港鐵西營盤站 A2 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
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食評 (1)
非常美妙的一次美食經歷。晚上十點左右我們進入這家店,可是時間太晚了,飯店已經打烊了。但是店主們都非常友好熱情,我們就像朋友一樣交談,我們約好第二天中午來用餐。食物非常好吃,意面很香濃,一點也不會感覺到油膩。牛排很軟嫩,蘸上黃芥末醬真的很香。飯後甜點是我的最愛,淋滿巧克力醬的煎餅包裹著香草冰激淋,是我的最愛,另外一種蛋糕上淋滿了果醬,裡面非常軟糯,蛋糕的底部用了一種酥酥脆脆的食材,嘗起來像焦糖餅乾,真是完美的搭配!It was a wonderful food experience. We entered the shop at about ten o 'clock in the evening, but it was too late. It was already closed for dinner. But the owners were very friendly and welcoming, and we talked as friends, and we made an appointment to come for lunch the next day. The food was very good, the pasta was very fragrant and didn't feel greasy at all. The steak was tender and really delicious with yellow mustard. The dessert is my favorite, the pancake with chocolate sauce wrapped in vanilla ice cream is my favorite, and the other cake is covered with jam, it's very soft inside, and the bottom of the cake is made of a crispy, crunchy ingredient that tastes like caramel cookies, it's a perfect match! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)