港鐵灣仔站 A3 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 21:30
11:00 - 22:30
11:30 - 21:00
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食評 (6)
等級2 2014-11-16
1022 瀏覽
I did not know this shop until Groupon has launched its promotional offer. Decided to give it a try as I love yogurt. The shop is clean and the staff are very nice, explaining how to order.Step 1: I have chosen the salted caramel soft serve. Step 2: Chose the 3 churros sticks to be put inside my cup ($38) , plus additional toppings of blueberries (+$6), strawberries (+$6) and almonds (+$6). Step 3: Chose the sause: strawberry sauce. The salted caramel soft serve tasted good. The fruit toppings were fresh and the amount was reasonable. The churros sticks were freshly made and with sugar on it, so it was quite hot actually and very crunchy. Overall it was good. I have used the groupon which is worth $52 (bought with $26), so I have to paid an extra $4 in the end. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-11-14
521 瀏覽
上堂前,男友特地走來帶我去吃這個Churros Twist,聽罷不知是什麼,看到才知是西班牙冬甩配澳洲乳酪/軟雪糕~自數年前到澳洲留學便愛上了yoghurt,故這次必要一嚐它聲稱來自澳洲牛奶的frozen yoghurt 我要了 original frozen yoghurt + 3 churros with blueberry + chocolate sauceyoghurt比想像中的較水,有點像雪糕和雪葩的混合體口感,不如我在澳洲吃到的那樣軟滑creamy,這個有點失望  但churros則有驚喜,即炸的,故需稍後片刻,外脆內軟帶點煙韌,點著yoghurt吃,一次一熱,一甜一酸,兩者配搭起來很過癮,不錯  而blueberry和chocolate sauce只是配襯品,對於我來說可有可無,但churros配朱古力醬也是不錯的選擇~男友要了 original frozen yoghurt + 3 churros with lychee + caramel sauce除了配料不同外,大致上沒有差別,焦糖醬沒有想像中那麼甜,甜度剛好,配著churros吃也不會過甜~如路經這兒,不妨一來,可當作飯後甜品或下午茶小點;如為著吃churros的,會推介,但為著yoghurt的,則有更好的選擇~ 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-09-25
836 瀏覽
今日又係超想食甜品,下晝拉埋有同樣嗜好既男朋友一齊搵好野食,身在灣仔都唔使驚冇甜品食,想試Oddies / 尋日飲食男女見到既churros twist , 先去Oddies , 原來得雪糕,所以揀左churros twist .一早睇左地址,唔難搵,英皇後面街(喜萬年酒樓對面)間鋪算大(相比市面上既雪糕店)光猛舒服,前面係收銀,同topping位,雪糕乳酪機,後面係廚房。落單亦有圖解說,簡單易明既123步,今日特別味道係焦糖,但係冇寫明係雪糕定乳酪,所以比較鐘意食乳酪既男朋友中左計😂雖然無問店員,不過乳酪機得一個出口應該得原味一種,雪糕機仲有雲尼拿味,睇飲食男女話可以2溝,店員冇講,我諗一般路人亦唔會知,間鋪冇其他客都冇招呼,我地入去咁耐都冇問過我地使唔使幫手就自己2個傾閒計😅呢樣改改佢啦。我叫左乳酪+3條churros($38/杯)+朱古力醬+另加1款mochi配料(另加$6/款);男朋友叫左焦糖雪糕+3條churros+焦糖醬+另加1款杏仁配料($44)。Churros 係即叫即炸,呢個好抵讚,連K11 holly brown既waffle都係雪藏野,但呢間小店係即刻炸比你,呢下好感動,churros放入乳酪唔會過熱整溶乳酪/雪糕,入口脆脆熱住加乳酪一齊食好正,churros唔會過甜,乳酪酸酸地好正(題外話:佢地聲稱98% fat free, 做健身教練既男朋友話low fat唔代表冇糖,食左都係肥,我即刻想打佢,哈哈,食得預左啦,掃興😅,講完)但我試食男友果杯焦糖,覺得好味d(隔離飯香),焦糖味好重,香味十足又滑,但男友又鐘意我果杯多d,所以可以下次再調轉試😂仲有我另加既配料糯米糍,食過咁多間呢間果d好似好味d,愈咬d糯米味愈香😋而家諗起都仲想食😂最後我有疑問,間鋪前面咁大個位,就算唔整枱椅,都可以整塊板比想企響道食既客人用掛?我同男朋友企響道拎住唔知點好😅個人意見,整體都好好食。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-09-25
1129 瀏覽
At the Churros twist you can get the best of boths worlds with Spanish Churros with Australian dairy frozen yogurt and Australian soft serve.However, it would be great if they answered their phones though.As the pavement on Wan Chai Road is pathetically narrow it does now allow people to stop when they are walking so unless you are on the opposite side, you won't really be able to spot it.Finally found it and the doors are sliding ones even though they look like push/pull ones.Basically your are greeted with pink and blue.The colour and format of the menu looks exactly like the one at Yo Mama.Anyway, the lady at the cashier could have been friendlier but the boss was really nice.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Caramel sauce with salted caramel soft serve and churros:The salted caramel was actually quite nice with a decent sweet caramel taste but I couldn't quite taste the salt.It was slightly watery at the bottom.As for the churros, they were chunky and quite hard with a slight soft centre and a mild frying oil taste.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎The bill: $38Service: OKYummy factor: okSweetness levels: just rightNapkins provided: yesEnglish Menu: YesAir Conditioning: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2014-09-21
585 瀏覽
We were going to try another newly open dessert place round the corner but found out their icecream was sold out and only had eggettes. We left with disappointment, but then I spotted this new eyecatchy bright blue place which seemed to sell icecream as we strolled along Wanchai Rood. Craving for something cold and sweet, I went straight in to check out what they've got. This is their menu and it is quite straight forward. You could choose your twist--frozen yogurt/soft-serve, some toppings/churros and a sauce on top. The toppings were the common ones you could get at other shops. Personally, I didn't find the toppings appealing. A big fan of churros and froyo, I went for the combination of froyo+churros+chocolate sauce. I was a bit disappointed that the churros weren't as piping hot as I expected. They were probably ready made so they were only a bit warm. The outside was crispy but the inside wasn't spongy enough. The good thing was that it wasn't oily at all. The froyo wasn't the creamy type-- it was kind of icy-- you would like it if you prefer tuttimelon to crumbs.The flavour was ok, not too sour nor too sweet. However, the chocolate sauce was a bit watery and didn't taste so chocolate.I think it would do the trick if the churros were freshly made and a better chocolate sauce was used instead.  Overall, I like the idea of it and I think it's still worth trying. The churros would probably go better with soft-serve rather than froyo. I'm not sure...Perhaps I will try this combo next time or try their plain churros...perhaps? 繼續閱讀
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