港鐵香港站 B2 出口, 步行約7分鐘
位於香港中環7號天星碼頭頂層的臨海露天酒吧,設計簡約清新,全店以木裝潢 ---- 木地板、木椅、木牆等等,令一室充滿大自然氣息,讓人放鬆心情,悠閒地享受一杯雞尾酒。
Pier 7 Café & Bar 並設有達千呎的露天座位,人客安坐其中可欣賞中環商廈的繁華景致及維港碼頭海景。入夜後,中環商廈亮起燈來,加上一杯紅酒,與三五知己共聚,最是寫意。這裡亦是露天派對的理想地點。
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 00:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
hidden rooftop by Victoria Harbour @pier7cafeandbar at the Central Pier offers Mediterranean semi-buffet lunch ⛴️ for just HKD$248 (no additional service charge)‼️ relax in a cozy indoor or rooftop patio 🌿 indulge in a curated selection of mezzes 🥙 seasonal salads 🥗 delectable mains 🍝 and all-you-can-eat succulent meat from the carving station including roasted beef sirloin, smoked beef brisket, and roasted pork belly 🥩 with different options rotated daily 💫香港中環碼頭頂層臨海露台天台酒吧 @pier7cafeandbar 地中海半自助餐 ⛴️ 只需 HKD$248 (不另收加一服務費)‼️ 舒適室內環境 陽光露台酒吧 🌿 享受精選 開胃前菜 🥙 時令沙律 🥗 意粉或意大利飯 🍝 仲有任食現切烤肉 包括「烤牛肉西冷扒」、「烤牛腩」和「煙燻豬腰肉」 🥩 每日提供不同選擇 💫 — appetizers (mezzes) —🥖 烤薄餅 + 鷹嘴豆泥醬 flat bread and hummus香脆軟綿 豆香微辛 別具風味🐟 煙三文魚拼盤smoked salmon platter嫩滑柔軟 煙熏香氣 鹹鮮濃郁🥗 沙律區cesar salad / beetroot and apple / mixed green bean凱撒、紅菜頭蘋果、青豆角沙律 新鮮脆爽 色彩繽紛 清新豐富🥕 甘筍湯 carrot soup紅蘿蔔甜 奶滑香濃 口感順滑— carving station —🥩 燒西冷扒 roasted beef sirloin焦香鮮嫩 略帶粉紅 肉味濃郁 帶油脂香🥔 燒薯仔 roasted potato 外皮香脆 配迷迭香 增添香香 鬆軟綿密— hot dishes —🍅 蘑菇蕃茄香飯mushroom tomato pilate飯粒柔軟 蕃茄蘑菇 酸甜柔嫩🥦 燴摩洛哥雜菜moroccan braised vegetables軟嫩微脆 吸收湯汁 香料濃郁🎃 扁意粉 配南瓜醬linguine with pumpkin sauce意粉彈牙 香甜南瓜 奶油幼滑— drinks —🍹rooftop garden HKD$98finlandia, lemon, passion fruit, honey, butterfly pea, prosecco酸爽甜潤 清新輕盈 漸層色彩🫐 froth & fruity HKD$68wildberry puree, pineapple juice, orange juice, grenadine熱帶果香 一絲微酸 清爽莓香📍中環7號碼頭頂層🇭🇰*
中環區$248無加一食到半自助午餐最近係中環7號碼頭嘅pier 7 cafe推出左day day供應性價比超強嘅semi lunch buffet雖然款式唔算好多但有齊沙律。主食。餐湯唔要甜品為lunch做個完美嘅ending就可以另加$30加配 同樣唔收加一餐廳有户外同户內位置可以選擇中庭仲有好靚嘅cocktail bar Salad 希臘薯仔鷹嘴豆沙律 l 摩洛哥椰菜花沙律 l 煙燻三文魚 l 羅馬生菜 l 羽甘藍衣沙律沙律及冷盤貴精不貴多係主打希臘菜嘅Pier7 cafe當然有希 signature嘅鷹嘴豆沙律 質感綿滑充滿豆蓉香 配上特調香料更開胃惹味其他沙律新鮮而且味道同樣調得相當唔錯Soup椰菜花湯奶白椰菜花湯好香滑又甜Main烤肉款式每日都會轉 當日係超級巨型嘅蜜汁火腿 火腿外層烤得香口而且充滿光澤 充滿陣陣煙熏香氣 肉質香嫩唔會乾柴充滿鹹香及蜜汁甜味 鹹甜交織配菜有炒西式蔬菜及烤薯仔Pasta or Rice 磨菇白汁長通粉 l 蔬菜南瓜飯主食有齊意粉及飯類 雖然看似簡單但味道好有驚喜南瓜飯充滿蔬菜天然甜味 飯粒入口唔會糊長通粉口感彈牙 通粉上帶坑紋更掛汁Rooftop Garden好夢幻嘅一杯cocktail 上層係優雅嘅紫色碟豆花 下層係充滿活力嘅黃色熱情果 入口清爽香甜
