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食評 (281)
等級2 2023-09-20
117 瀏覽
家樓下的小餐廳開了大概一兩年了,基本上每個月都會吃,看上去其貌不揚的,常常去吃的時候也沒有坐滿人,但其實滋味超級棒!🍔🍔🍔最喜歡他家的漢堡,尤其是鵝肝漢堡,和軟炸蟹漢堡!堂食非常美味,住附近的話外賣套餐都划算!這個品質不熟專業的漢堡店,鮮美牛肉非常的嫩,而且出品也很快,剛上時薯條跟漢堡都是超級燙。可能是太子的網紅店太多了,希望大家多多光顧好吃,但是不起眼的小店!Ps之前點他家的乳鴿非常一般,點漢堡不會錯! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-09-08
67 瀏覽
平時成日經過呢頭 一直都想試呢晚同朋友一於入去試下😆嚟間呢位於太子與深水埗交界左右餐廳環境非常有格調我哋叫咗dinner set 2人餐($298)兩份主食加是日餐湯同嘢飲(汽水/果汁)我哋揀左果汁跟餐送的餐湯,味道非常濃郁而且夠曬熱👍🏻主菜揀咗加拿大豬鞍配蜜糖芥末籽汁豬鞍好淋 好好食😋 而且份量夠大,啱曬兩個人share🥰另一個主菜係軟殼蟹雜菌忌廉意大利飯軟殼蟹好好食🥹🥹🥹 脆卜卜 非常香 而且意大利飯加雜菌忌廉 好好味 必食之選🥰🥰呢個套餐 $298有湯有嘢飲而且又大份量 都幾抵食👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻平時經過太子附近 又想試下抵食餐廳 可以試試project b 👍🏻👍🏻 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2023-09-08
52 瀏覽
叫咗魚柳同西冷牛扒,係有餐湯同野飲可以配埋,雖然免費野飲選擇唔多。魚柳有少少急凍既味道,唔太推薦,帶子都係無味既,所以應該係急凍,但呢個價錢都合理既,抵食既。個沙律菜係係羽衣甘藍🥬非常健康,調味唔多,唔太酸唔太甜都新鮮既。西冷牛扒熱食唔錯,好大塊,抵食呀,唔會太硬,呢個推薦d。餐湯正常發揮。野飲揀咗果汁類,唔錯,推薦既,coffee就正常發揮但環境就麻麻地,見到天花板角落位發霉到生菌,感覺唔太好 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2023-08-28
44 瀏覽
今日要係附近等兩個鐘 終於有時間黎試下Project B,呢到環境都唔錯 工業風 枱與枱之間唔算太迫。我點咗佢哋意大利煙肉卡邦尼扁意粉午餐套餐,有餐湯同餐飲,我叫咗鮮奶咖啡。粟米湯黎到溫度唔係好夠熱,不過湯嘅口感都ok,帶自然的甜味,粟米味都夠濃郁。主菜意大利煙肉卡邦尼扁意粉就幾出色。意粉煮得啱啱好,保持了它的彈性和口感。配上煙肉的鹹香味,每一啖都食到卡邦尼醬的奶油味,幾滿足。跟餐叫嘅鮮奶咖啡,唔駛另外加錢,黎到咖啡拉花幾靚,溫度適中,味道都濃。唔錯。整體黎講,$78加一食到咁嘅質素嘅午餐我都好滿意 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-08-18
39 瀏覽
Homemade Waffles  Fresh Fruit Ice Cream: The waffles, perfectly crisp on the outside and delightfully fluffy on the inside, were a testament to the chef's skill. The medley of seasonal fresh fruits on top added a burst of colors and flavors that complemented the waffles impeccably. Each bite was a harmonious blend of textures and tastes, with the warm waffles providing a satisfying contrast to the cold, creamy ice cream. The dish struck a balance between indulgence and freshness, making it a delightful way to start the meal. New Zealand Mussels with Vanilla Cream:The mussels were plump and succulent, cooked to perfection in a flavorful broth that had a hint of brininess, balanced by the delicate sweetness of the vanilla-infused cream. The unexpected combination of seafood and vanilla might have raised eyebrows, but the result was a harmonious symphony of flavors that was both intriguing and exquisite. The vanilla cream elevated the dish, adding a luxurious and velvety texture that beautifully coated the mussels. It was a bold departure from the ordinary and an embodiment of culinary creativity at its best. Mexican Vanilla Beef Tenderloin Burrito: This dish was a fusion of Mexican and international flavors, featuring tender slices of beef tenderloin infused with a touch of Mexican vanilla. The meat was succulent and bursting with savory goodness, and the vanilla added a subtle, intriguing note that danced on the palate. Wrapped in a soft tortilla along with a medley of fresh vegetables, rice, and beans, every bite was a captivating blend of textures and tastes. It was a true celebration of culinary diversity, and the burst of flavors left a lasting impression. 繼續閱讀
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