11:30 - 21:30
11:30 - 21:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
○de▽ 鯛白湯らーめん (中環) 係主打鯛魚湯底嘅日式拉麵,雖然地方唔算大,得十多個位,但環境幾舒適。今次試咗佢哋兩款招牌拉麵,發現整體表現都唔錯,所以要推介畀大家~🐟 鯛白湯($138)味道超級濃郁,飲落比較感受到好厚嘅鯛魚味,如果食到中間開始覺得膩,可以加入碗邊嘅柚子醬,但唔建議一次過加太多,加少少就夠!湯入面仲有唔少鯛魚肉碎!好正!🤤如果你鍾意超濃湯,呢款一定要試!🐠 鯛清湯($138)對於一向鍾意白湯嘅我,清湯版本好有驚喜,尤其推介畀第一次嚟食嘅人🤍。湯底同樣充滿鯛魚鮮甜味,仲配有一碟仔嘅牡蠣油🦪,但同樣建議加少少就夠晒。叉燒同配菜都同白湯相似,但口感會更輕盈,食到最後都唔會覺得膩~🚶🏻排隊體驗喺店外排隊嗰陣,店員已經同你確定order,同埋畀埋錢,所以一入去就好快有得食~而且可能位少人多,店員見你食完,好快就會收碗,坐得唔耐,如果想同朋友傾吓偈坐耐啲,就唔建議揀呢間啦!整體評價○de▽ 鯛白湯らーめん喺湯底方面做得幾出色,鯛白湯濃郁,鯛清湯清爽,各有千秋,值得再訪😋見隔離枱嗌沾麵仲有乾冰,下次可能會想試😂唯一建議係座位數量有限,最好預早去或者避開繁忙時段,否則都等得耐⏰(好彩我哋今次夜晚6點幾就到,等3張枱就到,仲要係3-4人嘅卡位)(To admin: 全自費,非試食優惠)
下午5點半到中環呢間拉麵店,入而已經得返4個位,今次揀左bar 枱坐。枱上面有冰水壺,需要自己加水,亦有紙巾比我地用。去到個陣已經冇鯛白湯,所以揀左個鯛沾麵。一上菜,個拉麵好似有仙氣,打卡一流,食落個麵林得黎又煙韌,好彈牙,好好味。拉麵雖然係凍但唔係冰凍,一浸入湯就變暖。個湯亦好出色,之前香港食過幾間沾麵,一係好咸,食完好口渴,一係唔熱。呢間佢得岩岩好,夠熱而且唔會太咸,食到好開胃。下次到黎就試下鯛白湯😋
日式炸雞炸得剛好肉質保持嫰滑外脆內嫩 是傳統日式炸雞的味道和牛壽司 沒想過壽司飯是靠微波爐翻熱的驚呆了老鐵 但牛肉真的是和牛鲷白湯拉面 $138湯底好鮮甜 好濃郁的魚味 唔覺得好鹹因為是鯛白湯所以我會預期湯會跟一般白湯不一樣會比較絲滑 但事實並非如此質感其實有點沙 同絲滑好像扯不上任何關係不得不提 喝到尾聲時候湯入面會赫然發現湯入面有唔少碎骨粉同白湯呢兩個字 預期越扯越遠第一啖入口時除了鯛魚嘅味道之外仲有一股強烈嘅沙丁魚或秋刀魚嘅味道碗邊有柚子醬 相當淡口柚子味很淡我認為柚子醬 沒有特別提升湯的層次柚子味亦唔出 可有可無麵上面有啲鯛魚肉 無骨的 好鮮配菜有洋蔥粒、蔥絲、筍、炸魚皮啲麵係比較幼身份量都多 彈牙好味
Whenever I passed by this Japanese noodles shop, there was always a long queue outside. So we went one weekday way after lunch time to avoid the crowds and only waited for a short while before we got a table which was good. There were only limited items on their menu, mostly featuring madai (snapper) which was the shop speciality😅. I opted for their Madai Broth Ramen ($135 with no service charge) which broth, as stated on menu, had been simmered with some shell fish for 8 hours to create a rich and tasty broth to go with the Japanese ramen. When the ramen was served, one could immediately smell the strong aroma of the madai broth. The white colour of the broth is a testament that the broth was rich and rather condensed. The broth was ringing with madai goodness, and it didn’t matter if the thin pork slice or other condiments in the bowl lacked lustre in comparison. But in terms of the texture of the noodles, to me, they were rather soft, and some bite to the noodles itself would elevate the dining experience to another level. The yuzu spread on the bowl and the chopped yuzu was rather subtle in taste and didn’t quite work for me though I could understand the logic of adding some brightness to the bowl using such ingredients. Overall, had to say the broth was pretty good and it’s quite unusual to find a madai focused Japanese noodles shop in HK. The shop is rather small and one felt a bit cramped even though we (a party of 3) were able to sit in the 4 people table by the window.