2016-03-30 1704 瀏覽
Madam Sixty Ate店子小小,劃成幾個區域,酒吧設近門廊,用餐區和open kitchen在內庭,另熱廚房在最後方.踏進內廰,便被美麗的歐陸式花鳥牆紙,和敞大吊燈掛飾所吸引;室雅何須大,乍看竟有花都茶藝沙龍的綽約風範.熱情的經理和友善的服務生必定是這𥚃的亮點!其實如何評價一間食肆,於我而言,環境食物氣氛加起來還遠不及親和有禮的服務.經服務員細心的介紹和講解,我們作出如下晚餐配酒的選擇.AppetizerScallop carpaccio, black rice, bacon, corn & eshallot "Screin estate, Momo, Sauvignon blanc , New Zealand"頭盤三位朋友均點了帶子刺身,看見他們吃得津津有味,似乎十分滿意.Roasted chicken consommé, coconut scented with confit chicken salad"Chantemerle, Medoc, Cabernet Sauvignon, merlot, Bordeaux, France"而我就要了個椰子雞湯,侍者先端來盛有食材的
Madam Sixty Ate店子小小,劃成幾個區域,酒吧設近門廊,用餐區和open kitchen在內庭,另熱廚房在最後方.
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Home-made bread with butter
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Scallop carpaccio, black rice, bacon, corn & eshallot
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Scallop carpaccio, black rice, bacon, corn & eshallot 
"Screin estate, Momo, Sauvignon blanc , New Zealand"
Roasted chicken consommé, coconut scented with confit chicken salad
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Roasted chicken consommé, coconut scented with confit chicken salad
"Chantemerle, Medoc, Cabernet Sauvignon, merlot, Bordeaux, France"

Seared Duck breast, cherry jam, cherry bread, coffee & a duck leg spring roll
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Seared Duck breast, cherry jam, cherry bread, coffee & a duck leg spring roll
"Chantemerle, Medoc, Cabernet Sauvignon, merlot, Bordeaux, France)
Spiced pork loin, truffled pumpkin, pickled beets & crackling
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Spiced pork loin, truffled pumpkin, pickled beets & crackling
"Roaring Meg,Pinot noir, central otago, New Zealand"
Poached salmon, Apple, parsnips, potato crumble, sprouts& bergamont
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Poached salmon, Apple, parsnips, potato crumble, sprouts& bergamont
"Chateau roubines rose, cinsault, grenache, Provence, France"

Olive oil cake, citrus curd, orange meringue & blood orange pepper sorbet
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Olive oil cake, citrus curd, orange meringue & blood orange pepper sorbet
Lots of chocolate; creamed, crisp, sponge,crumbled & iced
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Lots of chocolate; creamed, crisp, sponge,crumbled & iced
Caramel banana's, date pudding & smoked peanut butter ice cream
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Caramel banana's, date pudding & smoked peanut butter ice cream

是次菜式,效果未必很對胃口,不過wine pairing的選酒不錯,良朋美酒言談甚歡,總括是一個愉悅的晚上.