好友約食午餐,位置在中環7號天星碼頭頂層天台,餐廳坐擁舒適的戶外空間、海岸美境及廣闊的藍天,相信在的夕陽西下時,景色應該更美。室内樓底高,裝修得有點似一間小小的教堂,給人莊嚴、舒適又休閒的感覺。這個半自助午餐,每天的主菜各有不同,想吃什麼最好事先了解清楚;時間由中午12時至下午2時供應,每位港幣248元;午餐包時令雜錦沙律、是日餐湯、意粉及美味的現切烤肉(主菜)…等,另可自費加甜品及酒精飲品。MAIN COURSEMon: Roasted Beef Sirloin Tues: Roasted Salmon Fillet Wed: Smoked Beef BrisketThurs: Smoked Pork LoinFri: Roasted Salmon FilletSat: Roasted Beef SirloinSun: Roasted Honey Ham+ TEA or COFFEE餐廳有多款葡萄酒、創新雞尾酒、啤酒和無酒精飲料;天氣寒冷,飲返杯為聖誕而創作的「暖意窩心香料熱酒」,酒中融入多種香料、柑橘等炮製而成的熱酒,讓甜蜜香氣彌漫整個口腔,洋溢幸福的暖意!雜錦沙律區內有摩洛哥甜菜頭沙律、烤椰菜花沙律、凱撒沙律,旁邊放有烤三文魚扒、鷹嘴豆泥醬、烤薄餅 ;是日餐湯是烤椰菜花濃湯,口感香滑,飲落有啲似忌亷湯,好喝。對面放有長通粉、檸檬牛油醬、燴摩洛哥雜菜、烤薯仔,旁邊就是今日的主菜現切烤肉(煙燻牛腩),肉質看似有點過熟,但友人話食落鮮嫩多汁,但如可再生少少應該會更好。另加多了三味菜,包括:地中海小食拼盤、烤土耳其沙威瑪雞肉串 及 烤豬腩串。地中海小食拼盤內有鷹嘴豆泥醬、中東茄子醬、菲達羊奶芝士、青瓜酸乳酪醬、烤薄餅 及提子,分量十足。外層烤至微脆,肉質鮮嫩的「烤土耳其沙威瑪雞肉串」,惹味又好吃。「烤豬腩串」肉質偏肥,咬落油潤,配上乳清汁 及 土耳其甜椒牛油醬,也很不錯。甜品有四款,包括:芒果熱情果慕斯蛋糕、開心果慕斯蛋糕、雜錦莓果意式奶凍 及 意大利芝士蛋糕,每款各叫了一杯共同分享,而自己最喜歡當中的雜莓奶凍,口感香滑帶奶香,不錯。環境舒適,地方濶落,是與三五知己共聚的好地方!#Pier7 Cafe & Bar地址: 中環7號碼頭頂層電話: 21678377
// 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙖𝙣 𝘿𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙤𝙧 𝙑𝙞𝙚𝙬𝙨 𝙖𝙩 𝙋𝙞𝙚𝙧 𝟕 𝙞𝙣 𝘾𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙡 - 𝙋𝙞𝙚𝙧 𝟕 𝘾𝙖𝙛𝙚́ & 𝘽𝙖𝙧 🍴 //-Well-situated along the stunning waterfront of Victoria Harbour, 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝟕 𝐂𝐚𝐟𝐞́ & 𝐁𝐚𝐫 is a cherished destination located at the rooftop of Pier 7, Star Ferry, Central, unveiling a cozy atmosphere and an enticing new menu with a Mediterranean twist for casual dining and happy hour drinks.-The new à la carte menu showcases a diverse array of Mediterranean mezzes and sharing plates, alongside grilled meat skewers and seafood, highlighting fresh, bold flavors and communal dining. Dishes like 𝐌𝐄𝐙𝐙𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 (𝐇𝐊$𝟏𝟗𝟖) feature Hummus, Baba Ghanoush, Whipped Feta, Tzatziki, Olive, Sumac Onion, Fig, Grape, Cucumber, Beetroot, and served with flatbread, encouraging sharing and exploration of rich Mediterranean traditions.-Another highlight of the menu goes to our all-time favorite 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐀 (𝐇𝐊$𝟏𝟔𝟖) with Tartor, Za'atar, and Pickled Cabbage; as well as the vegetarian pasta dish 𝐕𝐄𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐍𝐄 (𝐇𝐊$𝟏𝟔𝟖) that boasts a savory and creamy texture, cooked with Maitake, Asparagus, Carrot, and Dukkah.-📍 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝟕 𝐂𝐚𝐟𝐞́ & 𝐁𝐚𝐫 (𝐂𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥)Shop M, Level R, Central Pier No.7, Central-ʙs-ᴘᴊ-ʀᴘ-ᴡs-sᴄɴ
