港鐵黃埔站 B 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 00:00
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食評 (8)
等級4 2018-02-18
631 瀏覽
Always been a fan of calzones, reminds me of school lunches (frozen pizza pockets). Noticed that they have them here, had to pay a visit!To my surprise, it was AMAZING! I ordered the spicy sausage, lots of jalapenos inside which makes me really happy. Crispy outer layer along with a perfect pizza dough texture. Cheesy inside with good quality Italian sausages. Cannot say enough good things about this………Calamari was so so…texture was too soft and a bit fishy. The batter was good tho!For 75 dollars, the calzone was great value, as for the calamari…90 bucks is a bit of a stretch. Overall great experience and will definitely come back. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2018-01-26
522 瀏覽
呢間出名既pizza店,價錢唔算平,一直都未有机會試,見到咁啱有推廣,當然要入去試下啦……因為等咗好耐㗎啦,因為都偏向鍾意食薄pizza,唔洗厚厚重重既pizza,仲可以食大半底 既份量🤣果然 Pizza底好脆呀,開心大滿足😘!講吓味道先,因為promotion, 所以我揀咗原本最貴果件 the Grandmaster, 餡料有Salami, green pepper, white onion, sausage, cheese, ham and mushroom。一睇就知味道好豐富,仲加咁多款洋蔥、青椒,一入口就已經好香濃,冇得輸!唔使15分鐘我已經食咗成份,太好味了!餐飲送可樂,同pizza簡直係絕配, 好似同薯片一樣,大家可以親嘅promotion快啲嚟幫襯一下,第日要求以正會都知食几款最哂自己! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2017-07-12
1479 瀏覽
Got a hawaiian and a pepparoni pizza for takeaway at 12noon time. Only two kinds of pizza available at that time so I had no choice. No one was inside the resto at that moment. Pizza are freshly made I believe, the third kind of pizza was ready when i just paid. The taste was just barely average as the crust was very chewy... toppings were fair. Paisano's are much better and cheaper too. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2017-05-12
1261 瀏覽
This is my first review I've given in OpenRice. I rarely write any sort of reviews, because most of the places I go to the quality wasnt always consistent or nothing too special to talk about. This is one pizzeria I came across just about a month ago. Before that I always go to paisanos, because there are quite a lot of paisanos around Hong Kong and i thought it tastes pretty good for New York style pizzas, though their politeness and service lacked a bit and fairly stingy on parmesan cheese powder and chilli flakes . However, when I saw Checkmate, of course I was sceptical about it as I was used to paisanos at the time and I looked for reviews on it and unsurprisingly I found only 4 reviews. On a random pizza craving day I decided to go for a slice of pepperoni pizza as checkmate is close to where my girlfriend lives, and it tasted..phenomenal! And I've kept coming here. The pizza sauce was slightly sweet which I prefer, the crust is fresh and crispy, fluffy top, cheese and pepperoni proportion was spot on! One thing that surprised me was that their restaurant isn't always fill up with customers but yet their staff is always very polite and their services are outstanding. Half an hour ago I just ordered a 16" pepperoni pizza takeaway and Ive asked for parmesan cheese and chilli flakes with it. 20 mins later I received my pizza and my parmesan cheese and chilli flakes, I was surprised the lady asked if they had given me enough parmesan and chilli. That really gave me a wow, because I was never used to that service in local restaurant in Hong Kong, let alone a New York style pizzeria. The chef I have to mention, the pizza I received is perfect, the best looking pizza I've seen in my life and it sure tasted delicious, just a very classic New York pizza and perfect amount of toppings. Hats off to you sir! Just places like these really deserves good things to be said about it. Running a business is insane in Hong Kong as we know it. But a pizzeria in Hong Kong? Even harder. But yet they've managed to have kept their standard up. I know this review is long but I have to say what I had to say. And again I hope this place will keep its quality and service, and I hope they'll expand in the near future! 繼續閱讀
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香港只有2間分店的Checkmate Pizza~經過門口就被廚窗的Supersize Pizza所吸引。這家餐廳標榜麵粉、醬料都是即日新鮮製造的,哪款Pizza賣完就會看見𥚃面員工即場打麵粉造餅。餐廳帶點紐約時尚感,仿磚塊牆,石地,高圓枱配尖腳高椅子,就像是歐洲的小酒吧。當晚更有駐唱歌手表演,免費點唱,很是樂在其中!二人晚餐選了 "The Queen" 同"Gambit"2款Pizza都不辣的,味道不錯!The Queen $50 (左)材料豐富有蘑菇、洋薊、紅洋蔥、蕃茄、燈籠椒、黑橄欖。口感爽甜。Gambit $40 (右)最簡單的夏威夷Pizza,配搭火腿、菠蘿、粟米,好喜歡菠蘿配Pizza的味道,當天唯一有菠蘿的選擇。令人享受的快餐! 繼續閱讀
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