剛剛從官方網業得知Madam Sixty Ate已告別灣仔,呼籲顧客継續支持位於圓方的姊妹店Madam S'Ate.不知此店往後有何新發展,期望他朝江湖再見吧..
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$650 (晚餐)
Home-made bread with butter
Scallop carpaccio, black rice, bacon, corn & eshallot
Olive oil cake, citrus curd, orange meringue & blood orange pepper sorbet
Lots of chocolate; creamed, crisp, sponge,crumbled & iced
向來係前衛及Posh嘅母親大人係係六月生日,小弟揀咗一間位於灣仔船街及莊士敦道一間上樓嘅型格食肆,請母親大人食一餐有型又有款有好味道嘅西式午餐。因為第一次想去幫襯所以我哋兩個都決定叫set lunch試試。呢間有型食肆你一坐低就有個鬼佬埋你問你飲Still or Sparkling, 要俾錢冇理由叫水飲,梗係叫有氣礦泉水飲啦! 因為天氣太熱所以叫咗一杯Cocktail 名為Hong Kong Tai Tai (Grape, Ceylon Tea, Lemon & Ginger Ale ),雖然一啲都唔洗寶貝但小弟唔使五分鐘就飲晒之後再叫一杯 Madam S’ Ate Tonic ( Grapefruit, Cranberry, Lavender Syrup & Tonic)。頭盤我叫左個Beef Carpaccio比自己然後再叫熱湯 Roast Duck Soup with Tortellini and Cornbread俾母親大人,主菜我就叫左母親大人最喜歡羊肉 (Lamp Rump with House Sausage)自己繼續鍾意牛肉 (Skirt Steak with Fren
向來係前衛及Posh嘅母親大人係係六月生日,小弟揀咗一間位於灣仔船街及莊士敦道一間上樓嘅型格食肆,請母親大人食一餐有型又有款有好味道嘅西式午餐。因為第一次想去幫襯所以我哋兩個都決定叫set lunch試試。呢間有型食肆你一坐低就有個鬼佬埋你問你飲Still or Sparkling, 要俾錢冇理由叫水飲,梗係叫有氣礦泉水飲啦! 因為天氣太熱所以叫咗一杯Cocktail 名為Hong Kong Tai Tai (Grape, Ceylon Tea, Lemon & Ginger Ale ),雖然一啲都唔洗寶貝但小弟唔使五分鐘就飲晒之後再叫一杯 Madam S’ Ate Tonic ( Grapefruit, Cranberry, Lavender Syrup & Tonic)。
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頭盤我叫左個Beef Carpaccio比自己然後再叫熱湯 Roast Duck Soup with Tortellini and Cornbread俾母親大人,主菜我就叫左母親大人最喜歡羊肉 (Lamp Rump with House Sausage)自己繼續鍾意牛肉 (Skirt Steak with French mushroom)。最後在叫咗個Sesame Bruleee with yoghurt bubble比母親大人當係生日蛋糕
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呢個食lunch送兩件餐包(味道唔錯),但當我決定encore嘅時候waiter就表示encore要收錢 <ANGRY!!!!> 出嚟請母親大人食飯冇理由咁失禮, 人哋話要收錢就唔叫, 我就答個waiter:”要錢冇問題俾多份我啦!!!”
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講真七百幾蚊食set lunch連餐茶都冇!!! encore麵包有要收錢…….真係唔抵,食物質素勉強可以值七百幾蚊但因為價錢貴唔抵食所以餐廳全場只有十零個食客,我諗我下次想同搵一間冇乜人幫襯 嘅餐廳我先會再嚟幫襯
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$350 (午餐)
2015-08-28 3482 瀏覽
 星期二到灣仔上關於工作上的training, lunch 有個半鐘時間,搵間坐得舒服又唔迫人的地方食個閑閒的 lunch 慰勞一下自已,記得曾到過 Madam Sixty Ate 食佢的afternoon tea,氣氛環境都唔錯。大約12:45到,客人並不多,只有3﹣4枱二人的客人,真係夠晒清靜。可以好好咁靜下看下文件。看過餐牌,我選擇咗3 courses lunch set. 首先送上餐包,個牛油好有肉味,好特別好好食,哈哈,怕肥都要揸多D。頭盤我揀咗呢個清湯,因為有sour cream的原故,飲落小小酸,我個人唔係好慣。 主菜揀咗BB雞,D肉好幼嫩,而sauce就有好香的花生味,但有D油膩,總括都好食最後甜品的芒果好鮮甜,creme brulee 甜度恰到好處,整體有好清新的感覺。好滿意。如果想搵個地方靜靜地同朋友傾下計,呢度食lunch真係唔錯,食物也很用心去做的
 星期二到灣仔上關於工作上的training, lunch 有個半鐘時間,搵間坐得舒服又唔迫人的地方食個閑閒的 lunch 慰勞一下自已,記得曾到過 Madam Sixty Ate 食佢的afternoon tea,氣氛環境都唔錯。
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看過餐牌,我選擇咗3 courses lunch set. 
bread included in the set lunch
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Starter (Oxtail tortellini, parmesan, onions & consomme)
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頭盤我揀咗呢個清湯,因為有sour cream的原故,飲落小小酸,我個人唔係好慣。
Main (Spring Chicken, polenta, young asparagus, peanuts & almonds)
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Dessert (Passion fruit brulee, mango and chocolate crips)
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最後甜品的芒果好鮮甜,creme brulee 甜度恰到好處,整體有好清新的感覺。好滿意。如果想搵個地方靜靜地同朋友傾下計,呢度食lunch真係唔錯,食物也很用心去做的
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$295 (午餐)
bread included in the set lunch
Main (Spring Chicken, polenta, young asparagus, peanuts & almonds)
Dessert (Passion fruit brulee, mango and chocolate crips)
2015-08-14 4357 瀏覽
Like many friends I know, I was devastated with the closing of The Principal. A bit shocked too I might add. It wasn't that long ago when the restaurant raved about capturing their second Michelin star but in only 6 months, they decided to throw in the white towel ending a great run under the guidance of Executive Chef Jonay Armas. Very sad indeed.What that meant to me was more than just losing my favorite lunch spot in Wanchai. It's an alarming fact that even some of the best restaurants in tow
Like many friends I know, I was devastated with the closing of The Principal. A bit shocked too I might add. It wasn't that long ago when the restaurant raved about capturing their second Michelin star but in only 6 months, they decided to throw in the white towel ending a great run under the guidance of Executive Chef Jonay Armas. Very sad indeed.

What that meant to me was more than just losing my favorite lunch spot in Wanchai. It's an alarming fact that even some of the best restaurants in town could no longer afford the rising rents. To me, that was the more concerning part.

So from now on, Restaurant Akrame takes over as my No.1 in Wanchai. But having just visited them not too long ago, I decided to go with other places this afternoon, places I've not visited for a long long time - Madam Sixty Ate or The Pawn?

After checking out the menu at the Pawn, I decided to visit Madam Sixty Ate instead. (Too much fish on the menu for me.)

