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食評 (13)
等級4 2023-06-05
884 瀏覽
主打即叫即製既手工酸種薄餅🍕同爆餡冬甩🍩Pizza有多款唔同口味可以揀🌟The Pepperoni SupremeTomato, Mozzarella, Pepperoni, Smoked Italian Sausage, Oregano必嗌既經典口味😆蕃茄,🧀️配辣肉腸Pizza餅底口感煙韌得黎又外脆內軟😋🌟 The Parma 2.0Tomato, Fresh Mozzarella, Herb Roasted Mushrooms, Crushed Garlic, Parma Ham, Rocket, Shaved Parmesan呢款口感會比較豐富 🧀️芝士味較濃同加左rocket香啲又無甘膩蘸埋個香草蒜蓉醬 更添風味👍🏻🌟 Nutella🌟Oreo Chocolate冬甩都有好多不同口味有Nutella,吉士醬,lemon pie,士多啤梨果醬同抹茶全部都係即叫即炸🍩一搣開就完全係爆漿效果😈實在太邪惡喇 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2023-05-14
531 瀏覽
My husband picked up the order during rain. It was a late lunch and we all hungry. Only one lady staff at the counter but she had no experience with the cashier. The order has been paid online but she asked for payment from my husband. She couldn’t work out how to collect money so she asked my husband to go get cash for payment, in the rain. When he got cash and paid, the lady rounded up the amount by herself without authorization!?!My husband drove home only to realized the order was incomplete - 2 drinks were missing!!? He was frustrated and drove back to the shop and get the missing drinks. This time a male manager came back to the shop, and spotted that the order has been paid online already, so he refunded to my husband. Lucky we went back!? Hungry and hurried in rain, my husband (usually a patient nice guy) was impatient and demanded an apology. The manager arrogantly rejected my husband’s request and said “she is just a chef”. But why would she be allowed to handle cashier if “she is just a chef”? Worst, when food finally (after 40 minutes instead of 10 minutes) arrived home we realized the drink was wrong - a beer was missing. And the pizza were cold already. TOTALLY UNSATISFIED!!! POOR ATTITUDE!(Totally different from our previous experience - nice staff, knowledgeable and efficient!?!?) 繼續閱讀
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一直都想試呢間人氣Pizza🤩 Dough Bros淨係做外賣都咁好生意,就知佢有幾好味啦🌟 Pizza同冬甩都有多個口味,餅底係用酸種麵團製作,即叫即整🔥好有誠意!透過玻璃可以望到廚房製作過程,稍等10-15分鐘已經拎得~最近新出左sharing set for 2-4人🥳 只需$338就可以食到2 pizzas + 3 doughnuts + 3 drinks,平時原價叫個pizza都要$118-178,呢個set真係極高CP值!買Pizza仲可以免費揀一個醬汁,又有另一番滋味~♢ 🥩𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒆𝒂𝒕 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓’𝒔食肉獸必點呀🤤 酸種餅底口感鬆軟,勁有空氣感,邊位保持香脆口感。搭配西班牙香腸﹑辣肉腸﹑牛肉丸﹑墨西哥辣椒、醃辣椒,仲有蕃茄同水牛芝士,多到可以拉絲🧀 非常邪惡!整體味道豐富,辣得過癮,夠哂香口惹味🌶️♢ 🐖𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒂𝒎𝒂 𝟐.𝟎另一款揀左比較light既口味,大量巴馬火腿同火箭菜絕不手軟🥹 每片pizza都有料架!Pizza同樣用左蕃茄醬底,配上烤蘑菇﹑水牛芝士、碎大蒜,面層灑上巴馬臣芝士,鹹香味道超突出,打開pizza盒已經令人垂涎三尺🤤♢ 🍩𝑫𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒔黎到又點可以錯過招牌冬甩呢😏 Dough Bros好貼心咁可以比你揀regular sugar/cinnamon sugar,肉桂糖霜感覺較健康~ 一大開盒就聞到濃烈香味👃🏻 我地試左Nutella同Custard口味,冬甩口感幾煙韌,滿滿既榛子果仁醬邪惡又好味!而吉士就無咁甜,但係都好香,忍唔住食哂成個冬甩🤭 繼續閱讀
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💻網上睇資料,呢度嘅酸種薄餅🍕用上有機歐洲麵粉,並以酸種麵糰手工製作而成,所以口感特別煙韌,而且更易做到外脆內軟嘅效果🤤。單買一個價錢$118起,如果有多一個人同你食,☝🏽阿叔建議大家不如叫 Sharing Set for 2-4,一個價錢 $338 除可任揀2款薄餅🍕外,更包3款邪惡冬甩🍩同埋2款飲品🥤,性價值更高。👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽🍕 The Truffle (單買:$178) 推介俾所有鍾意食濃味嘅朋友仔!薄餅面上加上黑松露醬、水牛同巴馬臣芝士,味道超濃郁,唔使沾醬都超好味!🍕 The BBQ Chicken (單點:$148) 跟 The Truffle 一樣,呢款薄餅同樣味道較濃,加埋燒烤醬同紅蔥頭,味道更添惹味。🍩 Doughnuts (單買:$38) 炸冬甩一共有Nutella榛子醬、吉士、檸檬、士多啤梨、抹茶同Oreo朱古力醬6款口味可揀,全部即叫即炸,輕輕撕開即有爆漿效果,比起酸種薄餅更邪惡,絕對值得一食!— 繼續閱讀
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榛子可可醬冬甩$38 一件好味指數:10/10好多年冇食過冬甩🍩,今日專登去拜訪呢間冬甩店,果然聞名不如見面,我哋叫咗榛子🍫可可醬,落單嘅時候仲會mark埋你個名,店員仲話可以join會員即刻有折扣,又送Pizza🍕。原來Mark低你個名係因為佢嘅冬甩係即叫即做,等咗大概15分鐘⏰已經有啦,熱辣辣嘅外層鋪滿🤤砂糖,表面脆脆地咬落去朱古力醬非常流心,又唔會太膩,真係啱啱好,好值得推介,大家不妨一試。 繼續閱讀
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