港鐵北角站 A1 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 20:30
AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 八達通
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
泰式魚肉路邊湯粉啖啖魚肉😍品嚐出啖啖泰國風味🏝另外仲有調味 烤嫩滑鴨胸木瓜絲沙律 泰式魚肉釀大尖椒
食評 (14)
Deli 313 is the new Thai food stall at the Worfu Food Court. There used to be another one but it was replaced by this place. It served various popular Thai dishes but it was this poster that caught our eye.A bowl of green noodles? Boyfriend decided he wanted to find out.Menu is in Chinese only. There is no 10% service charge as it's part of the food court. Though they serve various Thai classics, it was the unknown green item we were interested in.We asked what it was and the owner said it was fish cake noodles. You can order two sizes. We tried a small ($35). At the side of the stall are 6 different toppings you can add to it. Most of them were spicy.  As the item wasn't spicy, you can use the toppings to create how ever spicy you want it.This is what it looked like. There was a big piece of softly braised daikon. The noodles were rice noodles and layered underneath. The green items? That was the fish cakes. The owner said they get the green color from use of different herbs. We tasted a lot of lemongrass flavor. I liked it. It was firm and had a strong fish taste like dace. Boyfriend wasn't a big fan. But I liked it enough I'd get it again. The only thing disappointing was the soup. Didn't have much flavour. Other than that, definitely the most interesting thing I've ever had at a food court. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2022-12-04
488 瀏覽
自從幾年前響柴灣食過之前,真心一試難忘,居然比我偶遇番呢間咁有特色嘅泰國小店,再續我哋嘅緣份😍😍首先老闆同老闆娘嘅情深背景故事不再多講(有興趣想知道的自己search吓google)。有故事仲要有扎實嘅功力,話到底都係做食肆,啲食物好味先係最重要。我個人喜歡食泰國菜唔係淨係掛住「辣」咁簡單,豐富嘅香草同新鮮嘅調味汁先係靈魂,大家試吓佢個「招牌魚肉路邊湯粉」同埋「路邊煎魚餅」就知道我講緊乜嘢🤤🤤不過大家要試呢間小店真係要比小小耐性,因為唔知點解呢個全新裝修嘅food court 外面稍為清晰啲嘅指示都冇,即使入咗商場之後都完全見唔到指示(無論天花、牆身、地面都冇),唯有用直覺同耐性行到最底層嘅最入面先見到😵😵最後,好欣賞老闆娘自家整嘅每日窩心飲品,我去嗰日係金桔雪梨水🍊🍊🍐🍐飲完成個人潤曬🥰🥰 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2022-11-27
334 瀏覽
唔係第一次食,回購左三次寫食評以示支持鼓勵白酒魚肉好食過辣味,但係兩個都好食店主又好有heart 白酒炒魚肉係必食梳打水都靚過人一定要支持呀加油老闆其他嘢未試過,下次可以試吓沙律嗰啲啲嘢仲要好抵食今次試埋個元件亂畫烤鴨胸鴨胸個醬汁好好食感覺老闆有精心配過者牛肩脊粒肥身啲,但係好惹味可能係因為地下食店加上其他店舖未開,唔係好多人知道,所以試過覺得好食想幫佢推介下,專登過嚟試都唔會失望佢個魚肉好特別,係綠色嘅🤣🤣🤣 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2022-11-19
268 瀏覽
出乎意料既好食皮蛋沙律非常惹味,調味出色,食左即刻想encore。小辣岩岩好。牛湯蘿蔔大大份,煲得好淋。堂食送飲料,每日轉款。飲過咸柑桔檸檬茶同香茅茶,有心機。性價比極高,呢度45蚊食到好滿足。一定有下次。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2022-10-16
312 瀏覽
Deli313嘅魚肉我都食咗10年啦,以前喺路邊食而家有得坐喺度食魚肉係採用咗泰國香葉打製而成,綠色嘅魚肉,好特別好靚😍味道清香獨特,口感彈牙,配以牛骨湯底帶出魚肉鮮味,我再加了辣椒魚露和辣粉🌶超級嘢味,完全感受到好似喺泰國路邊小食的感覺。再加左支原味梳打水,同埋個粉簡直係一絕👍 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)