Looks like poor business was everywhere in Wanchai. Still recalled Madam Sixty Ate as one of the more popular choices for lunch back in their hay days but now just one table at 12:45pm on a weekday. WTF?? That was incredible. Incredibly sad.
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I've always enjoyed dining at this spacious dining room. The design was very modern and elegant.
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After an underwhelming piece of bread, things began to turn around for me. I was in love with my starter the moment it arrived. A lovely duo of seared scallops with cauliflower cous cous, spiced corn, black garlic gel, almond and parsley. The scallops were a little more than half cooked, which was exactly the way I wanted. The cauliflower and black garlic were great matches for the sweetness of the scallops. And the spiced corn? Were they really corn puree? Tasted a lot like artichoke to me but surprisingly well matched with the rest of the ingredients. This was a well-designed dish. Well done (4/5).
seared scallops with cauliflower cous cous
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For main course, I went with their seared sea bass with confit tomato and pickled fennel. That was alright but not finger licking good. I did like the sauce which was made with egg yolk, fish stock and roasted garlic. Very rich and refreshing which was quite ideal to go with the sea bass (3/5).
seared sea bass with confit tomato and pickled fennel
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I was going to leave without dessert but somehow I found room under my belly for dessert like I always did (for dessert only). This was a simple dish of chocolate panna cotta served with strawberry parfait and chocolate powder. Found it a little interesting that they made the panna cotta in stripes. I thought it was "serviceable" (3/5).
chocolate panna cotta with strawberry parfait
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It's been a while since I last visited Madam Sixty Ate's Wanchai branch. I thought the ambiance was still very relaxed and enjoyable so of course I was a little disappointed to see the small crowd here. Will they follow the same fate of The Principal? Let's hope not.
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PS. Rumors now have Giando moving from their Fenwick Pier location to Star Street to take up the vacant spot by The Principal. Stay tuned.

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$300 (午餐)
seared scallops with cauliflower cous cous
2015-05-26 5900 瀏覽
Came with some expectations. Left with quite a lot of disappointments.Ordered 2 weekend set lunch at $308 each.BreadThe sourdough is piping hot and tasty, especially after wipg with the homemade butter. The best part of the meal.Starters1. Herb Risotto, mascarpone, and Serrano crusted soft eggThis is spendid. Although the risotto has lost its chewy texture after deep-frying, the combination of the sauce, cheese, poached egg and rice is unbeatable. The flavor is diversifying and interesting. 2. C
Came with some expectations. Left with quite a lot of disappointments.

Ordered 2 weekend set lunch at $308 each.

The sourdough is piping hot and tasty, especially after wipg with the homemade butter. The best part of the meal.

1. Herb Risotto, mascarpone, and Serrano crusted soft egg
This is spendid. Although the risotto has lost its chewy texture after deep-frying, the combination of the sauce, cheese, poached egg and rice is unbeatable. The flavor is diversifying and interesting. 

2. Celeriac and pear soup, duck croquettes and salad of shaved pear, fennel and thyme
Not bad a dish to start. Taste a bit like Chinese pork soup however. The duck croquettes immersed in the liquid is great.

1. Wagyu tri tip, braised short rib, fondant potato, knobbled artichokes, french beans & tarragon (+$40)
Wagyu is tender, juicy and great. Potato with jam tastes spendid. But that's all for the whole dish. The short rib is over-seasoned, so as the sauce. The artichokes is burnt. Overall, the entirety is a bit too salty. 

2. Confit salmon, green peas, old grain crust, potato puree & bacon jam
I.e. slow cook salmon. Nothing to bring home about. Mediocre.

1. Lychee & white tea pannacotta, white chocolate parfait & pineapple
The most disappointing session of the meal. The pannacotta is lack of lychee and tea flavor. The pineapple is weird. It does not look or taste fresh. The whole plate is simply ruined. 

2. Cinnamon spiced mandarins, lemon thyme cake & caramel ice cream
It did not perform much better. The lemon cake is dry and tasteless. The various components did not come well together.

The quality of the food goes down as the meal advances. That is really distressing. The food quality and the service as a whole deserve an "okay", but considering the price, a "cry" is seemingly inescapable. Hence the verdict.

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$360 (午餐)
2015-05-10 5365 瀏覽
It was the most popular restaurant in the Restaurant Week, so my friend and I decided to try it out. When we arrived, we found that the restaurant was nicely decorated with a relaxing atmosphere even though the seating was a little bit crowded. I ordered the soup and chicken, and my friend ordered the salmon and beef. It was nice that the waiter poured the soup into the bowl in front of us, so we would see how the bowl was decorated before the soup in it. However, I found the soup was average as
It was the most popular restaurant in the Restaurant Week, so my friend and I decided to try it out. When we arrived, we found that the restaurant was nicely decorated with a relaxing atmosphere even though the seating was a little bit crowded. I ordered the soup and chicken, and my friend ordered the salmon and beef. It was nice that the waiter poured the soup into the bowl in front of us, so we would see how the bowl was decorated before the soup in it. However, I found the soup was average as it did not have much flavor. Personally, I also felt the combination of the soup with the curbed duck break was a strange match. My friend’s salmon was great though, it was perfectly cooked and it was so juicy. For the spring chicken, I preferred it to be cooked thoroughly, even though it meant the chicken would taste a little bit dry. My friend’s beef was tender but did not have much beef flavor. For the deserts, mine was great! I ordered the white chocolate cake and I loved the presntation, which was as beautiful as a picture. The berry’s acidity mixed with the sweetness was a great combination. My friend’s poached pears tasted good too but the stick pavlvoa was too sweet for me.
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Vichyssoise veloute, potato
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Confit salmon with green peas, old grain crust, quail eggs and bacon jam
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Spring chicken with toasted cous cous, young asparagus, peanut crisp and almond espuma
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Braised beef brisket with bacon sprouts, mustard and pickled radish
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White chocolate cake with rasberry sorbert, passion fruit jelly and broken berries
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Hazelnut stick pavlova with hisbiscus poached pears
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$250 (午餐)
2015-04-11 4695 瀏覽
店內環境OK,但係反而我鍾意佢哋嘅小擺設所有菜色基本上都做得很精緻, 你外型上已經加了不少分,但係最鍾意都係main course牛扒, 個人認為比Lawrys燒得更加好,好juicy !  但係過side dish 係芥蘭同埋冇乜味嘅薯仔,感覺有啲奇怪!我會建議大家可以叫cote de boeuf , $1180 但係已有牛扒同其中一款starter , 牛扒其實我地三個女仔食已經好夠!  

