港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約5分鐘
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
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#pb食在中環 #pb西餐系列 中環新開打卡靚靚西餐廳🍽️New Restaurant Alert🚨✨今次想介紹呢間由米芝蓮名廚Vicky Cheng新開打卡西餐廳😍 佢位於中環威靈頓街 扶手電梯附近 蓮香樓對面👍🏻 佢門口係一間雪糕店 行入去就會見到西餐廳嘅reception🤪店內環境好大 裝修以粉紅色、雲石為主 用色好溫柔、好causal 岩哂女仔去打卡🥰 .食物選擇唔算好多 主食有Pasta、海鮮、肉類選擇 價錢$158-$1588不等🤪 整體價錢唔算好平 但勝在質素唔錯🥰 飲品方面都有唔少酒類選擇👍🏻🔹Fresh Shrimp Cocktail🦐推介❤️ 有5隻蝦蝦 好大隻、好爽口👍🏻 Cocktail醬汁酸酸地 幾開胃😍 另外佢仲有羅馬生菜伴碟 味道好爽甜😋🔹Mediterranean Red Prawn Linguine🍝推介❤️ 呢碟紅蝦意粉好好食😍 意粉微微香辣 蒜香味濃 口感彈牙😋 紅蝦產量稀少 好珍貴🤪 味道鮮甜 有蝦味👍🏻🔹Pork Knuckle Orecchiette🐷用上貓耳朵粉 口感煙韌 味道同樣微微香辣😍 豬手切成粒粒 味道香濃 仲有少少肥膏😋🔹Hot Honey Crispy Cauliflower🥦推介❤️ 好特別嘅做法😍 椰菜花包左蜜糖炸脆左 完全唔似食緊椰菜花🤪 口感香脆 配埋煙肉片食超香脆 味道甜甜地 幾得意👍🏻🔹Banoffee Trifle🍨推介❤️ 佢有一層cream、一層香蕉片、一層花生醬、一層拖肥醬 好邪惡🤪 味道冇想像中咁甜 花生醬味好突出 口感好rich但唔漏😍.整體✨ 呢間中環新開嘅打卡西餐廳屬於米芝蓮名廚Vicky Cheng旗下 質素有一定保證👍🏻 食物價錢唔算平 但無論前菜、Pasta、甜品、環境都好好😍 好適合生日慶祝、朋友聚會🥰Medora (中環)中環威靈頓街111號地舖
米芝莲主厨Vicky Cheng在香港的第三家餐厅,走casual dining路线的融合菜bistro,不出意外地成为了近期热门新店,周一晚上都有点难订。·整体好吃,价格在中环来说不算贵,份量也可以,环境上拿捏氛围感更是妥妥的。不过适合多人分享的菜式挺多,两个人的话有些特色菜都没法尝试。·来的时候自然是以“米芝莲Chef主导的团队”的标准来衡量出品和服务的,菜式和调味虽不出错,但没能让人耳目一新,上菜节奏也还没磨合好。·【餐前面包】8点过第二轮的晚饭,饥肠辘辘的时候吃到这烘热的面包真是比什么都香,嚼劲也足够有韧性。·【Baby Oyster Chowder】经典的奶油周打蚬汤盛在一大只中间挖空的酸种面包里,口口浓缩着配料的丰盛与咸鲜,吃不完的面包当然要带回去作早餐了。·【18 Vegetables Salad】光听名字是拉满期待的,很好奇要怎么把这么多种蔬菜做出花来,不过是我想多了,就是一大盘高级版的绿化带hhh·调味很酸,感觉还能再优雅些,base是烤过的根茎类蔬菜,绵糯中带一点甜,这道建议别点。·【Crispy Langoustine Rolls】龙虾包在这里变成了小巧精致的finger food,海螯虾炸得热腾滚烫,被黄油味香浓的布里欧修面包托起,内里肉质弹嫩得快要跳脱出来,外层油酥蘸上塔塔酱,炸物的经典组合,趁热吃~·【Mediterranean Red Prawn Linguine】虾膏虾汁与番茄熬出来的酱汁,是成就这道comfort碳水的鲜味密码。看似不多,却紧紧依附在弹牙的意面上,一股令人上头的鲜浓,一触到舌尖便开始在口腔中温柔横行。·红虾不是最好的,但品质符合这个价格,美中不足是酱汁的分布不太均匀,以及不能接受浓厚虾味的人可能会觉得有点腻和腥。
This restaurant under famous chef Vicky Cheng is located on Wellington Street in Central, with its name meaning mother’s gifts, offering casual Western cuisine in a relaxed yet chic environment. Opened just recently, we come on this Tue evening to try its dinner menu.At the entrance there is the ice-cream parlour Liz & Tori, named after Vicky’s two daughters. The staff greets us warmly and leads us to the L-shaped dining area, at a corner table looking out to the busy Queen’s Road Central below.The décor is neat and using plenty of beige colour. The mirrors on the wall help to make the space larger. The plants both inside and outside on the windowsill give a touch of vibrancy. I order a glass of Barrel Aged Manhattan ($150) as aperitif to start our meal.The starter is USDA Prime Tenderloin Beef Tartare ($248), with the minced raw beef tender and seasoned well. On top the chef has added some vegetables, along with a bit of gherkins and a smoked pickled quail egg, with the runny yolk mixing with the tartare to make it even smoother and creamier in texture. Very delicious.We both order a soup, with my wife going for French Onion Soup ($148). The traditional soup is made with a rich beef broth, with the shredded onion stir-fried sufficiently to caramelize and bring forth its sweetness while not burning to cause bitterness. The chef has added a piece of beef tendon to add to the bite but skipping the Gruyere cheese per my wife’s request. Nice and tasty.I have Baby Oyster Chowder ($158), with the soup served in a sourdough bread bowl. The chowder is thick and delicious, with the baby oysters fresh and great in taste. The finely chopped chives add fragrance to the soup, and I applaud that the chef is served very hot, warming my stomach comfortably. The sourdough is not bad but is probably too much to finish it all.For pasta we have Spicy Scallop Spaghetti ($228). The texture of the spaghetti is very good, al dente, and the chef has stir-fried together with Thai basil, chardonnay vinegar and some chilies, giving a nice kick of spiciness but not excessive. The scallops are sweet in taste, caramelized on the surface, while keeping raw in the middle to maintain its tenderness. Simple