Pane e latte is Italian for “bread and milk,” homey items that evoke comfort, tradition and familiarity. Guests are welcome all-day at our bakery and restaurant, where we serve breakfast, lunch and dinner against a backdrop of homey, traditional baked goods. Browse our counter for a revolving selection of artisanal breads, pastries, cakes, cannoli, sandwiches, pizza al taglio, and more delights. Check out our selection of homemade gelato for a nostalgic treat. Linger a little longer for aperitivo and beyond, enjoying a hearty meal within the comfort of our dreamy pastry paradise.
08:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 21:00
*(last order 20:15)
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
假日約了友人去赤柱行下,話時話N年冇去過了~一場來到當然要搵間扎café chill下,IG見到有間Pane e Latte,打卡café,主打意大利菜、手工麵包及蛋糕等,環境靚食物正吸引左一試。假日都幾多人,book位最安全。歐陸式小屋設計,自設烘焙工場,餐廳以啞粉紅色為主調,樓底高,拱形門窗、吊扇,牆上的油畫及照片,感覺復古,亦有優雅之感,坐位上有點擠迫,枱與枱之間太少距離,有點壓迫感。多款包點及甜點。餐牌,主要想試下牛角包,見到開心果又吸引左。Rose & Earl Grey Latte,$45,有玫瑰花瓣作點綴,賣相精緻,淡淡的玫瑰香味。香煎牛扒件煎蛋,$248。牛扒外焦香內軟嫩,薯角香口,正常水準。松露牛角包(素),$148,牛角包尚算大件,面層的松露薄片散發香氣之餘同時作點綴之用,牛角包感鬆脆有層次,香牛油味,蛋嫩滑,味道不俗。Crispy Pistachio Roll,$42。見到開心果即想試,個卷周邊佈滿開心果碎,內裡都有少許開心果餡,外層有微微的酥脆,內裡鬆軟戴有少許靭度,有開心果味但唔算太濃,唔算好甜,味道不果不失,但唔太滿足到開心果控。食物味道正常,環境幾靚打卡之選,但坐位太迫唔多舒適,服務態度幾好,價格以地區來講都合理,值得試下。
Panne e Latte is a breath of fresh air in Stanley. It's my go-to place whenever I am in Stanley (and very often with friends visiting from overseas). The interior is bright and cheerful with high ceilings and a European feeling (and great music!). The perfect place to chill after a couple of hours of rummaging through Stanley market. I've never had a bad meal there and often take home a few pastries for our breakfast the next day. Those in the know - go right to their giant pastry counter to select their order from a diverse spread of both sweet and savoury pastries, cakes, breads and pizzas. I love their pizzas and focaccia sandwiches. On the sweet side, they have the biggest croissants I have ever seen, big enough for two people to share. My favourite is their almond croissants. They also have excellent coffee to go with their pastries. Panne e Latte specializes in baked goods, but they also offer pasta, burgers, salads, seafood and steaks and offer a small range of wine and cocktails if you are there for dinner. They are constantly experimenting with new recipes - so there is always something different to try.The staff are all lovely, friendly and nothing is too much trouble - great attitude!
與友人慶祝生日,想到赤柱那邊閒逛,可惜近年那裡的精緻食肆逐漸減少,故選了店面比較體面的Pane e latte,這家餐廳的氛圍溫馨而優雅,提供了不錯的用餐環境。主菜方面,我們選擇了Parma ham with egg benedict 和chicken skillet 。Parma ham with egg benedict 的火腿具鹹香,搭配流心的蛋黃和嫩滑的荷蘭醬,讓人回味無窮。而chicken skillet 的雞肉嫩滑,番茄醬汁香氣四溢,配以各種配菜,口感豐富而均衡。甜品部分,我們享用了lemon tart和warm chocolate tart。lemon tart的餡料稍甜,幸好上面的meringue較輕盈;warm chocolate tart濃郁而不苦澀,入口即化,每一口都充滿了濃厚的朱古力風味。由於在預約時remark了慶生,店家送上了插有生日牌的berry tart和拍攝即影即有一張,滿滿的儀式感呢!結帳時侍應更送上店家招牌的croissant給我們回家吃,的確有點小驚喜。總的來說,每道菜都給我們留下了很好印象,非常滿足和愉快。Pane e Latte 無疑是一個值得再次光顧的地方。
山長水遠入嚟呢度食嘢 環境確實係幾靚嘅 可惜味道超差。首先,由order完之後到上菜足足等左30至45分鐘,我完全唔明一份牛油果多士點解可以咁耐。 人流周末嚟講 唔算多,但都好耐。到上菜個一刻,我完全呆咗。 份量極少,兩隻水波蛋無味,牛油果無味,多士好硬。好嬲另外,叫左個雞腿肉配sourdough, 份量又係爆少。味道都超級普通重點嚟啦,依塊野佢價值$148。。。我俾完錢 當買個教訓俾自己。Blacklist依間嘢!!!!!奉勸大家唔好嚟食
黎到赤柱一定會比呢間cafe嚟裝修吸引到💖勁吸睛👀麪包方面就覺得貴左d,有少少over price左,但都好食,只係唔係非常驚豔另外叫左個軟雪糕,覺得係遺珠🤩咁好食又唔貴點解會冇人push!!!總結overall 都唔錯,可一試