港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約9分鐘
12:00 - 14:45
17:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 14:45
17:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 23:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
As the name implies, people come here for both pasta and steak, which had opened for maybe 3 months by now.Their lunch sets are really value for money and it’s meant for your personalization. You can choose your pasta shape (5 options to choose from), select the sauce that you like (also 5 options to choose from) and pick your meat, whether you want a striploin or chicken breast, or upgrade to rib eye by supplementing $88. It also comes with a dessert, a lemon panna cotta.The plating is traditional Italian, with food in quite large portion, except for the salad (the salad wasn’t mentioned on the lunch set menu so it’s understandable that it’s smaller), rather than fancy modern Italian with very nice plating. Friendly staff overall and a nice-looking female hostess to greet you at the entrance, who asked you to pick a knife from the showcase. You just have to remember the number for your chosen knife and tell the server about it when placing your orders. I like this warm welcome and also the deco. We both ordered the organic penne, one with pesto sauce and the other one with mushroom sauce. Both were nice.We both had the striploin, as we wanted to try that quality first during our first visit. I asked for medium rare for my steak, while the server recommended medium, as their chef usually delivers a medium rare for a medium, hence I took his advice. The meat was very flavourful, unlike the other comments that I saw previously and it’s yummy. Maybe they’ve taken the comments and adjusted the marination already. The exterior was slightly too burnt I would say, while the bit of charcoal was easy to remove. Surprisingly the special designed knife that I picked, number 3, wasn’t that efficient in cutting. And when the steak was half way consumed, there was a big tendon there. And same for my friend’s, which we had to cut that away and ended up eating maybe 60-70% max of the steak. It could be better if the tendon wasn’t there.The lemon panna cotta was nice, while the lime peel sprinkled on top was too little. They could add a little more to make them look nicer.The server did not come to our table often, which was fine, as we wanted to focus on our conversations anyway. We had to wave and call for him to come. He’s quite efficient once attending to us.
中環PMQ新開義大利餐廳,主打意粉及熟成牛扒。環境帶有古典氣氛,食物有驚喜。晚餐只有一個set可以簡。自選意粉、醬汁、牛扒及甜品。最有趣係每廿分鐘餐廳就會響起鈴聲,可添加不同意粉,非常有趣!!🔔- Pasteako HK$388 🥩🍝包一款意粉連醬汁、21日熟成牛扒及甜品Tiramisu- Romesco Lumache 🍝西班牙烤紅椒堅果醬配蝸牛粉。醬汁帶有紅椒清新香甜,亦有堅果濃郁香氣。配埋超掛汁蝸牛粉,好好食!!- Quattro Formaggi Spaghetti 🍝🧀四重芝士意大利粉。芝士味香濃,意粉做到al dente口感,芝士控必叫!!- Striploin 🥩21日乾式熟成西冷。經熟成後肉味非常濃郁,肉質更加緊緻結實。表面微微焦香相當誘人。- Rib Eye 🥩21日乾式熟成肉眼。牛肉香氣同樣香濃,相比西冷,肉眼肉質比較細嫩,同樣非常焦香。- Homemade Tiramisu 🎂平衝感十足!!Tiramisu調味輕盈清新,可解掉牛扒及意粉的油膩感。Tiramisu上碟後會再用大大塊朱古力磚刨粉,鮮度十足。朱古力微微苦度味道有深度,芝士醬味道清新口感輕盈,配搭浸滿咖啡酒餅乾,好食又解膩!!
