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食評 (4)
位於上環蘇杭街的Schragels,或許對於匆匆行過的人來說,可能不算特別引人注目,因為這裡的小街角通常都是被勇記雞飯的招牌所掩蓋。 然而,一旦你踏入這家餐廳,立刻就能感受到一種宛如置身於紐約老字號熟食店的氛圍。內部裝潢簡潔,卻不失格調,木質的桌椅和懷舊的裝飾品都彰顯出一種複古美式風格。 音樂輕柔地在背景中播放,為用餐增添了幾分輕鬆愜意。談到Schragels的菜單,最不得不提的是他們家的招牌—Reuben三文治(HK$145)。 這款三文治真的讓人驚艷。 厚厚的煙燻牛肉,與酸菜和瑞士起司的完美搭配,再加上特製的千島醬,每一口都嚼勁十足,滋味豐富。 煙燻牛肉的肉質非常柔軟,味道濃鬱,酸菜則帶來了微妙的酸味和清爽感,而瑞士起司的融合無疑增加了口感的層次。 此外,三文治用的是特選的黑麥麵包,質地紮實,非常適合攜帶如此豐盛的餡料。其實除了Reuben三文治,Schragels還提供各種其他美味的選擇,例如精緻的貝格爾,多種口味的奶油芝士,以及各式早午餐選擇,都值得一試。服務方面,店員親切有禮,即使在繁忙時段,也能保持耐心並詳細解答顧客的疑問。 整體來說,體驗很愉快。總的來說,Schragels是那種吃過一次,就會讓人心心念念,渴望再回訪的地方。 無論是食物的品質還是環境氛圍,這裡都能讓人感受到美好的舊時光回憶和現代生活的結合。 如果你正在尋找一個充滿美式復古風格的飲食空間,Schragels絕對是一個不錯的選擇。 不妨某個悠閒的下午,來這裡坐坐,享受一頓美味的飯菜,感受一下這份特別的紐約風情。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-03-23
102 瀏覽
$95一個bagel,又硬又細又唔好食,可能唔識食,性價比極低。飲品平均$30幾蚊一杯,但杯熱咖啡完全唔掂,平時自己沖嘅即溶仲好飲,勁行貨,基本上全自助,仲要收加一,唔會再嚟! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-02-02
234 瀏覽
主打美式Bagel,口感紮實韌勁十足,翻熱後外脆內軟,crunchy之餘但內層依然軟熟, 私心推介The Big Apple,青蘋果同火雞片配搭上sesame bagel,鹹甜鹹甜好開胃,而且包體芝麻味好香!另一款Loxy Lady相對較遜色,煙三文魚份量較少,內餡單薄,無咁滿足。雖然bagel定價偏高,但再訪機會高👌🏻▫️The Big Apple | $95 ⭐️Sesame Bagel with Roasted Turkey x Green Apple x Honey Pecan Spread▫️Loxy Lady | $95Everything Bagel with Smoked Salmon x Capers x Red Onion x Scallion Spread 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
[ Shragels Delicatessen | 上環 ] I was in the neighbourhood this morning and spontaneously decided to come here after craving a bagel sandwich. The store is very quaint but spacious with a very nice decor and elegant but rustic seatings. They decorated it to mimic a New York deli and they easily give off that vibe. Before I talk about the food, I want to mention that I only found out about the drama that occurred between this bagel shop and another (Mendels). I believe that no one should feel guilty about eating food but I did feel bad after knowing I supported this restaurant which did some pretty bad things (please head to Mendel’s Instagram for more information, or try searching this on the internet). But of course, there are always two sides to a story and I am only here for the food. —— —— Loxy Lady $95 Hard to believe this is only my second time trying bagels and it is much better than the first. I got the Loxy Lady, perhaps their signature bagel sandwich, and it was good but quite decent. The smoked salmon used tastes the same as the supermarket ones, fatty, savoury and only a bit salty which worked great with the briny capers and pungent red onions. The balance between flavours and textures is spot-on. However, the best part has to be the bagel. It’s supposed to have everything-but-the-bagel seasoning but it’s quite insufficient and the natural fragrance of this bread is overpowered which is not a bad thing. They make their bagels fresh every day and its truly delicious. The bagel is slightly crunchy from the crust, but the inside is fluffy, chewy, and perfect after absorbing the oil from the smoked salmon. The only let-down of this sandwich is the scallion cream cheese which could have been given more generously and the scallion is pretty non-existent as it just tastes like cream cheese, albeit less acidic and on the creamy side than packaged ones. This sandwich is pretty small but made for a good and satisfying breakfast. I would say it is very expensive for a sandwich and you can easily make this at home, so perhaps it’s not an everyday thing but definitely worth trying once for some New York Style bagels. If I come back, I would try their Whitefish bagel which can only be found here. —— —— 推介 💁🏻‍♀️💬 Overall, a decent bagel sandwich that is quite expensive. I recommend coming here once for the feels, buying the bagels from them, and making the sandwich home. 🗓 Revisit? ✅ ⭕️/ ❎ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)