港鐵灣仔站 A4 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
由美籍越南大廚 Que Vinh Dang 主理。
Visa Master 現金 銀聯
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泊車 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (11)
Chef Que Vinh Dang returns with Quest in Wan Chai. The first time I tried Chef Que Vinh Dang’s cooking- I was definitely blown away. Chef Que’s private kitchen TBLS on Hollywood Road quickly became one of my favorite restaurants so I was definitely sad when they closed down TBLS a few years back. Everyone’s familiar with Chef Que’s ah-mazing tasting menus from his days at TBLS. At Quest, the menu, which also changes seasonally are inspired by his Vietnamese heritage and days living and working in New York. So is Quest as good as TBLS? Let’s find out!The fam bam and I went one evening to celebrate Cissy Jie’s Bday. Quest by Que only offers a tasting menu which will set you back HK$680 a person. Alright, shall we begin?Squid Noodles | Chilli Tomato, Squid Ink Pearls. The first course came out and was exceptional. The squid noodles had the most amazing texture in a light, spicy chili tomato broth with roe and squid ink pearls served chilled- super fresh, flavorful and delicious.Tom Yum Shima Aji Tartare | Pickled Green Papaya, Pomelo Salad, Roasted Seaweed. This was terrific as well. The ahi tartare packed a punch and I loved the strong roasted seaweed drizzled on top! It was a great combination of flavors between tom yum as well as a nice balance between the juicy and fresh pomelo salad.Seafood Duo | Red Curry Crab Cake, Tempura Abalone, Sautéed Bok Choy. This was interesting. The crab cake was pretty good but I don’t know how I felt about the tempura abalone. It was done really well but just not my cup of tea!Tamarind Glazed Grilled Pork Neck | Tumeric Rice, Sautéed Long Beans. The grilled pork neck was delicious. We all gobbled this up!!Pan Seared Grass Fed Striploin | Smoked Eggplant Puree, Caramelized Pearl Onions, Straw Mushrooms. The pan seared grass fed striploin was the main course. It was sturdy and hearty but a bit on the tough side. I really liked the smoked eggplant puree and accompanying veggies though!Soursop Sorbet & Crispy Meringue | Lemongrass Strawberry Fizz, Strawberry Jelly, Basil Seeds. Excellent!! I loved the different layers of textures and flavors. It had this burst of sweet and sour that I really liked. I also loved the jelly basil seeds. Nice, simple and refreshing ending- somewhat like a palate cleanser! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2016-03-08
2499 瀏覽
