港鐵天后站 A2 出口, 步行約4分鐘
12:00 - 21:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
近來常常聽到甜品店以芋圓吸引顧客,芋圓是台灣人的一款新興美食。制法是先將芋頭蒸熟,再把它壓成泥,加入地瓜粉及水混合搓揉而成,最後它會小粒狀呈現食客眼前。看雜誌近來介紹深水埗一間又一間售買芋圓的糖水舖,一碗售價約廿十五元的芋圓糖水,實在讓我垂涎三尺,不禁也想嚐一碗。可是深水埗離我太遠,來回花時間外,還要花上三十元車支,卻步也正確吧!今日想起這家KOI,是一間售買台式飲料的店舖,店外有個易拉架 "芋圓奶茶"。吃不到深水埗的甜品就喝杯奶茶還個心願吧!重點是吃到芋圓!!午飯時間人流不算多,我點"芋圓奶茶",大約二十塊元,下單時還要求奶茶少糖,等候太約5分鐘奶茶到手了,收銀哥哥很細心,問我是否現在飲用,還幫忙插上飲管。一啜~~~夠晒冰涼,奶茶香滑,茶味再濃郁一點會更好,奶茶比預期甜,下次可以點微糖,再啜一口終於吃到芋圓,芋圓有咬口好好食,整杯奶茶有足夠芋圓,在飲用期間,打開了飲品蓋,將芋圓通通吃光,實在滿足是也。
Starting from this week I began binging on Bubble Tea, probably because my Best Friend liked it, or I just can't get enough of how good this drink is. After my Math class, I was wondering around the streets and found this restaurant, I took a look at the menu and realised that this Restaurant has Bubble Tea, since this was the first Bubble Tea I ever had, I used my pocket money and bought the drink, it was DIVINE! I now go there biweekly to try KOI The's new Bubble Tea, the staff there all recognise me so they were very friendly and gives my bubble tea the exact amount of sweetness and ice. When I go to KOI The' I normally get 40% sweetness and 20% Ice. I will also order extra golden pearls since I think it is much better than the normal pearls. Most of the time I will order Ovaltine with Golden Pearls, to me Ovaltine goes well with Golden Pearls. If they run out I usually order milk tea with black pearls.KOI The' Restaurant is very clean and lively, the staff are very friendly and will ask how sweet and cold you want your drink to be, They also play Music when other customers are waiting for the Bubble Tea. Not only that, but they also have very good air conditioning!The only downside of this Restaurant is that sometimes they run out of Pearls and the queue is too long. For example, one time my brother and I wanted to order Bubble Tea but they ran out of pearls and we waited 10 minutes in the heat, when we found out that they ran out we left the restaurant empty handed. Also, there aren't many choices of Bubble Tea, so my future suggestion is that they can add a few more Bubble Tea options so we don't have to drink the same Bubble Tea every week. My Favourite drink is Ovaltine with Golden pearls, since Ovaltine is like Hot Chocolate (Which is my favourite hot drink) and Golden Pearls as I said before - is better than the black pearls, I strongly think that these two things combined together is the best combo in all Bubble Tea Restaurants. I believe that who ever goes to this Restaurant will be satisfied, it will boost your day and you will be positive all day long, I guarantee you will be impressed!This is where the store is located :Wing Wah Building, 122 -128 Electric Rd, Tin Hau
公司食完lunch係都要飲返杯野飲先叫做係完美好彩公司食飯時間有1.5小時食飽飯就可以出去散下步再買杯野飲下午時間係公司飲而多數都係跟同事一大班出去公司附近好多選擇每次都係行行下諗到邊間就飲邊間同事話烏龍奶茶係出名 我就決定叫呢個之後仲發現我地成打同事 都有10杯係叫烏龍奶茶由於唔想飲凍野(我戎緊),所以揀返熱飲熱烏龍奶茶($20)上面仲有溫馨提示,盡量係2小時內飲完帶點米黃色的奶茶,聞落去茶味唔太濃甘當然啦!烏龍茶味道唔係好大但飲落去茶味同奶味完美甘融合左2隻味道都好平均 唔會話邊個味比較重飲住呢杯野返埋下半晝 好有動力同精力做野好快就放工架啦
台灣 50 嵐的KOI Thé 在港分店不多, 不過KOI Thé可算是小編心目中位居一二的台式飲品店。☺️ 雖然飲品價格不便宜, 但它卻獨有它優勝之處,就是其獨一無二的黃金珍珠。😚 之前每次幫襯,都係飲店裡皇牌—黃金珍奶, 但始終都覺得茶味比較淡, 所以問起店員有咩好推介,今次就試下啦! 珍珠奶綠(少糖少冰)(小)($18) 奶茶入口一如既往的香滑,茶味比黃金珍奶更突出,又不乏奶味!👍🏻 珍珠仍然是由木薯粉製成的金黃色珍珠,煙韌有彈性, 雖然KOI Thé比起其他同業價格較貴, 但黃金珍珠確實也是無法取代呢!🙈🙊
Made the decision to head to this bubble tea place even though it was kind of out of my way. It was totally worth it!I ordered their golden bubble milk tea with 30% sweet and no ice. The milk tea was delicious. The pearls were of a lovely size and perfect chewiness! The slight downside was that they were too sweet. I didn't finish all the pearls because they were too sweet, but I made sure to finish the milk tea. It was a nice change from the usual bubble tea shops I go to.