近年本地的西式甜品店像走馬燈般開過不停,當中造就了不少如 C'est la B 的成功品牌。C'est la B 在短時間內冒起,如今已擁有三間分店,而且受歡迎程度一直有增無減。品牌成功的關鍵有很多,包裝是重點之一。簡單以海港城店為例,優雅的裝潢,加上外表亮麗的出品,順利吸引到不少年輕的優皮一族。好像這個星期天下午,小店擠滿了一班年青的顧客,一邊聊天一邊慢慢享受精緻的甜品。由於時候經已不早,因此只點了兩款份量較為細小的甜品。第一款是木糠意式奶凍,顧名思義是將木糠粉舖在意式奶凍之上,味道普通,雲呢拿味更香的話,可能效果會更好。另一款則揀選了賣相不俗的紅豆慕絲蛋糕。外層的海綿蛋糕,包著中央的紅豆慕絲和一粒新鮮的葡萄,入口感覺古怪,味道和口感兩者都不太配合,整體跟之前的木糠意式奶凍同樣是不過不失。C'est la B 地方舒適,絕對不失為一個好的聚腳點。尤其是經過一天辛勞的購物天之後,這裡更是天堂!不過撇開包裝得美侖美奐的環境以外,出品仍大有進步空間。
聖誕假期普天同慶,相約了榛子和千島二醬三人行看電影。看電影前先去C'est la B吃個豐富的Brunch。十一時左右到達,店內就只有我們一桌,週末來說算是偏冷清吧!不過可以獨享優美且充滿個性的環境,我們自然是樂意不過。自從四個月前光顧過東京的Bills,不計自己動手弄,便沒有在街外吃過hot cakes。這裡的hot cakes口味吸引,不多想先點來一客Chocolate hot cakes($80)。三片朱古力色的班戟伴上雜莓、朱古力榛子脆脆和朱古力醬。忌廉和雲呢嗱雪糕二擇一,我們選了後者。班戟入口甜香,算是鬆軟綿潤。伴上脆脆和雪糕,澆上朱古力醬叫人更是高興。要是朱古力醬的甜度可以稍減,可可味再濃再突出一點便更臻完美了。之後是彩虹三文治Rainbow Club ($125),用上分別以竹炭、菠菜、紅菜頭和番紅花所製的四色麵包,夾著了法式火腿、芝士、奄列、牛油果、烤雞和蕃茄生菜沙律。五彩繽紛之餘,口感和味道皆層次豐富,中看又中吃。伴上的薯片調味輕,食味亦佳。榛子醬嚷著要喝熱朱古力,我們便要了杯Godiva Chocolate($65),伴上五顆不同顏色的綿花糖,看著也讓人覺得開心。不
聖誕假期普天同慶,相約了榛子和千島二醬三人行看電影。看電影前先去C'est la B吃個豐富的Brunch。十一時左右到達,店內就只有我們一桌,週末來說算是偏冷清吧!不過可以獨享優美且充滿個性的環境,我們自然是樂意不過。
自從四個月前光顧過東京的Bills,不計自己動手弄,便沒有在街外吃過hot cakes。這裡的hot cakes口味吸引,不多想先點來一客Chocolate hot cakes($80)。三片朱古力色的班戟伴上雜莓、朱古力榛子脆脆和朱古力醬。忌廉和雲呢嗱雪糕二擇一,我們選了後者。班戟入口甜香,算是鬆軟綿潤。伴上脆脆和雪糕,澆上朱古力醬叫人更是高興。要是朱古力醬的甜度可以稍減,可可味再濃再突出一點便更臻完美了。
Apple Granola Crumble($60),烤青蘋果和富士蘋果粒玉桂味恰到好處,下方的雲呢嗱吉士細滑,上頭鋪滿香脆且帶嚼勁的Granola金寶和鹹香車打芝士碎。多了Granola的金寶就沒純牛油麵粉的香,但口感一流,更討好。雖是冷吃的Apple Crumble,卻意外的比許多焗得熱暖的更要好吃。