所有菜色基本上都做得很精緻, 你外型上已經加了不少分,但係最鍾意都係main course牛扒, 個人認為比Lawrys燒得更加好,好juicy ! 

但係過side dish 係芥蘭同埋冇乜味嘅薯仔,感覺有啲奇怪!

我會建議大家可以叫cote de boeuf , $1180 但係已有牛扒同其中一款starter , 牛扒其實我地三個女仔食已經好夠!

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Green soffle Apple sandwich
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Bittersweet chocolate cake
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Starter- scallop
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$500 (晚餐)
Green soffle Apple sandwich
Bittersweet chocolate cake
Starter- scallop
  • Prime ribeye
With so many restaurants in Honkers, one of the fun games is trying to figure out which are the best to dine at. Sure, there are restaurant guides, like the Michelin Guide and Open Rice, but it's often word of mouth where the absolute surprises come along. We were heading out as a team for a farewell lunch for one member of the team who was leaving for greener pastures and wound up at one of the best surprises I've had in Hong Kong so far.Usually when we go out for a team lunch, it's one of the
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With so many restaurants in Honkers, one of the fun games is trying to figure out which are the best to dine at. Sure, there are restaurant guides, like the Michelin Guide and Open Rice, but it's often word of mouth where the absolute surprises come along. We were heading out as a team for a farewell lunch for one member of the team who was leaving for greener pastures and wound up at one of the best surprises I've had in Hong Kong so far.

Usually when we go out for a team lunch, it's one of the many local restaurants in Central but this time we went just a little further afield to Wan Chai. With a couple of options to get from Central to Wan Chai, which includes walking, we took the tram that runs along Des Voeux Road and moves into Johnston Road. It was my first time on one of the skinny little trams that I've seen hundreds of times. Yep, they get crowded and while it was marginally faster than walking or the MTR, it was a bit of an experience.... Not sure I'd do it in the middle of summer though.

Once we jumped off the tram we made our way to the restaurant, which had the funky name of Madam Sixty Ate. Like a lot of restaurants in Hong Kong, Madam Sixty Ate is not on street level, but up on level one. As we made our way through a little bit of an entry area, past the bar, we came to the main dining room, which was surprisingly large and very airy. The high ceilings and open spaces provided a really pleasant vibe, which was helped by the open kitchen area with chefs busy at work.
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Once we were seated, I heard the distinct tones of a fellow Aussie in the Kitchen area. Aussie chef Chris Woodyard and wife Bronwyn Cheung are the creative force behind Madam Sixty Ate and have brought together a vision of modern European cuisine, with a heavy French influence. With a history that includes owning and running a hatted Sydney restaurant, Three Clicks West, and time as culinary director of W Hotel in Hong Kong, Chris is no stranger to fine dining and exquisite food.

One glance at the menu and I was immediately impressed with the range of options available, but more-so the lunchtime special, a three course meal for only $198! There were three options available for each course, and to be honest, sitting there looking over the menu, it was hard to make a final decision. If there is one thing you have to do in a restaurant before you can eat, it's actually make some decisions, so decisions I made.... But I definitely was conflicted. To ease the pain of my decision, we were given some warm crusty sour dough and enough butter to keep everyone happy.
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My decision seemed quite a good one when my bowl of vichyssoise veloute was presented. Vichyssoise is a French soup, normally served cold, made up of pureed leeks, onions, potatoes, cream and chicken stock. Given a modern twist, the veloute was poured over a bowl that contained bread chunks, toasted leek and house cured duck breast. The silky leek and potato veloute was nice on it's own, perhaps lacking a little seasoning but when combined with the salty duck breast, transformed into a perfectly balanced starter. In fact, I loved the veloute and duck combination so much, I lamented that there was not more duck breast.
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The other starters of saltbush lamb filet with mergeuz sausage, lentils and harissa, and the confit salmon with green peas, green peas, old grain crust, quails egg and bacon jam were both incredible looking starters that were well enjoyed by my dining companions.
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I'd been completely torn when it came to mains, they all sounded so great, but against my better judgement, I went for the poached turbot with brown butter powder, capers, lemon and smoked spinach. It wasn't a bad dish, not at all. The turbot was well cooked, the plating looked amazing and the little lemon curd gave the fish a lovely fresh flavour. I guess my main issue was that it was just a tad under seasoned, it just needed more lemon curd to balance it out or a little extra salt.
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The situation was made worse when one of my dining companions handed over a large chunk of the braised beef brisket with bacon sprouts, mustard and pickled radish (which had also caught my eye). Talk about full of flavour! The brisket was just about perfect, flaky in all the right ways and rich in flavour. I'd just had a small bite before stopping, realising that to eat any more before finishing my fish dish would completely ruin my chosen main. Needless to say, I quickly consumed my turbot so I could get to the brisket.
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It was time for dessert and there was only one clear choice for me, the white chocolate cake with raspberry sorbet, passion fruit jelly and broken berries. The minute my plate was presented and saw the vibrant colours of red and yellow, I knew that I was about to eat a classic. It was beautiful in all the ways a great dessert should be, but extremely practical too. The cake was deconstructed and made into tiny little pebbles that soaked up the raspberry sorbet and passion fruit jelly. Each mouthful was a delight and I powered through, savouring every bite, until I looked down and saw an empty plate.
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The other popular dessert at our lunch was the hazelnut stick with pavlova and hibiscus poached pears. Another pretty looking dish, it didn't go down as well at the table with one from our group not liking the pears and another not liking the hazelnut stick (it looked like a parfait).
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Yup, I have to say that I was pretty surprised and blown away by our lunch at Madam Sixty Ate, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the price... seriously, the three courses for under two hundred bucks was an amazing price. But it was the quality of the food that was a real revelation. I'd have happily paid a lot more for that lunch and still raved about it.

