快要搬走, 所以我地今年開始已經係灣仔一條條街咁掃. 一間間鋪咁試.由利東街, 廈門街, 酒吧街到汕頭街等...之前太忙無時間一間一間寫comment, 家下開始食一間寫一間. (除左食完伏無回頭外, 其他的基本係經常到訪. 等我地試多幾款食品先上黎寫. )今日呢間個門口有點神秘. 由窗口望入去咩都望唔到. 門口更加封左黑布. 唔係見到有個Menu放左係度, 跟本唔知佢day time係開門做生意.唔知係咪酒吧的慣例, 一個價錢包晒starter, 主菜, drink(不論凍熱飲) 有部份重有甜品. 全部都唔加一.  凍飲唔晒加錢.呢間的Menu都係會不斷重覆. 湯無留意係咪次次一樣, 但沙律基本上都係Avocado Salad. 上面會有切片牛油果配疏菜. 用的係沙律醋但都幾酸下. 但整體係好味的.今日的主菜叫Crispy Chicken Steak with Gravy, Streamed Broccoli & Fried Baby Potatoes. $98 份量唔好講笑真係好大. 西蘭花同薯仔都有煮過. 但唔係煮到好林個隻. 味道係原味. 嫌淡口味的. 可以點佢比你的醬. 至於個雞, 不得了. 超脆. 夠熱. 而且無雪味. 一人份真係超大. Prawn Spaghetti $88.基本上每日都有一款意粉. 之前有試過呢款意粉, 個當日問姐姐辣唔辣. 佢地話唔辣. 但倒頭黎辣到我要勁飲水. 但今日只有黑椒的辣味, 相對唔食得辣的. 比較易入口. 蝦有四隻, 十分爽口. 重有大量的磨菇.  所以就算係同款食品. 可能每次調味都有少少的改變. 呢間店由我地初初發現至今. 睇住佢係無咩人幫襯到今日坐滿晒人.  暑假有展覽期間我地好愛去酒吧街食lunch. 因為人唔多, 易搵位唔駛等, 再加上食品都唔差. 價錢算合理. 實在係十分推薦.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
灣仔地區多Office, 亦多酒吧, 放工間唔中都會同同事去飲下野, 放鬆一下😌-剛剛星期五放工就同同事一行7人去左Carnegies 飲野🍻🥂-7 點前Crazy Hour selected alcoholic drinks $28, 包括House Red House White🍷小食炸雞翼Nachos 都好味, 亦有pasta 同pizza 選擇, 味道唔錯👍🏻足夠飲野之餘滿足埋晚餐🍽-有梳化位, 加上少少暗嘅燈光, 氣氛環境令人放鬆, 慢慢傾下計~~⚠️但只限於九點前-九點開始有live band, 即使live band 唔唱, 個音樂都開到鬼死咁大聲, 比人進入狂歡狀態fing🤯個場本身唔算大, 所以超大聲嘅音樂加埋反彈嘅迴音, 係即使你用嗌交嘅聲量都唔會傾到計🙂- 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2018-01-18
3226 瀏覽
We were a big group of girls there on Wednesday evening. Didn't really expect to get free drinks because of ladies night since there were no advertisment for it. Actually ladies don't have a choice then, you only get this blue Curacao (I think it has been this) which is okay - I mean it's for free .But they also had lots of offers (good for all the men) but also for women who want to have something else than the one kind of free drink.Personally I really liked the music, just normal Hip Hop mixed with some evergreens but good bass indeed! From 12 on the atmosphere was really really good! It was full, but not too crwoded, people were dancing, even on the bar desk. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-12-28
4468 瀏覽
Had the fish and chips!The batter was extremely oily and thick and the chips were rancid!The others felt that way too because most people left it half finished. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-06-06
3076 瀏覽
Carnegies is a pub where you see old people everywhere. Alcohol is pretty cheap in here. There are different deals every night after 9pm at Carmegies and on Wednesday, it's Ladies Night with free champagne.The waitress recommended an apple cider from Irish called Magners. I had one 568ml at HKD$58. It was disgusting with a fishy taste. I gave it up after a few sip and got a Canadian Club on rocks instead.Lamb BurgerThe lamb patty was quite dry and lack of the charismatic taste of lamb. The bun was not toasted. The burger overall lacks complexity, they should put more greens, tomato and cheese to spice things up. The sides on the other hand were quite nice. The fat fries was crispy in the outside and soft on the inside. The Greek salad with feta cheese and olive was flavourable.Alcohol is real cheap in here. Food are mainly junk food just to go with the beer or alcohol. The pub was quite empty here tonight even with the rugby game on. Try to come on a Thursday night instead with a deal of HKD$10 Corona, you will see everyone here. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)