I booked this restaurant through Restaurant Week promotion with HKD198 net for their Mediterranean-themed lunch carving semi-buffet. I arrived the restaurant much earlier than the booking time, and their restaurant manager still nicely allowed me to get in. The restaurant is quite spacious, with a nice outdoor area, giving me a relaxing ambiance.All of their dishes are made from the Watermark kitchen which is downstairs.Their carving station changes daily which Monday is for Roasted Sirloin. I tried their appetisers first then the lunch carvings and accompaniments (pilaf and veggies). Appetisersotato soup - Texture is not thick but definitely worth to try under cool weather Salads: 1) Quinoa & Kale salad with feta cheese, cranberries & apricots pieces 2) Beetroot salad with grapes, radish and walnut pieces 3) DIY salad leaves Ingredients were fresh and tasted quite good, slightly disappointing that they did not provide any balsamic vinegar for the dressing.Spiced flatbreads - A bit chewy and I enjoyed the cumin spices on top Smoked salmon - So so, tasted a bit bland but still could taste the smokey flavour, good to eat with the capers to add some savoury taste Main Roasted sirloin - Average. Outside was crispy but inside was still tender (but not juicy). Meaty taste was not that rich. Roasted salmon fillet - I was fortunate to try another roasting item as their sirloin was out of stock later. The fillet was topped with cumins and texture was just right. Flavour was normal. AccompanimentsRoasted potatoes - So soAssorted mushrooms pilaf in cream sauce - Quite special to me as it was made with barleys with a number of mushrooms in it. Tastes normal.Ratatouille - Having different vegetables with Mediterranean spices, taste was quite similar to the flatbread due to the seasoning.Price includes one cup of hot/cold tea or coffee that I ordered a hot coffee. Unexpectedly the coffee was not bad, and the restaurant was very thoughtful to serve warm milk to serve with it. Overall I would say the food quality was average, but truly enjoyed this lunch because the services were excellent. Their restaurant manager Chris, and the servers were warm and kept observing the tables to see what they could do for the guests,1) They proactively poured the soup for guests and checked if they needed any black pepper 2) They proactively collected empty dishes from guests’ tables3) They would ask guests if they needed any milk in their coffee (Cold coffee with cold milk and hot ones with warm milk!)This place is definitely a nice venue for friends gathering, especially for birthday celebrations as they will provide birthday dessert and sing to the guests with music. I will visit there again in the short future.