I seldom get so angry for a restaurant but this restaurant is really ridiculously irresponsible.I booked this restaurant for restaurant week online, but they called up at 6pm and leave a message that they CANNOT OFFER ME the booking as the "Chef does not want to work that late". What a nice attitude this restaurant is having for their customers!Poor me, receiving this voice message 2 hours later, unable to book another restaurant online anymore for the night. And the staff from Quest just pushes the responsibility to me that I have not picked up the phone. For such outstanding attitude, go if you enjoy the being treat like dirt 我一向甚少花時間寫食評的,但是這家餐廳真是不負責任得令人很憤怒,真的不能不寫。我上週在 restaurant week預定了這家餐廳並且已經得到了email 確認,但他們預定當天下午6點才致電我,他們不能給我預訂的位子,因為“廚師不想工作那麼晚”。這究竟是個甚麼的待客態度?!! 莫説他們未能待客如賓,他們連基本的尊重客人和信守承諾都未能做到!!!我在2個小時後收到該語音留言,但已無法網上預定另一家餐廳。而餐廳人員更只是推卸責任,說錯在我沒有應答電話。對於這樣優秀的態度,恐怕食物再好,也不應再去活受罪吧! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2015-07-31
2583 瀏覽
第一次試這種 fine dining 的越南菜,同睇openrice有分別,表面是高檔西餐,但味道一入口就是越南味,有趣。這裡只有 Tasting Menu及只做dinner頭兩道前菜材料及配搭均好蝦 好味我件拖羅不夠肥Signature 豬腩肉咸及太油雞湯飯超唔得,湯咸,飯硬,雞肉太鞋燒鱔都不合格,鱔雖用上新鮮貨,有煙熏,但不夠味。調味用日本鰻魚汁,但依然一般。Short Rib 可以。切落去以為 overcook,但不是,有食友件剛好,但我件 over 少少。味道比較濃,太咸。以前明洞的韓式做法好過佢!Berry sorbet 可以,用新鮮荔枝。最後班蘭椰子雪糕配 chocolate cake 幾好。但要小心那粒份子朱古力波,有位食友咬破了,一枱都係朱古力醬價錢不便宜,未必再去! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級6 2015-07-06
2206 瀏覽
有朋自遠方來,誠邀肥肥家族於灣仔新興潮點「Quest By Que」享用晚膳,當真口福不淺 !「Quest By Que」位於灣仔軒尼詩道名齋舖旁o既一幢商廈內,大廈未有中英文名稱,正門只刻有門號「239」作標記。大廈離灣仔地鐡站不遠,不過門外就有多個巴士站,步行三分鐘即達電車站,交通四通八達,地點非常中心。「Quest」o既logo以匙羮及幾款廚具o既形態繪製而成,圈出大廚兼老闆o既大名「Que」o既同時,彷彿亦道出餐廳對廚藝之講究 ,頗有意思。大堂四周由地磚,餐桌至傢俬都以黑白色為主,帶點兒歐陸色o既格調。頭頂燈飾及窗邊蠟燭柔和o既光線,配上28樓高層可望到o既景色,以及背景輕快o既外語音樂,氣氛極為輕鬆。食店正門及開放式廚房閃爍著金黃o既色彩,感覺就好似霓紅燈牌及舞台般,亦即店舖焦點之所在。 雲石餐桌略帶高雅o既氣質,但由於桌上並無枱布,感覺變得比較隨意,大家用膳時都顯得冇咁拘謹。服務生年紀都好輕,負責樓面嗰幾位主要以英語溝通,大多都友善有禮。當晚最感動到小肥兩兄弟o既就係老闆Que先生,佢不但整晚用心預備餸菜,我地五人離開時更親自上前送行道別,親切得很 !據悉,「Quest」不但響應政府五天工作制,選定逢週日及週一休息,餐店更只開晚市,務求落足心機為每一位食客煮出一頓豐富o既晚餐。所有菜式由廚師一早預定,內容將不定期更改,但大致都為八道菜,其中最後兩款為甜品。餐單雖然冇得揀,但訂座時可以講明所有食物敏感項目,廚師會因應而作出調整。有別於一般西餐廳,「Quest」並無麵包籃或餐包,哥哥仔送上餐飲後不久,食物亦隨即上枱。第一道為頭盤「Smoked Octopus, Watermelon, Pickled Watermelon Skin, Ice Lettuce」。八爪魚煙煙韌韌,其少辣o既調味剛好減輕咗煙燻o既濃味,就連微涼o既西瓜同樣係煙得黎辣辣地,組合清新醒胃。換上餐具後,廚房即傳來一陣輕巧o既燒魚香,令大家都好期待下一道「Torched Ora King Salmon, Galangal & Beet Root Jelly, Avocado, Salmon Roe」 。餐碟上疊出六層高,顏色美艷悅目o既燒三文魚。底層透明o既柚子及梅味汁液浸著黑白o既蘭香子(basil seeds)同橙黃o既三文魚子,兩者互相中和,意外地一啲都唔咸,配上紫紅色o既紅菜頭啫喱食,清香爽軟,極具特色。主角火焰三文魚件外層香脆,少辣惹味,魚肉中心卻又生嫩軟滑,夾上綠色o既香葱及牛油果更能特顯魚肉o既鮮甜味。魚肉面有兩塊分開炸煮o既三文魚皮,香口乾脆,送酒一流。六層菜式看似複雜,食材o既質感同味道亦各有不同,配搭出黎o既效果卻又能擦出驚喜火花,真係令人嘆為觀止。姐姐仔介紹「BBQ Iberico Pork Belly Banh Mi, Chicken Liver Pate, Black Pepper Cha Lua Sausage, Pickles」為越南式三文治,用上西班牙黑毛豬o既五花腩及雞肝醬混剁成三文治餡。