Mezz 提供新派歐洲菜式,餐廳內更可俯瞰繁忙的中環街道。 繼續閱讀
切餅費: 美心西餅及Starbucks的蛋糕可免切餅費; 其他品牌蛋糕則收取$40一位,最多$200的切餅費
11:30 - 22:30
Visa Master 現金 AE
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
泊車 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
牛扒 牛柳 羊架 龍蝦湯 鵝肝
食評 (43)
等級4 2009-10-29
333 瀏覽
Went there for a free set dinner with 3 main courses for 2 persons and I booked for two weeks ago. Thanks my friend's asiamiles for treating us a great dinner. Bread, each one got two, I love the bread so much without butter Appetitzer--(1)Grilled scallop with sauce--actually it is quite nice and fresh, it is very thick and large in size, however, it is not hot ebough (2)Grilled Foie gras with sauce--my bf said it is quite good as the level yummy-ness should be 5 stars Soup--(1) Lobster Soup (2) Crab Meat with corn soup; both are very nice and very hot enough. Main Courses--(1)Beef with potato mash (2) Lamb with potato (small); both are disappointed since (1) is too well, however, we asked for 60%well only, found out it is 80% well, we think; (2) is too rare, however, we asked for 90% well, found out it is 70% well only. Probably they mixed up our levels of wellness.Maybe the floor is a little bit wet, the waiter and waitress broke glasses twice during one hour at the same place. Anyway, the service is not bad, but not good enough we think. Lot of space to be improved. 繼續閱讀
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Went there with my mother for dinner, which was free of charge since we used our asiamiles to redeem the set dinner. We were served with warm water at first, which was excellent as I always prefer warm water rather than ice cold water. Then we were given a variety of bread. I went for the croissant and it turned out to be excellent!! I would highly recommend the croissant!!! Next, we had our set dinner, which is as follows:1) Appetizer: Cesar Salad - very good, the salad dressing was near perfect mixed with excellent cheese. They also had this white egg-white thing, which complimented well with the salad. 2) Main Course: Risotto - excellent taste and beautifully presented - would highly recommend it 3) Dessert: I went for tiramisu, which was again perfect...a little bit of wine mixed with the usual tiramisu. Perfect blending. All in all, it's an excellent restaurant with great service. I was satisfied with the 3 courses. However, I do admit that prices are high as the restaurant's in Central. If it weren't for the free set dinner, I would not always come here, but definitely worth going once in awhile! 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2009-09-17
77 瀏覽
Had a quick lunch here the other day without expecting much quality, so was pleasantly surprised because the soups turned out sufficiently rich and flavourful, and the chargrilled beef was juicy, tender, very easy to eat. The mushroom & truffle pasta on the other hand was bad as anticipated from a Maxim-run western restaurant. The sauce was thin with hardly any taste - like diluted mushroom water. Also, although the pasta wasn't soggy it was by no means al dente either. However service was considerably attentive and the bright, laid back atmosphere of the restaurant made the meal reasonably enjoyable overall Might come back if I can't think of anywhere else to go. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2009-09-09
37 瀏覽
莎莉加人工 ..比我屈左佢一大餐左搵右搵 ..決定試下呢間mezz ~ 最緊要係AE有半價食都食得豪D ! ORDER~~~STARTER 開始叫~~ 生蠔 $90/3只~ 我一個人食~ 正 新鮮 好味~~ 嘿嘿 半價 $45咋!! 香煎帶子配杏仁忌廉汁 呢個 唔錯~ 面剛剛熟 帶子中間 仲生生地~ 好味! 不過有幾塊黑黑地嘅腸..D 味似膶腸 ..怪怪地... 問個WAITRESS 先知係血賜 .. !! 什麼什麼煎鵝肝 OK啦~ 比較厚.. 加埋件梨 夾住 都唔太HEAVY .. 不過 旁邊D菜 同埋SAUCE 就真係幾好味 什麼什麼 三文魚他他 魚子蛋 哇~ 呢個GOOD! 三文魚他他 好食~~ 不過 我地兩個 食唔慣好嘢..D魚子... 勁腥.. 兩條友..即時 什麼什麼鮑魚什麼什麼 這個嘛 ..... 一個字 .. "怪"! 強呀~ 食完4個STARTER ... 我地已經有D呆滯! 因為 開始飽 忽然 WAITRESS 問 ..小姐 你地個湯 可以上沒?! 仲有ORDER 左兩個湯 唔記得左!! 我地叫左一堆STARTER... 要吃完先有湯!! 牛肉清湯跟松茸 嘿嘿 初初以為係松露..睇真D ..唓~ 係松茸呀!! 莎莉話 唔錯呀 好味 龍蝦湯 人地請..梗係食大佢~ 來個龍蝦先叫比面莎莉. 哇~~ OK呀~ 好濃 好味最後 我地當然唔會放過甜品啦~~ 叫左個 軟心朱古力~ 哎呀 唔記得左...仲有兩杯什麼什麼STRAWBERRY 什麼什麼 一般啦~~ 麻麻地啦..埋單 成位兩位 ..$1100 ~~~DISCOUNT 後 .. $620~~ 多謝BOSS 莎莉~~~~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2009-08-02
31 瀏覽
和 11 位朋友聚會,來吃 $168 蠔連酒套餐,再散叫菜式食物:一人一打蠔、生牛肉、三文魚他他、牛扒、白汁菌意粉、鴨腿意大利飯、心太軟、蕉批、還有一款忘了是什麼的甜品首先聲明,圖片顏色欠佳,是因餐廳較暗所致。蠔最好吃,鮮甜,一打 12 隻由淡到濃,吃至心滿意足。附送的白酒也不錯。意大利飯和意粉旋風式一掃光!牛扒不俗,不過伴碟的扭紋薯條更得我們歡心。其他都不過不失。麵包也有數款,都不錯的。吃完可添。甜品蕉批一流,其他兩款僅港式餐廳水準。環境與服務:舒適的環境,本人一向偏好暗的餐廳,加分侍應明顯不是正宗西餐廳訓練出身,普通,尚算殷勤,有一個還頗主動的與我們聊天唯一討厭的是要用商場洗手間! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)