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由瑞士知名糕點師 Gérard Dubois 創立的麵包及糕點店,所有麵包勻以酸種製作方式天然發酵以成。另有供應沙律、甜品杯及飲品。 繼續閱讀
08:30 - 20:30
08:30 - 20:30
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食評 (267)
等級4 2024-03-21
683 瀏覽
呢間網紅酸種麵包店終於有機會試吓見唔少人叫外賣,但係都有堂食嘅座位,午市都唔使排隊Sour dough panier egg mayo ($30)酥皮脆 蛋沙律唔少,呢個價錢都幾抵 唔細件佢話有整熱但係唔係好熱😅Pastrami sauerkraut ($69)煙燻牛肉肥瘦均勻好腍,配上酸椰菜幾開胃,芥末醬唔heavy酸種麵包煙靭 皮有咬口 有淡淡嘅酸味佢話有整熱但係唔係好熱😅 如果芝士溶咗就更加好食Black bean salad (200g - $50)正常發揮嘅沙律,但係價錢唔平 份量唔多 性價比不高Iced hojicha latte (+$22)竟然飲到唔錯嘅焙茶latte😯 可以叫走甜,焙茶味夠濃 鮮奶亦夠香濃 奶同茶嘅比例啱啱好👍🏻 午市跟餐抵飲—𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗋𝖾𝗏𝗂𝗌𝗂𝗍: if in the area💳 𝗉𝗋𝗂𝖼𝖾 $100 𝗉𝗉 🌟 𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝖺𝗅𝗅 7/10📍 Sour Dough (灣仔)灣仔皇后大道東80號堅雄商業大廈地下2-3號舖 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-06-14
5 瀏覽
Sour Dough係位於皇后大道東。第一次嚟呢間。之前見到網上有介紹呢度嘅麵包好味,所以嚟試吓。呢間所有嘅麪包係以酸種製作方式天然發酵而成。舖頭裝修好有意大利feel. ⭐️Avocado Chicken 牛油果雞肉三文治$60麵包外脆內軟,好好味👍牛油果加雞肉係好好嘅配搭,再加上放入一個外脆內軟嘅包入面一齊食,真係好好味。⭐️ Blackcurrant Kouign Amann 法式奶油酥-黑加倫子 $31呢一個表面睇落好似平平無奇,好普通嘅外貌,但係真係非常好食😋 睇落外表,我初初以為係一個鹹嘅麵包,但原來佢入面係甜嘅。咬落去入口係好鬆軟。入面有啲黑加倫子嘅醬。成個甜點係非常之夾非常好食,我到而家仲回味緊。呢個係值得推介。見到其他pastries都好靚好吸引😍 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-03-31
795 瀏覽
平時走過這家酸種麵包店,已不只一次駐足觀賞裡面琳琅滿目的麵包、甜撻、酥餅以及甜點,吸睛程度相當高!然而因為店內常常都爆滿座的,所以在一天一個不太飽的午餐之後,買了件慕絲淺嚐。小人本來一心要一件類似果仁開心果的酥餅,不過當走去付款的時候,就被那些美崙美奐的甜品吸引了心意,決定捨棄酥餅,改一件開心果朱古力慕絲。慕絲的面層是開心果糖皮,綴以朱古力碎,裡面就是朱古力慕絲和忌廉,更有一些莓果乾。咬下柔軟的慕絲,滑溜無比,好像吃著較暖的雪糕,而且亦不會太甜,超級治癒!有時候改變主意亦不失為一件好事呢~ 繼續閱讀
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Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting Sourdough Bakery, a charming little bakery nestled in the heart of town, and I couldn't resist trying their famous egg tart. From the moment I stepped through the door, I was greeted by the warm aroma of freshly baked goods, and my anticipation grew. Without further ado, let me take you through my culinary experience and share my thoughts on this delightful treat.Appearance:As I laid eyes on the egg tart, its golden brown crust immediately caught my attention. The delicate flakiness of the pastry was evident, and the perfectly baked edges hinted at a promising texture. The glossy sheen on the surface gave the tart an inviting allure, making it irresistible.Texture:With my first bite, I was captivated by the contrasting textures at play. The crust, with its buttery goodness, crumbled delicately, providing a satisfying crunch. The velvety smoothness of the custard filling was truly a delight to experience, melting in my mouth with each bite. The harmonious balance between the two was a testament to the bakery's craftsmanship.Flavor:The flavor profile of the egg tart was a symphony of sweetness and subtlety. The buttery crust provided a gentle backdrop to the rich and creamy custard filling. The custard, with its delicate notes of vanilla and hints of caramelization, was perfectly sweetened, allowing the natural flavors to shine through without overwhelming the palate. Each bite was a delightful dance of flavors, leaving a lingering sweetness that enticed me for more.Freshness and Quality:It was evident that Sourdough Bakery prided itself on using only the finest ingredients. The egg tart exuded freshness, and the quality of the components was undeniable. The eggs used in the custard filling were undoubtedly farm-fresh, imparting a vibrant yellow hue to the filling. Every bite was a testament to the bakery's commitment to maintaining high standards.Service and Atmosphere:The bakery's inviting atmosphere and friendly staff added to the overall experience. The staff members were knowledgeable and passionate, offering recommendations and answering any questions I had. The cozy ambiance and the aroma of freshly baked goods made for a memorable visit.Conclusion:Sourdough Bakery's egg tart was a true culinary gem that left a lasting impression. The impeccable texture, balanced flavors, and dedication to quality ingredients all contributed to an unforgettable experience. If you find yourself in the vicinity, I highly recommend stopping by Sourdough Bakery to indulge in their delectable egg tart. Trust me; your taste buds will thank you! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-03-05
422 瀏覽
之前都有係到食過早餐佢既早餐同麵包製作都真係好正同埋啲咖啡都唔錯今日阿仔話好想食甜品我收工又咁岩可以路經啲到好啦,為左一嘗心願,就去買回家試下!最後在花多眼亂既情緒下揀左啲大大盒外賣回家一齊食😆🔆士多啤梨撻、藍莓撻、士多啤梨忌廉麵包、朱古力蛋捲全部樣都好精美,一打開阿仔都嘩左一聲!所有撻既餅底都好鬆脆,吉士醬配合生果襯到啲生果好美味!朱古力蛋捲鬆脆,可口朱古力味濃郁!性價比高!值得下次再回購! 繼續閱讀
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