簡直是藝術品一樣!未切開的蛋糕被一層雪白的奶油溫柔地包覆著,簡簡單單的,誰不知它裡面是多麼的精彩!彩色的雲呢拿海綿蛋糕不規則得很隨性,賞心悅目。吃下去蛋糕體挺綿密和濕潤,更有微微的蛋香在口中散發出來,櫻桃慕絲軟嫩,味道不會很像假假的藥水味,裡面還有Jelly粒在嘴裡噴一下汁增加蛋糕的水分!奶油是這裡一樣做得很出色的東西,奶味很重卻很輕柔細緻,完全不會膩,也令蛋糕變得滑順。中間還有一層薄薄的餅乾層,牛油味不太重但為蛋糕加了酥脆的口感。旁邊的爆谷色彩繽紛,微甜的味道令蛋糕更甜美,更動人,吃到心都化了。 Better Than Sex $80+10%
由於Openrice限制的關係,分成了數篇,希望大家不要介意!從第一眼在facebook看到朋友post C'est la B的蛋糕,就已經深深被這裡美侖美奐的蛋糕所吸引,奈何地點一直不就腳,加上價錢令人有的卻步,以至遲遲未有拜訪。早一陣子看見C'est la B選了在尖沙嘴開設分店,便決心要擇日來「一嚐蛋糕的風采」!有天早上六點多就無端端彈了起床,心血來潮,check了一下C'est la B的開店時間(原來九點就開了!),打給了食友野獸,很熱血地相約九點半在店鋪門外等,來一個夢幻,奢侈,甜蜜的「早午茶」!C'est la B的位置是在廣東道COACH的位置轉入,沒有誇張的門面,只有一個小小的牌子指著它的位置。走上樓梯,甫踏進去,就想要尖叫起來!店裡的裝修優雅得來又型格--牆身以亮黑灰色為主色,地板為黑白間條,桌子跟椅子則大玩撞色,沙發上放滿了繽紛彩色的cushion,甚有玩味!天花板更佈滿了一隻隻飛蝴蝶圖案,讓人感覺在一個摩登花園裡進餐。不過最特別的是店裡中間的長桌子擺上了一個個排成一行的蠟燭杯,增加了點浪漫的氣氛,不論是三五知己或是情侶都非常適合到這裡來個下午茶,促膝長談呢!翻一
由於Openrice限制的關係,分成了數篇,希望大家不要介意! 從第一眼在facebook看到朋友post C'est la B的蛋糕,就已經深深被這裡美侖美奐的蛋糕所吸引,奈何地點一直不就腳,加上價錢令人有的卻步,以至遲遲未有拜訪。早一陣子看見C'est la B選了在尖沙嘴開設分店,便決心要擇日來「一嚐蛋糕的風采」! 有天早上六點多就無端端彈了起床,心血來潮,check了一下C'est la B的開店時間(原來九點就開了!),打給了食友野獸,很熱血地相約九點半在店鋪門外等,來一個夢幻,奢侈,甜蜜的「早午茶」! C'est la B的位置是在廣東道COACH的位置轉入,沒有誇張的門面,只有一個小小的牌子指著它的位置。走上樓梯,甫踏進去,就想要尖叫起來!店裡的裝修優雅得來又型格--牆身以亮黑灰色為主色,地板為黑白間條,桌子跟椅子則大玩撞色,沙發上放滿了繽紛彩色的cushion,甚有玩味!天花板更佈滿了一隻隻飛蝴蝶圖案,讓人感覺在一個摩登花園裡進餐。不過最特別的是店裡中間的長桌子擺上了一個個排成一行的蠟燭杯,增加了點浪漫的氣氛,不論是三五知己或是情侶都非常適合到這裡來個下午茶,促膝長談呢!