We were caught up in our own little world and chatting away before I turned around to have a look at the restaurant, only to see that it was completely filled. I didn't even notice. The service was not bad, I'd heard that for dinner, the waiters were all French, but I didn't pick out any Parisian voices during our lunch break. I did however, pick out the Aussie voice of the chef in the kitchen and even managed a 'g'day' as we were leaving.

I love writing about little places like Madam Sixty Ate, they are quirky and unusual and in this case superb. Great food and an excellent atmosphere. The whole experience almost didn't make it to 'paper'..... My iPhone completely crashed before I got the opportunity to upload the photos, so I thought the post would have to wait until a future visit.... Well, that wouldn't have been a chore, but luckily iCloud came to the rescue..... I hope you get along to Madam Sixty Ate....
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$200.00 (午餐)
2014-12-01 7727 瀏覽
星期六係我結婚後市週年,今年我揀咗食晚餐慶祝,先講環境,落地大玻璃窗,個樓底,加上檯唔算密,加上當晚只有6成滿,好OK。 不過如果坐得近開放廚房,會有輕微油煙味, 不過可以接受。食物方面,因我同老公都有選擇障礙,所以order 左兩個 6道菜 prestige menu,頭4道set好哂,只係主菜同甜品要揀 簡單好多,而且道道精美,味道也對版, 菜式份量都OK,食完都好飽。每道菜式的擺盤都好精美, 味道亦好好,1) 帶子配天婦羅魷魚 - GOOD2) 肉腸,魷魚片配紅椒沙律 - OK3) 生蘿蔔片/紅菜頭片配羊奶芝士,可能我地唔係好慣食咁大同片生蘿蔔同紅菜頭, 所以唔係好接受到。4) 煎鱸魚 – 皮脆肉或, 好味道. - GOOD5) 主菜 二選一:豬 或 羊我選羊:羊鞍2弄, 羊扒先慢煮,再煎至5成熟,啱晒我 胃口, 廚師再將羊扒我的一層帶肉的脂肪切出卷成圈,煎炸之後好香口, 好正!老公的豬: 一碟3弄, 有脆豬皮蓋著軟滑肉碎(好味),豬肝腸, 我和老公都不愛食肝類,所以無試,另一個係豬肉卷,配菜係炸薯,整體唔錯,食完好鮑。6) 甜品二選一, 我地兩款叫齊share, 分別係: 焦糖
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星期六係我結婚後市週年,今年我揀咗食晚餐慶祝,先講環境,落地大玻璃窗,個樓底,加上檯唔算密,加上當晚只有6成滿,好OK。 不過如果坐得近開放廚房,會有輕微油煙味, 不過可以接受。
食物方面,因我同老公都有選擇障礙,所以order 左兩個 6道菜 prestige menu,頭4道set好哂,只係主菜同甜品要揀 簡單好多,而且道道精美,味道也對版, 菜式份量都OK,食完都好飽。
每道菜式的擺盤都好精美, 味道亦好好,
1) 帶子配天婦羅魷魚 - GOOD
2) 肉腸,魷魚片配紅椒沙律 - OK
3) 生蘿蔔片/紅菜頭片配羊奶芝士,可能我地唔係好慣食咁大同片生蘿蔔同紅菜頭, 所以唔係好接受到。
4) 煎鱸魚 – 皮脆肉或, 好味道. - GOOD
5) 主菜 二選一:豬 或 羊
我選羊:羊鞍2弄, 羊扒先慢煮,再煎至5成熟,啱晒我 胃口, 廚師再將羊扒我的一層帶肉的脂肪切出卷成圈,煎炸之後好香口, 好正!
老公的豬: 一碟3弄, 有脆豬皮蓋著軟滑肉碎(好味),豬肝腸, 我和老公都不愛食肝類,所以無試,另一個係豬肉卷,配菜係炸薯,整體唔錯,食完好鮑。
6) 甜品二選一, 我地兩款叫齊share, 分別係: 焦糖開心果雪糕配紅酒櫻桃, 同埋士多啤梨雪配雪糕乳酪,兩個都好好味。
差不多個餐收費唔算貴,$750 + 10% , 加買一杯就同一枝水共$160 +10%
埋單$1,826- 成餐環境,氣氛,食物味道同賣相,呢個收費好合理.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$920 (晚餐)
非常遲來的食評... The restaurant calls it a private event, well, 即時感覺升級了,因我們都甚少參加private dining event。事源我們上年在這裡吃過restaurant week dinner,自此就enlisted in their email list, 偶然收到不同的宣傳,就像是次的晚餐。Chocolate wine pairing看似很有趣,他們辦21/8一晚,我們遲了一步,在後補名單,心中都知沒希望。誰知反應熱烈,餐廳加開一晚,我們就幸運地可以參加這個"private event"。當晚我們是第一枱到埗的客人,想早吃早回家看看小王子。基本上餐廳未ready serve客人,連燈都未dim XD。枱上放著4排Lindt chocolate,原來除了在各個dishes上加了Lindt chocolate外,還有原汁原味的每款味一排讓你慢慢做pairing,是我倆的一個新體驗。上菜前先來一杯白酒, Thomas Hyland Chardonnay. 我倆向來多喝Sauvignon Blanc,這Chardonnay有放

