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Varlhona 7-layer Cake
食評 (91)
等級4 2011-08-27
369 瀏覽
Epoch可算是香港第一代主打做咖啡的咖啡店。還記得住在星街的時候,我可是每天也會去永豐街的店鋪喝咖啡。現在搬了到九龍,已很小回灣仔更惶論品味他們的咖啡。今日機緣巧合下去到他們側魚涌的分店,一於回味一下我昔日喜愛的咖啡店看看他們的進境。橫掂未食lunch,一於嚟一客雞肉panini和我的至愛---latte。印象中這店是用上illy的咖啡豆。對於一眾咖啡友來說illy咖啡豆可說是咖啡界的lafite。可是隨着香港咖啡友的知識提升,知道咖啡豆新鮮的重要性,大部份的咖啡店已轉用本地炒家提供的咖啡豆,提供給本地咖啡迷外國進口的roast bean以外另一選擇。於我而言,咖啡豆新鮮固然重要,但香港烘焙師是否追得上意大利水平我還是有保留,畢竟意大利人在炒豆方面行先我們數百年。打個比喻,正如我們在後花園種的芒果,永遠及不上菲律賓種的鮮甜。好了,說完我對咖啡的獨步見解,也是時候給說店一個品評。這店的裝修尚可,可以給我優優閒閒過一個懶懶洋洋的下午。menu board方面裝上了LCD display board,很有時代感。我叫的Latte有消一會便送上。latte用上透明玻璃杯,奶泡層次分明,管理層的決策抵讚!可是要控訴的是奶泡打得不什漂亮,從柸頂上可清楚地看到很多粗糙的奶泡。要知道對於milk based coffee來說,奶泡打得不夠香滑,任你用何種頂級咖啡豆,你的咖啡已被判了死刑。有時真的不明白一間如此well established的coffee shop 為何不放多点effort落陪瞓barista?雖然咖啡的粗糙奶泡已大大減低我喝咖啡的意慾,但大拿拿三十多元的咖啡還是要喝的。大件事!這杯咖啡入口的第一個感覺是酸和極苦的。酸我猜想是本身illy豆的風味和特性,而苦我則猜想是薈萃過度(over 35seconds)而度至咖啡唔好的本質也extract了出來。咖啡我喝了兩口已喝不下去了。正好這時waiter送上了我的chicken panini,可援衝我口中的苦澀味。 panini配上了火箭菜,味道出奇的好,只是略嚴雞肉的味道不夠濃,完全給菜的味道蓋過。總括而言,若本身不是對咖啡要求太高的話,這店不失為一間可以hea一日的店子。只是,數年前此店給我的印象是走優質咖啡路線的精品咖啡店,今日給我的印象是已轉了走一眾大型連鎮式咖啡店路線,不在乎咖啡質數,只在乎能提供一個舒適環境給人hea一個下午。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2011-08-26
141 瀏覽
I was so disappointed with the service of Epoch's staff when making coffee. This afternoon, i went to epoch to buy a cup of skimmed milk caffe latte to take away and realise their service was in a mess especially during lunch time hour. I was standing in front of the cake cabinet and waiting for my latte, actually the barista already made my caffe latte, it is just they made a mistake to overlook the order is for takeaway. They left the coffee near the cashier for 10 mins then later on they realise it is my order,so they jumped in front of me and ask me once again if i want it take away...and i say yes. I was standing there for more than 15 mins and saw the whole thing! Then they pour the latte from the cup into a paper cup and trying to pour more hot milk and pass to me. I was totally shocked!I said to the lady '' Isnt it the right way to serve coffee in such a way?!'' Then she saw my unhappy face, she asked the barista to make a new one for me. Honestly, if i can accept such a quality of coffee, i dun really need to pay $ 30 for a regular size coffee. I can get something cheaper from local fast food shop for half price. The idea to have a cup of coffee with such a price is expecting, it is freshly brew and also serve it when it still hot. They made a mistake, then they should make a new one for their customer and never pour a luke warm coffee from a cup into a paper cup, then add more hot milk and send to the customer......! When i was waiting for my order , i saw the barista is not very professional. He made excess milk foam on a caffe latte, then he use a plastic spoon to scope it away, then drop the plastic spoon into the basin and pour more hot milk. Then he seems not happy about the layer of milk foam, he grabbed the same plastic spoon from the basin again and scope away more milk foam. They see dun have a sense of hygiene!It is totally unacceptable and disappointed to me and sure i will not visit again. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-08-19
86 瀏覽
beef and rice was both too hard to bite,but mixed vegetables was good and fresh.tuna and black truffle was not really rich in taste,better turn to japanese restaurant.but again,spinach, tomato and rocket was fresh and good.difficult to choose between black and white,waitress described white to be white chocolate and vanilla,would be sweeter,so finally i chose black.thousand miles of quality from la maison du chocolat's cake,this was top too hard,mousse too melting state,middle brownie broke too easily ( but then i knew it would be healthier, but dessert was first taste good than to be healthy right?! )then bottom was counted perfect,crispy and right of sweetness.service and hygiene not really good,would not return if not too tired under hot sun. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2011-08-17
63 瀏覽
曾幾何時,epoch是我喜愛的一間餐廳,現在,她令我非常失望。話說以前在太古上班的時候,偶爾也會來吃lunch,也曾吃過晚飯。其實我連灣仔那間也吃過,也覺得不錯。最喜歡的,就是這兒的carbonara。這次再來到,是因為miharu買了coupon。是因為coupon的關係嗎?怎麼變差了?首先,我們坐下是,waiter只放下pasta set的menu,我們問了,忚才給我們另一本menu。點了沙律,就這樣放下,連碟也不給我們,問了兩次才有。記憶中這兒的caeser salad一向偏鹹,今次亦然。點了carbonara和napoleon,其實napoleon.可以不吃,實在不甚美味。而carbonara保持水準。聊了一會天,點甜品。分別點了榛子蛋糕和心太軟。最大的問題就來了。menu上明明心太軟是有雪糕的,怎麼上來時沒有?問了waiter,他才說freezer壞了,所以沒有雪糕。沒有雪糕,怎麼我們點菜時你不說?waiter說可能點菜時同事忘了說。miharu問是否價錢一樣,他說︰是。完全沒有想過解決方案。雖說一球雪糕值不了多少錢,但點菜時你又不說,然後我們追問又不想辦法補疚,這是什麼服務態度?他說我們不滿意的話,可以取回。但kenny應該想吃,所以我們就擺了。這個心太軟,其實也不太好吃,因為不知道為什麼,桑子和raspberry都是苦的,苦得我吐了出來,strawberry和blueberry則沒事。miharu說應該是給酒浸過…這不是我第一次去epoch,但有可能是最後一次。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-08-12
55 瀏覽
團購瘋系列 -- 兒子近日忙於備戰週末的考試,加上每天下班後整個人累得活像虛脫似的,唉,真是打壞後生,所以連週五晚亦不願外出用膳。醒起早前在團購網站買了 3 張華蘭路 ēpöch 的意粉餐券,這晚就決定外賣回家,方便懶人可安在家中享用晚餐。由於當天中午已先至電預訂,所以晚上 7:30 pm 到達店舖時,亦只是等了約 10 分鐘左右,女店員已禮貌地遞上食物。先看看三款意粉,這盒卡邦尼扁意粉賣相比上次堂食時還要美觀,內裡材料雖然唔算豐富,但煙肉咬落鹹鹹香香,意粉煮得亦頗煙韌,食落非常入味,加上 carbonara 盡吸了蛋汁的精華,令口感吃起來夠曬 creamy, 的確做得很有誠意。同樣地,肉醬意粉的外觀比起上次堂食時更為誘人,而且免治肉醬份量很足。先把肉醬與意粉拌勻同吃,每條麵條也盡收肉醬的香味,入口既不膩,亦不鹹,味道調得剛好,加上意粉夠彈口,配上濃郁的肉香,味道是不錯的,只是稍嫌醬汁實在放得過少,令意粉吃起來欠了點應有的濕潤感。以火腿、雞肉、蘑菇、紅椒等做成的白汁雞肉磨菇長通粉,望落去材料非常豐富,長通粉入口滑溜而不油膩,食落好有咬口,而且煮得唔會太韌或者太腍,配上香濃的白汁和惹味的黑椒粒,味道蠻不錯啊。至於飲品,據店員說由於當天咖啡機壞掉,著我改點其它飲料,所以就分別揀了凍檸茶、凍檸水及玫瑰花茶。檸茶、檸水冰凍得來又甜度適中,味道尚算正常,不過那杯玫瑰花茶,氣味雖然幾清香,但飲落甘味頗重,入口還帶點苦澀,對嗜甜的我來說,並不受落。面對物價飛漲,作為師奶一族的我,既要盡量節省開支,但又要躲懶不開火鑽,故能以 $35 價錢吃到一份意粉餐,已可算是經濟抵食的了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)