嘩,大肥爸爸食第一口即勁讚三文治超好食,肉碎不但香甜軟嫩,塗上橙色辣辣o既醬汁更覺味濃潤滑,加埋底層塊又鬆又脆o既多士食,簡直係極品 !估計由於肉醬較為溜滯,大廚特意加插咗一層醃製過o既蘿蔔絲作化解之用,盡顯細心之情。大肥唔多食蟹,因為怕麻煩,亦唔多食蟹餅,因為怕溜,哈,居然今次對Chef Que所烹煮o既「Bun Rieu Crab Cake, Pickled Cucumber Cherry Tomato Pico de Gailo」讚不絕口,主人家聽到都好開心。蟹皇哥哥解釋,蟹餅大小適中,外皮煎得好夠香脆,蟹肉鮮甜幼嫩,而且份量足,加上用香茅作調味,內含薯餡不多,蟹餅就變得冇咁溜,容易入口得多。唔經唔覺原來已經食到第五道菜,太陽亦已西沉,由於店內光線不足,小肥只好用手提電話照明,拍攝食品,好明顯,打燈下影出黎o既「Pan Seared Chilean Sea Bass, Crispy Vermicelli, Sweet Shrimp Ravioli」不及之前喺自然光下影出黎嗰啲相咁靚 。香煎鱸魚光滑油潤,皮脆肉嫩,同個甜甜o既醬汁非常匹配。鱸魚魚油豐厚,吃下伴碟o既煎米粉正好索去油分,減低腸胃o既負擔,可惜碟中o既大配角甜蝦味意大利雲吞出哂事,令整道菜失色不少!姐姐仔建議雲吞要一啖食落口,好讓汁液直流口中,XO仔當然係照做啦;食落先知質感似係水彈多過雲吞,一咬層薄滑o既外殼就穿,蝦味濃郁o既湯汁滲滿口腔,略帶腥味 ,唔係人人啱食囉。咸點最後一味為半隻釀鵪鶉「Stuffed Quail, Carrot Puree, Pickled Romanesco, Chipotle Nuroc Mam」。釀入咗粉絲o既鵪鶉肉質香軟,一啲都唔乾,不過如果可以鎖上更多肉汁就更加完美。伴碟o既蔬菜用上軟甜o既紫色椰菜花,喺電視節目上就見得多,細佬都係第一次食到,嘻嘻,心情極之興奮 !甜品有二,第一味「Strawberry Compote, Soursop Sherbert, Pandan Panna Cotta, Macaroon」無論係士多啤梨凍湯、刺番荔枝雪葩、或馬卡龍,味道都勁酸 ,直令XO仔諗起嫲嫲點叫自己同哥哥「好孫(酸),好孫(酸)」!最奇怪o既係,雖然甜品咁酸,食完一啲都唔覺得有助消化,似乎酸得冇道理bor。餐單上最後o既一道甜品名叫「Frozen Vietnamese Mocha, Coffee Ice Cream, Condensed Milk, Chocolate Meringue」。淨聽個名就覺得好似越南咖啡o既解體牌咁,但係食落去個感覺就完全唔一樣,最主要係咖啡o既香味不一,此甜品o既咖啡味偏苦,而且煉奶味不足,個人覺得有少少失望 。埋單先知套餐不包咖啡或茶,但係已經太遲lu。小肥杯咖啡味道唔夠香濃,要成$60杯真係唔抵飲!多得長輩介紹,認識到灣仔潮店「Quest By Que」,輕鬆地品嚐到大廚兼老闆Que先生用心創製o既新派料理,肥肥家族真係有口福。服務優良o既食店同時又係餐廳,又係舞台,用上高質o既食材,喺客人面前一絲不拘地烹調出別具風格o既菜式,雖則效果未必樣樣稱心,但誠意十足,固定餐單以$780及不再另收加一o既價錢黎講,絕對抵食飽肚 !真心希望店子會考慮做埋午市,相信每日都會咁爆場。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
5 points wrap up my experience at Quest:1. Although marketing efforts of the restaurant emphasises Vietnamese, expect international fusion.2. Food is good but portion too big for the full tasting menu to be graciously consumed by an average appetite. 3. Super slow pace. It took us 3 hours to complete the 8-course blind tasting menu. The place was not even half filled at the time, can't imagine what it's like if it's fully booked.4. If Quest claims itself to be a fine dining restaurant then we were disappointed at how little attention is paid to details. Chipped bowls and plates are used to serve customers, napkins look pretty worn out and are covered with lint. It shouldn't be tolerable and very much discounted the whole dining experience.5. They don't think most of their food needs to be eaten with knives is an incorrect presumption as we literally had to ask for knives each time a new dish was tabled given none was given except for the meat (quail) dish.My afterthought of Quest is similar to that of TBLS, ie chef Que's last venture: nice to have a shot at but not wow enough to lure a returning trip. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)