The restaurant calls it a private event, well, 即時感覺升級了,因我們都甚少參加private dining event。事源我們上年在這裡吃過restaurant week dinner,自此就enlisted in their email list, 偶然收到不同的宣傳,就像是次的晚餐。Chocolate wine pairing看似很有趣,他們辦21/8一晚,我們遲了一步,在後補名單,心中都知沒希望。誰知反應熱烈,餐廳加開一晚,我們就幸運地可以參加這個"private event"。

當晚我們是第一枱到埗的客人,想早吃早回家看看小王子。基本上餐廳未ready serve客人,連燈都未dim XD。
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枱上放著4排Lindt chocolate,原來除了在各個dishes上加了Lindt chocolate外,還有原汁原味的每款味一排讓你慢慢做pairing,是我倆的一個新體驗。
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上菜前先來一杯白酒, Thomas Hyland Chardonnay. 我倆向來多喝Sauvignon Blanc,這Chardonnay有放入木桶,所以帶點木桶味,再來一口Lindt milk chocolate, 嘩! 原來相當合襯的口味! 牛奶朱古力的甜味帶出了白酒中的甜,讓這較乾身的酒多點複雜性。
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至於配對的前菜是 House smoked mackeral, cauliflower, brown butter and smoked Lindt milk chocolate
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我覺得最妙的地方就是每道菜都會以Lindt的朱古力作為dressing,原來這甜品也能成為鹹點的一份子!這客魚肉是自家煙燻,肉質仍保持爽口,淡淡的煙燻味,與牛奶朱古力的化學作用是意料之外的! 再喝一口白酒,這個晚餐的開場實在妙!

第二道菜是Barbarie duck, blueberry, thyme, Lindt white chocoate and pepper snow
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先來一口Bin23 Pinor Noir,吃一啖白朱古力,其實我倆都不太喜歡吃白朱古力,但為了試一試這個配搭,就來一口,Pinor Noir酸度比較高,可以中和白朱古力的甜漏味,也不錯的。 吃這客鴨肉,有鴨血配碟,我們吃了一口,其實吃不出血的腥味,亦難以形容那味道,總之基於種種原因就沒再吃。這客鴨肉很嫩,加一點點白朱古力反而可以減低肉的肥膩感。再加上早前說過Pinor Noir酸度比較高,紅肉是個好配搭。

第三道菜是Wagyu tri tip, carrots baked in peppercorn, tomatoes, dashi
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這道菜的配酒是Shiraz, 朱古力則是Lindt Chilli。牛肉的生熟程度剛好,說是澳洲和牛,肥肪比例均勻,入口即溶,滿是牛香,叫人回味。不知何解,牛肉與微辣的化學作用又沒有想像中爆炸,可能我覺得這種辣還是很溫文吧!

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司儀說出了三者如何互相帶出大家的長處,更提議大家要來次wrong pairing,便明白大會為大家預備的配搭是多麼精準。果然,我們嘗試喝Pinor Noir,吃牛奶朱古力,兩者的甜度就是不夾。又嘗試將酒倒入不同的酒杯,酒的味道就出不了來。錯的配搭,原來無論是人或物,都浪費了大家的材華。

來到尾聲的是甜品時間 Lindt dark chocolate ganache and cherry sorbet
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配的當然是Lindt excellence dark chocolate,以及Merlot。 事隔多個月,我仍然記得朱古力的幼滑和濃郁。佐以丹寧高的紅酒,其實,朱古力也是紅酒的好拍擋!身為晚餐的最後一環,吃著這客濃郁的甜品,我們竟然沒有一點飽膩的感覺,不同種類的酒應記一功吧?! 

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$880 (晚餐)
2014-10-13 7233 瀏覽
**a bit over priced, nice service, great enviroment, close to metro.Four of us almost odered all the food on the meun. Three course are recommended here:1) Starter- Scallop帶子熟得岩岩好2) Main Course- Salmon (Slow cook)好少慢煮三文魚會做得差,份量好大,伴碟係芥蘭同娃娃菜...3) Dessert- Dark Chocolate mousse朱古力味好濃! 會再黎試下個lunch.Service好好!Waitress成日笑。全部紅酒都係470一枝,都算飲得過,4人總共食左3300蚊。多謝老豆!p.s. 餐包外層好食...有待改進
**a bit over priced, nice service, great enviroment, close to metro.