看到這個名字不禁笑了出來,甜點也開始玩幽默感的嗎哈哈!OMG內層包括無糖朱古力蛋糕,朱古力慕絲,鮮奶油和朱古力碎片。因為是用了代糖的關係,甜度較低,沒有一般朱古力的甜膩張嘴。慕絲尚算幼滑,但朱古力碎片則硬而無味,出來的化學效果沒有讓人驚嘆到要大喊OMG,有點失望。 C'est la B 地址:尖沙嘴廣東道17號海港城地下G111號舖
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
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$100 (早餐)
香蕉班戟配雲呢拿雪糕,核桃牛油 Banana Pancake with Vanilla Ice Cream, Walnut Butter
檸檬吉士杯(無麩質)Gluten Free Citrus Mess
香蕉班戟配雲呢拿雪糕,核桃牛油 Banana Pancake with Vanilla Ice Cream Walnut Butter
Went pass Ms B's cakery many times when I went to Gough Street. C'est la B is the cafe-bar as an extenion of Ms B's cakery. C'est la B has 3 brunches in Hong Kong: Tai Hung, Pacific Place at Admiralty & Harbour City at Tsim Sha Tsui.The brunch at Harbour City is the newest addition. I saw lots of reviews on Openrice & Instagram about their new bento box series. So I decided have lunch there, since I have to visit the newly open Pierre Herme at Harbour City anyway.The entrenece of the restaurant
Went pass Ms B's cakery many times when I went to Gough Street. C'est la B is the cafe-bar as an extenion of Ms B's cakery. C'est la B has 3 brunches in Hong Kong: Tai Hung, Pacific Place at Admiralty & Harbour City at Tsim Sha Tsui.
The brunch at Harbour City is the newest addition. I saw lots of reviews on Openrice & Instagram about their new bento box series. So I decided have lunch there, since I have to visit the newly open Pierre Herme at Harbour City anyway.
The restaurant has a "Alice in the wonderland" kind of interior design. It's very magical with different colorful tables, black & white stripes floor, beautiful butterfries & flowers decroation.
There is a bar table next to the window, which people can overlook the entrance of the Harbour City. There are some pots of plants hanging down from the ceiling, going along the same theme with the wall of green leaves at the restaurant entrance.
Main reason I want to visit C'est la B is obviously to try their bento box series. Their are 8 set of bento box to choose from, ranges from Canton, Koren, Japanese, Vietnamese, NYC, Italian, Vegetarian style. So many choices that I need to take a while to decide what to eat.
I saw there was a seperate menu promoting the bento box set (included 1 drink: coffee/tea), which add HKD$40 to add 1 bowl of soup & 1 dessert from the selected choices. In the end, I settled for Vietnamese style bento box (Saigon Box).
The bento box was finally here!!! The box was in yellow color, divided into 3 boxes inside. There was some salad green on the left small box. There was some corn kernel, cherry tomato, lettuce & redish, which tasted refreshing. There were 2 pieces of fried chicken with a lemon wedge on the right small box. The chicken were nicely fried, not soggy at all. But I just felt the whole bento box had a bit too much meat then vegetable.
The big box has the cold Vietnamese rice noodle with a few slides of ginger lemongrass chicken. There were some vegetable underneath, which was good balance with the chicken. The ginger lemongrass flavors was quite strong, pretty sure it had been marinated for a long time. There was a small jug of Vietnamese sauce for the noodle. It's pretty hard to eat the Vietnamese noodle with fork. It's better if they can provide chopsticks for cusomters.
Since the dessert was included in the set, so it only has limited choices. I want to eat the rainbow color cake, but it wasn't included in the selected choices. Then the waitress recommended this dessert: Madame Butterfly, since I said I want to eat something in pistachio flavour.
The chiffon cake consists of 3 layers: beetroot (the red layer on top), pistachio (the green layer in the middle) & chocolate (on the bottom). There was fresh cream in the middle of the cake, crowned with dark & white chocolate with apricot compote in the middle. The cake was served on a black plastic plate, which looked like not very appetizing!
I can only say I don't like this cake at all! I couldn't taste any beetroot & pistachio flavours. It tasted in very strong almond flavour, which I'm not sure why. I can taste the chocolate flavour though. I didn't finish the whole cake, just half of it. I wish I can have the rainbow cake!!!! Really disappointed!
But I'm pretty sure I'll definitely go back & try their other bento boxes or may be other cakes or the rainbow sandwich!
On my last visit I didn't get the chance to try the lollipop cake because it was sold out, this time I reserved it before I came.It was not busy and there was still half of that cake left.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Lollipop:I wanted to try it because it is slightly similar to their other cake called the Rainbow Connection.The rainbow patterns were like random swirls just like a psychedelic rainbow.The popcorn was sweet and colourful, the cake was soft with crisp crushed biscuits in the middle and th
On my last visit I didn't get the chance to try the lollipop cake because it was sold out, this time I reserved it before I came. It was not busy and there was still half of that cake left.
