港鐵西營盤站 B1 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
主打漢堡的小店,如classic aussie beef burger除了份量足的安格斯草飼牛外,還配上豐富的配料如洋蔥、芝士及醃黃瓜等。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 21:30
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
電話訂座 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (22)
等級1 2017-11-10
9031 瀏覽
Simply the best burger in town.  Period.Yes you have to wait, but the wait is worth it.  My current favourite combo is the Classic with Stilton cheese and fat fries.  Magic.You can try the Mac Daddy but its a lotta burger...only for the very hungry :-) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2017-11-07
4590 瀏覽
I would say an average burger in Hong Kong, which puts it below average for the West.  The owner was toting the low prices, however the regular "classic" burger is 155 HKD for a cheeseburger and fries without a drink, so definitely there price point is above the normal.  The burger was a good size, but had lots of "things" in it, however I want my burger with more high quality meat and less filler, especially for that price.   The stuff in it gave the burger a different taste, which for me, is not as agreeable.  It certainly did not stand-out in my head compared to the other burgers I have eaten in Hong Kong and the price point was higher.   We have tried to eat there before and give another chance, but the hours seem to fluctuate weekly.  Also,  when we went, they were out of about 50% of the menu.  I have talked to a few people about this and our go to is still Butcher Club and Beef and Liberty for reliability, a better burger, and an even better or equal price point. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-10-27
3194 瀏覽
第一次去西環 特登來呢一間新開的漢堡店,店舖位置並唔難搵。唔好睇間野細細間,都有好多外國人去幫襯classic Aussie beef burger$120以為只有一層牛肉 點知上到枱嘅時候係有兩層😍勁厚!塊肉高過兩節手指位。牛肉好多汁,無論你食得幾小心都難逃肉汁被洗手嘅命運😂好彩佢有洗手間提供比客人洗手!食burger梗係用手揸住食架啦點會用刀叉呢😏不過講真我個口一啖係食唔到架!略嫌啲肉調味唔係好夠,太多肉反而令我覺得有啲濟,一個女仔應該都食唔晒一個包😅最欣賞係佢入邊有我鍾意食嘅酸瓜🤓如果有多d芝士會好d薯角略嫌有d油,佢地嘅醬汁係自己調教Carbonara chicken $140係生蛋黃丫carbonara嘅意粉就食得多啦,burger唔知你有試過未呢勁浮誇囉!一大堆薯條!好脆,而且係有牛骨髓嘅味道!講返個漢堡先,成座山咁高塊肉真係好厚!佢唔鞋,不過就同牛肉一樣,調味差d。同樣係好多汁!d蛋黃係要啜着食😘,好creamy丫!另外大胃王仲挑戰左mac daddy$128其實同classic個款差唔多,不過就再淡味d,只有牛味,如果係牛魔王一定like! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-10-23
2366 瀏覽
同我frd底既應該都知我唔太鍾意食麵包🍞,食親🍔都會齋食餡(節墮港女mode🤦🏻‍♀️...)呢間新開既漢堡包店令我另眼相看,個包夠晒鬆軟,相機食先左十分鐘都冇變得乾爭爭😍carbonara chicken呢個組合簡直係邪惡既極致,好罪惡但見到隻流心蛋又好治癒🤤🤤,中間仲有煙肉同軟軟既芝士,真係一試便愛上仲點左Mac Daddy, 兩塊肉疊埋,一啖一定放唔晒入口,牛肉仲充滿肉汁,我比99分🤘🏻🤘🏻叫左個wedges都好惹味,老闆同其他食客都好熱情😊 繼續閱讀
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I'm always on the lookout for a great burger.When you think of the Food Pyramid, then a burger has got all the bases covered; mind you, the proportion of fats and meat might be a little on the excessive side I'd been hearing a lot about a new burger joint over at Sai Ying Pun for quite a while, Electric Avenue; the buzz had been really positive, as had their Social Media campaign.  In fact, the crew at the had been so active on Social Media, that they'd actively engaged in a post.Feeling particularly hungry one Saturday, we decided to get along and check out Electric Avenue, which was only a few MTR stations away from our home base.  It didn't take us long to arrive at Electric Avenue, but as we walked along First Steet, I was reminded about how far Sai Ying Pun had progressed since I'd landed in Hong Kong.  There were new cafes, lots more street art and just a general feeling that SYP was a totally happening place.Electric Avenue was pretty easy to find, with a very cool wall mural that very much represented the kitsch factor that represented the area.  What surprised me was how small the burger joint was; taking up a tiny little corner shop with about 4 tables inside, it immediately felt cramped.  We managed to snag the last table, and believe me, it was very squishy; when people at the table next to us moved, we were jostled and the stool seating left very little space for manoeuvring.As with the tiny dining area, the kitchen was equally tiny; with room for the chef and waitress only (and really not too much room for the waitress either).  Looking over the menu, which was placed above the kitchen, resplendent with photos of the little joint's produce, we were told that only a couple of the burgers on the menu were available.  A minor annoyance, but with a good enough selection left that we both were able to order the burgers we wanted.We settled in to wait for our food, which took a little longer to be delivered that your ordinary burger joint.  Now, if I was in a rush, it might have been annoying, but what we noticed was that the chef/owner of Electric Avenue was taking considerable care with making the burgers.  Essentially one order at a time.By the time it was our turn and our food arrived, the massive burgers were presented in cardboard holders that had our rosemary chips on one side and the fully stacked burgers on the other.  And when I say fully stacked, I mean that the burgers were monster sized.There was very little to tell apart from our burgers, I'd chosen the classic with cheddar cheese and the girl had chosen the MacDaddy; both came with double patties made from 100% grass-fed Australian Angus beef and the buns were supplied by Gregoire Michaud of Bread Elements.  It seemed as if the big difference between our burgers was the addition of house pickles/onion and American Cheese (as opposed to cheddar), along iwth the fake Bic Mac sauce, which was really not that overpowering.One of the things that we were expecting from our burgers was a lovely pink hue that signified a perfect medium; however, when we chomped into our burgers, both had meat that was well done.  Ordinarily, this would be a massive problem for me, but even though there was no pink, the meat was incredibly juicy and so, so tender.  There was a decent hit of seasoning that included a liberal hit of pepper, so the burgers were delicious. However, I can't help think that some of that wonderful sweet flavour that you get from perfectly cooked medium rare beef can provide.There were two types of fries available from Electric Avenue, and we inadvertently both ordered the Rosemary fries; of which I wasn't a huge fan.  They were just bog standard and very thinly cut, so by the time I'd consumed my burger, they were kind of cold.  The other type was 5-hour bone marrow chips, which I really wish I'd ordered; especially after seeing some go out to other customers!A definite must for my next visit.Chef and owner Andy (Mr Chin Su Burgers) named his little burger joint after a famous street in London; which is a diverse cultural hub and a foodie mecca (given I will be back in London soon, will have to check it out!)I had a quick chat to Andy as I was fixing up my bill; the dude definitely cares about making burgers and ensuring that each burger that comes out of his kitchen looks and tastes amazing.  I really enjoyed my burger at Electric Avenue, it wasn't perfect, but it was huge, tasty, enjoyable and would definitely be a burger that I'd be back for.@FoodMeUpScotty 繼續閱讀
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