yet delicious.For the main course we have Grilled Boston Lobster ($688). The whole lobster is beautifully grilled with garlic escargot butter, with the chef removing the claw meat from the shell to facilitate eating. Served on some silky-smooth mashed potato, the pesto butter adds flavours to the delicate taste of the lobster meat perfectly. A signature combination of ingredients and cooking techniques the chef wants to showcase, it is very nice.For the side dish we have Grilled Broccolini ($98). Broccolini is like broccoli but with long and thin stem, also much more tender. After blanching, the chef has stir-fried with plenty of crispy garlic, reminding me of the HK-style typhoon shelter crab. Surprisingly good.For dessert, we decide to order the gelato from Liz & Tori. There is a dine-in menu, but with a higher price. My wife has Hazelnut Crunch ($88), which features feuilletine crunch and candied hazelnuts. The crunch is made from thin, crispy sweetened crepes with a nice texture. The hazelnut gelato has rich flavours which are appealing and not too sweet.I decide to try Forever Young Coconut ($88). The gelato is made from young coconut, infused with young coconut meat so that there is a chewy bite, with also some toasted coconut scattered on top. The more delicate flavours of the coconut is ideal if you do not like so much indulgence in the dessert.Service is good, but the environment is quite noisy. It is important to bear in mind the restaurant is meant to be more casual dining than intimate occasion. The bill on the night is $2,172 which is quite reasonable. A nice spot to enjoy familiar Western cuisine in a decent, relaxing atmosphere in Central.
Latest addition to Chef Vicky’s budding culinary empire, a casual diner that serves easy everyday dishes in a more relaxed setting at reasonable price points. Thankful for KOL’s arrangement that we were able to snatch a spot during the shop’s soft opening with Chef Vicky himself came to greet and introduce the shop to us.Baby oyster chowder to start. Chef Vicky said this dish reminds him of his time working in the USA. A very heart warming start for the evening. Red Prawn Linguine. Size of the red prawns were more shrimps to me than prawns. They were fresh tho. And Chef Vicky said the pasta were al dente in an acceptable way to the HK diners, to which we all agreed. Egg Yolk Raviolo. The egg yolk was visually pleasing and complemented perfectly with the spinach and Parmesan sauce beneath.For mains, Chef Vicky recommended us to try the Barbeque Chicken with a fermented habanero chili sauce on the side. We also ordered some tater tots for sharing. The chicken was nicely marinated with wafer thin crispy skin. The wait was long though and the server apologetically gave us 3 servings (!!!) of tater tots to make sure they were hot when we had the chicken.Overall, while there is room for improvement in terms of the speed of the service, a nice casual diner that one would return to for some hearty, all-time favourites.
漫步於中環威靈頓街,歷史與現代在此交織。昔日茶樓的喧囂聲彷彿還在耳邊迴盪,而對面新開幕的Medora,卻以優雅姿態,為這條老街注入一股新鮮活力。這家由VEA名廚鄭永麒Vicky Cheng親自打造的雙概念餐廳,除了西餐的部份,還有Liz & Tori gelato手工雪糕。這道Crispy Langoustine Rolls,絕對是味蕾的完美喚醒。外皮酥脆,內裡包裹著鮮嫩的龍蝦肉,搭配經典的他他醬,酸甜的口感與龍蝦的鮮美相得益彰。每一口都能感受到海洋的鮮甜,讓人胃口大開。 Mediterranean Red Prawn Linguine是Medora的招牌之一。新鮮的地中海紅蝦,肉質緊實且鮮甜,搭配彈牙的扁麵,展現出海洋的純粹風味。番茄醬為這道菜增添了細膩的酸甜層次,讓整體口感更加豐富。 喜歡濃郁口感的朋友,絕對不能錯過這道Beef Short rib Wagyu Tagliatelle。選用頂級和牛短肋,經過長時間燉煮,肉質軟嫩多汁,入口即化。寬麵吸附了濃郁的牛肉湯汁,讓這道菜既濃郁又不失清爽,令人回味無窮。 作為配菜,這道松露薯條絕對是亮點之一。金黃酥脆的薯條,撒上香氣撲鼻的松露與帕瑪森起司,帶來奢華的味覺體驗。松露的香氣與起司的濃郁完美融合,讓人忍不住一口接一口。 如果想要來點健康的選擇,這道Grilled Broccolini 絕對是首選。青花椰經過簡單的烤製,保留了蔬菜的鮮甜,搭配香脆蒜片,增添了蒜香的層次感。這道菜不僅美味,還為整頓餐點增添了一抹健康的色彩。
▪️Mediterranean Red Prawn Linguine $318▫️Tomato confit▪️Beef Short rib Wagyu Tagliatelle $198▫️Scallion oil ▪️Crispy Langoustine Rolls (2 pieces) $298▫️Tartar sauce ▪️Truffle Fries $98▫️Parmesan▪️Grilled Broccolini $98▫️Crispy garlic