I wanted to try it because it is slightly similar to their other cake called the Rainbow Connection. The rainbow patterns were like random swirls just like a psychedelic rainbow. The popcorn was sweet and colourful, the cake was soft with crisp crushed biscuits in the middle and the cake base. Comparing it to the sliced cake I had previously, the previous one tasted better but way under portion. On this visit, the slice looked like a fair deal and consistent with the other reviews, so it could probably depend on who slices the cake. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ A really nice gigantic tea cup and saucer:
Decided to try out this new branch of C'est la B because they serve Bento Boxes that are not served in other branches. They also serve some of the larger cakes by slice.The decor is consistently the same as the other branches, black and white, colourful with lots of butterflies.Same as the other branches, the cakes are not labelled so you need to ask about each one and hopefully the staff are patient enough to explain it to you.When I entered the shop, I was greeted with one of the staff who was
Decided to try out this new branch of C'est la B because they serve Bento Boxes that are not served in other branches.
Same as the other branches, the cakes are not labelled so you need to ask about each one and hopefully the staff are patient enough to explain it to you.
When I entered the shop, I was greeted with one of the staff who was not very welcoming, she just had this look on her face, can you afford it and hope you leave. Anyway, I wanted to try the Lollipop cake but it was sold out, so I asked what the other sliced cake was, and she said it was Pandan.
★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Slc Eleanor (as stated on the receipt):
I did not know the name of the cake until I got the receipt. All I knew was that it was pandan, but anyway, I have got tastebuds so I could taste there were cornflakes, coconut flakes, toasted coconut flakes, cream and marshmallows. It was a nice cake with cornflakes in the middle which were slightly chewy but I think they were meant to be crunchy. Overall, the cake tasted ok but the cake slice was not very big. For the 1000g cake, it costs about $960, so thats about 12 slices, and the 500g cake costs $580 so thats about 7 slices if they cost $80 per slice here.
Previous visits: Cakes at the tai hang branch: http://www.openrice.com/english/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2253608 Rainbow sandwich at the Admiralty branch: http://www.openrice.com/english/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2279688
[b]Price:[/b] $88
[b]Service:[/b] Bit weird, unfriendly, and prejudiced
[b]Service charge:[/b] 10%
[b]Yummy factor:[/b] ok
[b]Sweetness levels:[/b] just right
[b]Napkins provided:[/b] Yes
[b]Portion sizes:[/b] small
[b]Glass of water provided:[/b] No
[b]English Menu:[/b] Yes
[b]Air Conditioning:[/b] Yes
這是養豬團,很幸福的一天晚上跟男朋友講的時候,也覺得自己很Over耶~整家餐廳的環境很美又舒適那些小擺設一樣可以盡情的拍照,抓進我的相機記憶體裡窗邊的位置也是很棒,看著來往的人群有種鬧中取靜的感覺我們都還沒吃午餐,4個人點了3份其中是 CANTON BOX 與 SAIGON BOX,還有一個...請繼續看下去吧綠色盒子的是 SAIGON BOX , 泰式口味的有香茅雞肉,底下的是檬粉!~一旁還有沙拉 跟 炸雞香茅雞肉做得不錯,肉質嫩滑同時香茅味頗重,但檬粉過碎了...有點敗筆可愛的藍色盒子是CANTON BOX相比之下,我沒那麼愛這道蝦子什麼味道都沒,可幸的是麵條還不賴這個像是八方雲集的咖哩煎餃有點讓我哭笑不得!!看到這個 R A I N B O W CLUB,我眼睛都亮了~色彩繽紛的麵包夾著不同的料,有我愛的牛油果、煙肉等等的它的分量很大,粗魯的我喜歡用手抓...呵呵雖然賣相很美,但彩色的麵包味道不太明顯,就吃起來都不錯的感覺無法抗拒的繽紛 LOLLIPOP ,視覺效果一百分的還有一堆彩色的爆米花,除了綠色的那顆...其他都吃不出味道來小惡魔般的奶油也弄得這麼美,叫我如何捨得下手嘛鬆