以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Walked past this joint many times but it was has been difficult to stop by for any joint along this road because the pavement is a narrow and annoying.As it was hot today and I just couldn't be bothered to walk, stopped here for a drink.Spotted the SIBERIAN CHAGA MUSHROOM which claims to lower cholesterol and blood sugar etc so decided to try it and see what it tastes like.There is a Chaga mushroom in the cabinet which looks like a huge truffle!The drink is served cold as it already made and stored in the fridge.It basically tastes like your usual Chinese herbal tea but not so bitter and that's it.
冷壓果汁同一般鮮榨果汁不同之處除咗貴之外,就係冷壓方式能夠保留蔬果完整嘅高纖、酵素、維他命、礦物質等等係果汁裡面,而且卡路里含量較低,可以更易被腸道吸收。我深明呢個好處,但坊間冷壓果汁專門店真係唔多囉! 上個月就比我發現呢間冷壓果汁專門店,咁就一定要去買嚟飲吓啦,我第一眼就睇中咗“排毒美顏、消除疲勞”嘅「百香果」,果汁溫度唔會似一般飲嗰喲加咗冰咁凍,入口清甜帶酸酸百香果果籽,好醒神呀!👍🏼👍🏼 跟住我每星期經過都去買不同款式嘅冷壓果汁嚟試,分別有:“去水腫、生津潤燥”嘅「紅寶石」👍🏼👍🏼,“延緩衰老、補血養顏”嘅「紅菜頭混合」👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼,“抗氧、防癌”嘅「蕃茄蘋果」🍅🍎,“化痰止咳、清肝明目”嘅「羅漢果」👍🏼,“抗氧化之王者”嘅「巴西莓」👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼,“傷風感冒特效”嘅「風寒」👍🏼👍🏼等等⋯⋯😋😋😋“抗氧化之王者”嘅「巴西莓」“傷風感冒特效”嘅「風寒」
都市人注重健康,睡眠少運動更少,唯有在飲食着手。今日偶然經過,人車稠密的灣仔,發現一間冷榨果汁店,被店內" 健康乜乜丶提升乜乜...."的餐牌所吸引,點了一杯紅卜卜的紅菜頭果汁。製作雖然需時但認真,果汁沒加冰完全保留果汁的原汁原味,淡淡果肉又增進點點纖維。誠推有心小店