港鐵中環站 K 出口, 步行約9分鐘
位於UG花園樓層的Garden Lounge瀰漫優雅高貴的氛圍,聖約翰座堂隨落地玻璃窗映入眼簾,令人舒心。餐廳不僅提供聞名遐邇的下午茶,亦設全日餐單,包羅西式及亞洲經典佳餚,晚間時段更提供海鮮半自助晚餐。室內裝潢選用冷灰色和金色為主調,彰顯出時尚簡約的風格;翠綠的草坪旁更提供戶外座位,適合喜歡悠閒或攜帶寵物前來用餐的賓客。
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
We went for the 3-course menu at $548 + 10% per person and chose one course at the antipasti bar, a main course chosen from 5 options plus a dessert. Coffee/tea is included. It’s a nice and generous selection of the antipasti buffet. The staff had courteously asked if he should present us with our mains when we had our 2nd round of the antipasti buffet.The main courses were nice and also with sizable portion. I was expecting something smaller. The black truffle and prawn maccheroncini had used sustainable ingredients and I loved the flavour brought about by the wild mushroom ragout mixed with black truffle. The grilled smoked eel kabayaki also had great flavours. Both desserts were nice while I preferred the refreshing taste of the passion fruit cheesecake and same-flavoured sorbet. The Earl Grey chocolate cream was in the shape of a little pillow, just like an air pod case, which had mandarin jelly inside and also sorbet on the side. It’s a delightful experience looking at green partitions outside the floor to ceiling windows. It really gave you the feeling of lunching in a garden (an air-con’d one).
First time to this restaurant / hotel. Was seated right away (table was ready). We opted to be seated outside as we had our puppy with us...BIG PLUS! Employees were very very attentive, food selection wasn't like other more 'long time' buffet places but every dishes were very delicate, tasteful, quality food! The chilled Abalone, snow crab were VERY VERY fresh. Oysters were to die for - one of the best I've had. Peking duck was good as the chef cut not just the skin but deep into the meat. The 2nd entries were served about 1.5hrs into the meal...Love the grill prawns especially. The cantonese long boiled soup was very tasty. As for the mains, we had baked lobster and steam fish...both were done perfectly. The quality of every food were very very good. Thank you for being PET FRIENDLY!!!!!!!! Will definitely return
The Murray入面Garden Lounge半自助晚餐。好想搵個機會試好耐。網上見到餐廳10月中至11月尾,自助晚餐會有更新主題< 大閘蟹海鮮半自助晚餐 > ,網上訂咗位去試。行入餐廳感覺到環境氛圍算唔錯,柔和燈光,配輕音樂襯托下,令人有可以放鬆的狀態。至於食物方面,自助區供應食物選擇相對少,只提供幾種凍海鮮/沙律/cold cut /燒牛肋排骨或羊架/蛋糕及雪糕之類。熱盤會以主菜形式由侍應送上客人枱上,Menu 上列有多款主菜任選一項,說實話。我覺得當晚侍應送上枱上的熱盤及主菜,水準不錯,比自助區食物水準好。餐廳給每位客人送上大閘蟹一隻。 蟹本身較細隻,蟹膏份量較少。澳洲Coffin Bay 生蠔。 當晚我最棒場嘅食物之一, 蠔肉仍keep到爽口鮮甜, 帶點淡淡海水鹹味。 其他凍海鮮《蟹腳,麵包蟹,蜆,小龍蝦》 , 一般水準 。 鮑魚應該用類似磯煮飽魚方式烹調。 唔講鮑魚本身質素,但鮑魚煮得唔夠入味, 不過能夠在酒店自助餐食到磯煮鮑魚 (唔太多酒店自助餐供應) , 值得欣賞。侍應送上三道熱盤菜式 《海鮮濃湯貝殼意粉》 《普羅旺斯辣椒醬烤大蝦》 《四川鑊炒尖椒雞》 三道菜式最欣賞貝殼意粉,整得幾好食。主菜選擇咗 《菠菜意大利雲吞》 , 不清楚菠菜雲吞是否酒店自家製, 幾好食,而且醬汁都烹得好。 成份全部食晒。 甜品蛋糕種類選擇唔多, 水準一般,當用餐後甜品, 試過就算。呢餐半自助晚餐,我是在網上某旅遊平台訂購 ($700 左右)。大致上如果以食物款式,水準來講, 呢個價錢絕對進取。 但如果加上餐廳地點,環境等作考慮,還是可以一試。
人未齊,問都唔問就上餐湯。湯係凍凍哋室溫嘅! 非常驚訝!Middle courses 意粉,大蝦,尖椒雞,似煮完好耐,都係室溫嘅!咁嘅酒店食物管理質素係好差!前菜,燒烤,主菜,甜品味道屬於正常,唔會特別覺得好食,唔會特別留下印象。大閘蟹預咗係好細隻,所以問題唔大。感覺人手唔係好夠,收碟嘅速度係好慢,好多次都係要舉手叫人嚟收碟。我仲要係請朋友嚟食,簡直係超尷尬!整體嚟講呢個價錢真係有好多其他選擇,係真係失望!