Four of us almost odered all the food on the meun. Three course are recommended here:

1) Starter- Scallop

2) Main Course- Salmon (Slow cook)

3) Dessert- Dark Chocolate mousse
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p.s. 餐包外層好食...有待改進
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
在RESTAURANT WEEK 預訂SET LUNCH, 比平日抵食, 但質素絕對沒有將價就貨。頭盤: 白松露湯配鴨肉, 白松露極香, 只略嫌份量有點少。另一樣係油甘魚配青檸MOOSE, 在炎炎夏天食都幾REFRESHING!主菜: LAMP CHOP - 一羊兩食, 部份係煎, 另一部份做成一個小小的炸肉餅, 我比較喜歡後者, 幾特別又唔膩。另一碟係香煎鯛魚,份量好夠,配個黑蒜汁好好味!甜品:一個係OLIVE CAKE & SORBET, 蛋糕唔算突出。而我食的那份是白朱古力VANILLA ICE-CREAM WITH MIXED BERRIES, 好好味!!!這是我第二次來這裡用餐, 感覺廚師都好用手做菜, 食物的質素同賣相都吸引! 一定會再來!
在RESTAURANT WEEK 預訂SET LUNCH, 比平日抵食, 但質素絕對沒有將價就貨。

頭盤: 白松露湯配鴨肉, 白松露極香, 只略嫌份量有點少。另一樣係油甘魚配青檸MOOSE, 在炎炎夏天食都幾REFRESHING!

主菜: LAMP CHOP - 一羊兩食, 部份係煎, 另一部份做成一個小小的炸肉餅, 我比較喜歡後者, 幾特別又唔膩。另一碟係香煎鯛魚,份量好夠,配個黑蒜汁好好味!


這是我第二次來這裡用餐, 感覺廚師都好用手做菜, 食物的質素同賣相都吸引! 一定會再來!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2014-06-10 11216 瀏覽
諗到頭爆一係食八色小籠包一係食西餐最後決定食brunch上次食dinner 已經發現人唔多所以今次brunch都無特意make reservation我最鍾意係間餐廳樓底高又多落地玻璃好開揚☀️我好鍾意個pancake!!! 加bacon要另外加錢不過加左好味d!個pancake 比平時厚而且有honeycomb! Nice combination!Fish &chips 就嘛嘛,我都係prefer British style 既fish and chips佢有d mushy peas 係底都ok 不過個炸漿就not my cup of teaWagu steak sandwich 好味!不過daddy prefer medium, 好明顯係undercook不過就啱哂我onion rings 不過不失另外叫咗個beef and guiness pie都值得試不過太餓無影相所有牛肉都好嫩好好味Slightly overpriced 不過唔洗排隊Food combination 又特別我都會再去


上次食dinner 已經發現人唔多
所以今次brunch都無特意make reservation

Pancakes with belly bacon
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我好鍾意個pancake!!! 加bacon要另外加錢不過加左好味d!
個pancake 比平時厚而且有honeycomb! 
Nice combination!
Fish & chips
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Fish &chips 就嘛嘛,我都係prefer British style 既fish and chips
佢有d mushy peas 係底都ok 不過個炸漿就not my cup of tea
Wagu steak sandwich
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Wagu steak sandwich 好味!
不過daddy prefer medium, 好明顯係undercook
onion rings 不過不失

另外叫咗個beef and guiness pie都值得試

Slightly overpriced 不過唔洗排隊
Food combination 又特別

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$210 (午餐)
Pancakes with belly bacon
Wagu steak sandwich
2014-05-11 13941 瀏覽
Luscious Furnishing, dim Lighting, large tables with comfortable spacing are good western restaurant’s default. Madam Sixty Ate added an Al Fresco terrace for chill drinking (/ smoking) and an open kitchen to round up the ambiance. Service is impeccable, GM Jean Noel was among one of the most amiable and attentive man I have ever encountered. Smiles was always on his face, numerous little fun conversation were made at point of serving the dishes. Not to mention a few dishes that he secretly trea
Luscious Furnishing, dim Lighting, large tables with comfortable spacing are good western restaurant’s default. Madam Sixty Ate added an Al Fresco terrace for chill drinking (/ smoking) and an open kitchen to round up the ambiance. Service is impeccable, GM Jean Noel was among one of the most amiable and attentive man I have ever encountered. Smiles was always on his face, numerous little fun conversation were made at point of serving the dishes. Not to mention a few dishes that he secretly treated us =P
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A loaf of freshly baked sourdough was served with house made rock salt butter. The sourdough was very crispy at the rim with a slight smoke aroma which was fantastic, the inner was soft, dense and bouncy. The rock salt butter melted instantly on the warm bread, with a heavenly buttery taste and somehow a hint of bacon taste.

