港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約10分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
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食評 (66)
等級2 2023-08-26
2047 瀏覽
I really like the vibe of this restaurant. They served bread with nice tomato paste ! And the starter is ham with melon, which is yummy. The ciabatta is tasty. The highlight is Tiramisu! Really rich and good flavoured. The waitress is very welcoming and nice too! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-07-13
1515 瀏覽
公司同事推薦的性價比中環西餐, 即興午餐book二人枱試一試🤤發現有户外位同户內, 怕哂既人類緊係坐入面, 音樂同環境都幾舒服幾chur包包🍞好鬆軟, 趁熱食幾好食Creamy Tuscan Chricken 5/5⭐️份量夠飽,creamy 醬同埋雞勁match, 雞本身好香再加埋creamy醬好入味。Baked Mostaccioli 4/5⭐️芝士醬味道都幾重, 食得多有啲渴, 但個意大利粉有驚喜位, 好軟好有口感.Tiramisu 4/5⭐️甜品Tiramisu 係香港十大Tiramisu, 酒味適中, 食到啲好似杏仁嘅甜味, 個人覺得唔錯. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Their Lobster Linguine is a must-try dish. The pasta is cooked to perfection and the lobster is fresh and succulent. The flavors are expertly balanced, making every bite a delightful experience. 🍝🦞😋The Baked Mostaccioli is another delicious dish that will have you craving for more. The pasta is topped with a perfectly melted layer of cheese and the tomato sauce is bursting with flavor. It's the ultimate comfort food that will leave you feeling satisfied and content. 🍝🧀🍅😍But the real star of the show is their Tiramisu. Mo Bros' Tiramisu is one of the best you'll ever taste. It's made with fresh, high-quality ingredients and it's the perfect balance of creamy and sweet. Every bite is pure bliss. 🍰☕😋The restaurant's ambiance is warm and welcoming, making it the perfect place for a romantic date night or a cozy dinner with friends. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable, and they'll make sure that your dining experience is nothing short of amazing. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-06-23
3518 瀏覽
TGIF☺️,今晚揀左位於中環soho既Mo Bros意大利餐廳,Happy Friday一於要飲過 & 食過痛快餐廳既位置較隱蔽,離遠見到Mo Bros個招牌,再行落樓梯就會見到間餐廳,餐廳室外既環境真係好似係歐洲d餐廳咁,我怕熱所以揀左室內,室內佈置亦都係走歐陸風Herb ricotta cheese bruschetta Ciabatta 烘至脆身,ricotta混入了香草調味,再加上一粒車厘茄,又係一道好好既前菜Draught Beer & Red wineHappy Friday 一定要叫返d酒,再襯d美食chill下啦,仲有個咁大既餐包同蕃茄醬跟埋,未食都先興奮😆Breadcrumb coated crab cakes2件細細既蟹餅,入面都食到蟹肉的,配以牛油果、紫洋蔥、沙律菜同埋辣既salsa,好岩做前菜Roasted pumpkin南瓜已經煮到非常腍身,用上大量既橄欖油,sage去醃製,整碟既味道係帶酸的,幾醒胃Best Italian style marinated mushrooms意式蘑菇無諗過會有咁多沙律菜跟埋,仲有蕃茄乾、紫洋蔥、煙三文魚,加上橄欖油,香草,意式既味道Truffle risotto 個飯係偏濕個隻,但菇味濃郁,加埋松露油、芝士同香草,唔算好膩,味道不錯Spaghetti vongole用上新鮮既US Manila 蜆烹調,加入辣椒、白酒、海鮮湯,整碟都充滿住海鮮既味道Mamma Mostaccioli’s Tiramisu 用上傳統既製法,mascarpone cheese、咖啡、Marsala、lady fingers當然唔少得,成件既質感比較濕,味道尚可環境同食物質素都幾好,但價錢先係亮點,無諗過係中環soho區竟然可以咁超值,真係岩晒一班人一齊去消遣下 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-05-27
2239 瀏覽
相傳呢間餐廳的提拉米蘇是香港十大之一,令我很好奇,很想試。🤩提拉米蘇 $65賣相跟圖片爭很遠,一上枱的感覺有點山寨,至於味道就覺得不錯,酒味很香,lady fingers也完全吸收了酒的味道,但不會太濃烈,忌廉做得很滑,唔錯的。但如果以香港十大提拉米蘇,我覺得賣相可以做得更加好,價錢亦不算很貴。🤩蕃茄芝士香腸長通粉 $128這個就普普通通,芝士做到拉芝效果,但味道就正常。🤩招牌海鮮意粉 🍝 $172海鮮有帶子、魷魚、意粉質地不會太軟,也屬中上水平。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)