今次揀左呢間位於PMQ超抵食既西餐廳, $188/$388就可以食到牛扒, 意粉, 甜品, 重點係佢都幾大份, 仲可以自己揀意粉, 醬汁, 肉, 晚餐時段仲會有唔同意粉粉既試食時段, 我地果晚都試左起碼4款, 仲要全部都係Off Menu嫁😝Pasteako Dinner 🍝($388)前菜+1. Pasta 2. Sauce 3. Beef + Dessert ✨Parpadelle+Romesco+Wagyu Rib Eye 超級闊同有口感既闊條意粉配上微辣既西班牙烤紅椒堅果醬超級夾, 另外加左$198升級左去澳洲全血A5和牛, 5成熟既和牛煎到油脂香好濃郁, 值得升級😍✨Lumache+Truffle+Rib Eye比較少見既蝸牛意粉配上偏淡既黑松露醬, 意粉口感煙韌完美地兜住曬啲醬, 如果黑松露味再濃啲就好喇, Rib Eye 既部分都係揀左5成熟, 不過筋比較多所以有啲難咬😅✨Tiramisu 比起平時固體形狀既Tiramisu, 呢度既比較多忌廉好滑, 蛋糕體比較少, 朱古力味幾突出, 仲會另外灑上朱古力碎添😌Sauvignon Blanc Awatere River 🍾($78/$358)黎自新西蘭既呢枝白酒, 果香味濃郁, 帶有好微微既酸甜, 入口順滑好好飲😌Montepulciano D*Abruzzo Podere - Umani Ronchi 🍷($68/$338)呢枝黎自意大利既2022年紅酒屬於Meduim Body, 好易入口, 果香味偏濃, 配牛肉唔錯🥳呢間餐廳唔卜位真係除時冇得食, 到9點幾都仲有人入緊黎, 今次我地坐吧枱可以望住廚師煮意粉, 有種食緊Omakase 既感覺😊 黎呢度慶生仲會有青檸味酸酸地既Panna Cotta同生日歌🤩
PASTEAKO位於PMQ內,是間意大利餐廳🇮🇹 餐廳的裝潢以紅、白及深木色為主,牆上掛滿懷舊照片,營造出復古的氛圍,很美很適合打卡呢~❤️🤍 而一進店需要從櫃內的8款牛扒刀中選擇一把自己喜歡的,很特別🤩我們假日下午來到,餐廳只供應一款menu(HKD388),套餐包括沙律、自選意粉及醬汁、牛扒及甜品✨自選意粉及醬汁我們選了Truffle Pappardelle及Romesco Conchiglie🍝 前者松露香氣濃郁,寬扁麵掛汁,但吃到最後會有點膩🙈 而後者醬汁濃稠順滑,酸酸甜甜,味道不錯😋 (非常特別的是每隔一段時間鐘聲會響起,代表有意粉可以免費refill🤣👍🏻)牛扒我們點了Striploin及Rib Eye各一份,個人認為Rib Eye味道較佳,肉質挺嫩,而Striploin則有點太韌🤏甜品是Homemade Tiramisu,口感柔軟綿密,咖啡味亦很濃郁🤤 如果是來慶祝生日,餐廳更會送上Lemon Panna Cotta呢~💛 (感謝朋友當天為我慶祝生日🥰🎂)📍PASTEAKO - 中環鴨巴甸街35號元創方B座Hollywood地下HG01-HG05號舖
📍中環香港近期很火的話題餐廳🤯Pasteako, 設喺元創方2/F, Louise樓上 (見另文), 主打意大利菜; 同大館相比之下元創坊較少餐廳, 人流亦相對較少; 但Pasteako自開張以來都係一位難求, lunch同dinner都full booking, 所以最好都係請先預約🤗室內設計有心思, 紅白地版夠醒目, 紅色梳化配木枱幾有美式feel; 座位亦多一入門口check in時reception會先喺展示枱問你揀一把刀一陣鋸扒用, 全部都好靚🔪Lunch $188 一位, 可選唔同款式意粉, 一款醬汁同一款肉類; 另再送一款甜品朋友就加$88 upgrade咗rib eye, 本人就點咗striploin; 結果發覺真係rib eye tender好多, 值得upgrade👍意粉就大家都選咗Rigatoni, 只係大家揀咗唔同嘅sauce; 兩種sauce都好入味, 然後waiter會再問你加extra cheese同pepper, 令到味覺更加豐富; 再加埋件juicy嘅牛扒, 真係好滿足😋不過滿足還滿足, 一場嚟到就點都要叫埋tiramisu嘅😅; 不過感覺比較甜, 而且冇我鍾意濕淋嘅rum酒味, 我就覺得麻麻地最後想講佢哋嘅service好好, 會主動幫你加水, 又會問啲食物啱唔啱食; 當中仲不乏靚仔靚女; 開心的一餐