港鐵上環站 E1 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 20:30
12:00 - 19:00
12:00 - 19:00
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食評 (33)
等級4 2018-04-13
1868 瀏覽
呢間係我最喜愛的咖啡店, 無入到用餐日期因為我真係差唔多個個weekend都黎chill chill佢早1、2年前就比較鐘意試佢每個星期都有新款既ice cream sandwiches, 同埋佢地自家制既smoke ice cream Affogatoooooo呢隻煙燻雪糕既味道真係無咩地方搵到,仲要整得好食添!而近期就比較喜歡佢既咖啡自從佢出咗1次mint mocca之後我就次次黎都會問佢有冇mint因為有時佢唔會放上嗰度既menu度最正最正係呢度既環境, 迫迫地但你1定搵到你既位置鐘意坐幾奈都得無人會趕你走 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2018-02-18
1222 瀏覽
​​上個禮拜去PMQ睇完Chanel個展,就嚟咗上環哩間ElephantGrounds飲杯咖啡。去到嘅時候,露台位第一次咁清淨,可以獨享靚景,分外寫意。- Flat White($38) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-07-22
2582 瀏覽
A very hot and sunny day today, went to hang out with a friend and have some ice cream 😆 🍨The Elephant Grounds (Sheung Wan) is located inside the Woaw Shop. It's not a big restaurant, only around 12-15 seats with some of them at the balcony (outdoor seating). Vintage style of the interior of Elephant Grounds bar. MenuMe and my friend ordered Japanese Taro ice cream cup and Coco-colada ice cream (topped with 🍒 🍍 and sandwiched with 2 meringues). The Taro ice cream is very creamy and has a light Taro taste. The Coco-colada is one of the special flavours of the month, the filling tastes similar to a pina-colada cocktail 🍹, the crunchy meringue gives an additional sweetness to the whole dessert. It has a nice appearance, great for taking photos 👍🏻 😆 It's also great for those who have a sweet tooth! 😋 A bit pricey but it's alright to have something nice and posh once in a while! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2017-05-12
1830 瀏覽
Came here for a quick lunch meal and decided to go with the cheese sandwich which apparently comes with mozzarella and cheddar, tomato soup and salad.Presentation of the meal was great, the food was ... well. The sandwich was super crispy and had a great flavour of butter on the outside. Sadly, the tiny slice of cheese (which looked like cheddar only, nowhere a sign of mozzarella) was the only topping. That does not qualify for the name of "cheese sandwich"! The tomato soup was alright, even though quite sour which means it came straight from the can without any addition of sugar to at least try to hide the canned source.Salad - which was just a pile of lettuce - was alright too. I guess for those who don't like dressing anyway it was perfect although a bit on the oilier side, for me I needed extra vinegar.My yuzu oolong iced tea was brilliant though - that I can highly recommend! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2017-03-08
2616 瀏覽
位置在歌賦街一間店的背後,不太好找,可以沿路問問九記牛腩,店就在附近。有面向外面的小露台,位置想著露台的設計挺舒服的,但是很少。去的時候有人在拍照,所以有點覺得坐下會打擾他們於是就拿好咖啡就走啦。點了一杯Cold Coffee,一杯Flat White。Flat White很濃郁,Cold Coffee口感带酸,清爽。店員介紹的態度也是一般。如果說可以提高的地方就是店的佈局吧。沒有嘗試食物和曲奇,下次可以去其他分店再體驗。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)