Australian Pork Belly, Soft Egg, Garlic in black & white, mushroom broth
One of the best pork belly dish I have ever had in Hong Kong. The extremely crispy and savoury roasted skin with a good amount of fats to keep it juicy and tender. The mushroom broth was unexpectedly rich with mushroom bits and perfectly cooked sweet Onsen egg.
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Kingfish, ginger pearls, bergamot mousse, Kaffir Lime Power
A beautifully plated fish dish surprised me. The fish was prepared raw, like sashimi! The fish was sweet and was paired with refreshing lime power and bergamot mousse.
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Sea Bass, Gnocchi, Spring Pea Garden, Smoked Bacon, Asparagus, Gem Lettuce and Compressed Orange
My delicate looking main was delicious. The sea bass was smooth and sweet, not to mentioned the crispy savoury skin. The smoked bacon, crisp asparagus and lettuce were a great compliment to the fish, adding a savoury note to the dish. The compressed orange brought sweetness to the dish and made a good balance.
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Wagyu Rump and Short Rib, Foie Gras, Chanterelle Mushrooms
A meat lover dish with a bouncy Wagyu rump and tender short rib. The pinkish rump was perfectly cooked in medium rare. It was good but I liked the one that I recently had at St. Betty’s more. The foie gras was silky smooth and tangy, but it was quite heavy for me at this point of the dinner as I was getting a bit full.
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Poached Cherries, Smoked Vanilla Panna-cotta, Dark Chocolet Mousses
The panna cotta was perfect to end the dinner. It was light, creamy and sweet. The raspberry sorbet was a great pair to the panna cotta, as I am the sour finishing kind of person. Chocolate lover will love the chocolate sorbet on the plate.
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Yogurt Parfait, Almond Financier, Pink Grapefruit Sorbet
This yogurt parfait did not look how I imagined it. Instead of presenting in a parfait glass, the yogurt was made into tube with all other elements layered on the plate. It looked kind of prettier this way.
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Cheese Platter
The cheese platter was from my parent's 4 courses dinner, but it was not suppose to hold this big portion. The manager secretly upgraded our platter so to treat our parents =)!
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The Restaurant Week at Madam Sixty Ate was priced at HKD$438 plus 10% service charge and was totally worth the price. The dinner was much enjoyable.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • Australian Pork Belly
  • Sea Bass
  • Poached Cherries
2014-05-04 12172 瀏覽
Brunch has gotten more popular in Hong Kong and it isn’t difficult to find a restaurant that serves decent brunch. Madam Sixty Ate has been on my list for a while as one of the better places I want to try. It is a restaurant that doesn’t do brunch exclusively, like many cafés in HK. In fact, most of their business comes from their dinner service. Luckily I had a brunch date with some friends last week so I decided to make the trip to the island to try it out.Although I made a reservation for Sat
Brunch has gotten more popular in Hong Kong and it isn’t difficult to find a restaurant that serves decent brunch. Madam Sixty Ate has been on my list for a while as one of the better places I want to try. It is a restaurant that doesn’t do brunch exclusively, like many cafés in HK. In fact, most of their business comes from their dinner service. Luckily I had a brunch date with some friends last week so I decided to make the trip to the island to try it out.
Although I made a reservation for Saturday noon I realized it wasn’t necessary since the restaurant was fairly empty when we arrived. We were greeted by a French gentleman and his big smile which gave me a very nice first impression – good service never fails! (This is often overlooked in HK where restaurants tend to be more snobby than friendly..)
Oh we were also greeted by a picture of a pig with black fur. Random much? :s
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The interior is light and spacious, perfect for a sunny day meal
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We got some drinks to start – Victorian Earl Grey (lol so fancy) and my “Hong Kong Tai Tai” – grapes, ceylon tea, leon & ginger. A light refreshing drink to go with heavy tasting food.
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We ordered three dishes to share, and thought it would be a good idea but NO. One of them was melting fast while the other was meat that got tougher the longer we wait…should have asked them to serve them one by one!
Anyway, we got their signature pancake – Honeycomb, coffee cream and hot butterscotch. It sounds so good I’m pretty sure I would have ordered it even if I didn’t know it was their signature dish XD
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-Not only does it taste good, it looks very pretty as well! We thought the middle layer was ice cream at first but turns out it’s just cream. It was melting very fast though as you can see from the picture. Within 10 minutes or so the entire layer disappeared and turned into a puddle
-The pancake is on the thicker side and resembles a hamburger bun. However it wasn’t dry and ‘cakey’ – instead it was airy and moist, and held on to the sauces well
-The butterscotch wasn’t just some plain old butterscotch sauce..there were small pieces of burnt caramel in it! That came as a surprise and added layer to the dish. It also didn’t feel too heavy for me as the coffee cream helped to reduce some of the sweetness. Very very yummy! Definitely should order this!

Next up was the Egg Benedict dish (what’s brunch without eggs benny?
) , with housemade crumpets & pork belly
Eggs Benedict with Pork Belly
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Eggs Benedict with Pork Belly
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-I must admit I wasn’t too sure what a crumpet was before. So it’s really what British people eat as an alternative to English Muffin. Yes kind of ironic I know lol. It felt like a more moist version of an English muffin to me
-I’m guessing the egg was sous-vided rather than poached as it has a round & smooth surface and no loose cooked egg white bits hanging on the outside. That was very thoughtful of them as I’m sure it takes a lot more effort and time to sous vide it, and even if they did serve it poached most customers wouldn’t have minded anyway. Such dedication!
-The pork belly was delicious! It was well seasoned and even had a bit of a salt crust which took away the porky taste. Unfortunately we were too focused on finishing the pancake before the cream melted away so by the time we got to this dish, the meat has gotten a bit cold and chewy

Look at that yolk <3
Eggs Benedict with Pork Belly
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We figured two dishes weren’t probably enough for the 3 of us to share so we ordered another lighter appetizer – Cured Salmon, Green Apple, Avocado, Walnuts, Yoghurt. Beautiful presented on a long dish!
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-The cured salmon was decent – salty and slightly chewy just like smoked salmon
-Not too sure about the mini salad under the salmon though. I was expecting something sweet & creamy and got caught off guard by the crunchy pungent celery.
-While the presentation was beautiful, dotting the yoghurt and other components of the dish too far from the ‘focus’ made it almost unnecessary..
-Honestly I thought this dish wasn’t as impressive as the other two, but not a bad one to start off the meal with.

Haha it collapsed
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The total was $500 for the 3 off us, which is very reasonable considering the quality of the food AND we all ordered drinks. For the same price elsewhere in HK you’d get crappier food.
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I was extremely satisfied with this meal and would love to come back for lunch/dinner some time!
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Eggs Benedict with Pork Belly
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Eggs Benedict with Pork Belly
Eggs Benedict with Pork Belly
Eggs Benedict with Pork Belly
Eggs Benedict with Pork Belly