Blue Ribbon Vegan  Private  Kitchen *** highly recommended ***就黎母親節, 搵一個好地方同好食嘅地方係有啲難度。唔想好似平時咁去素食館, 想要一啲靜靜地有特式, 岩老人家嘅, 加上男朋友不是素食者, 要搵一個另大家都覺得好食就難上加難。最後, 搵左幾日, 擔粗粗就決定叫男朋友訂 Sow Vegan (本身自己都想去試好耐)。呢間素食私房菜, 有見過一啲介紹, 欣賞店主(Marium & Pamela) 個份努力同心思, Pamela 仲有去過藍帶學院學廚。Sow Vegan 每月會轉一個菜單, 提供四或者六個菜, 午餐只有四個菜的選擇。除左純素私房菜, Sow Vegan 耐唔耐會有 workshop 活動, 可以留意下. 當日得我地預約, 好似包左場咁, 加上輕音樂, 環境舒適 講返有咩食先~1. Cream Truffle Mushroom Dip & Homemade Sourdough Bread (with homemade vegan butter (fermented tofu butter))麵包好脆好香,
Blue Ribbon Vegan  Private  Kitchen *** highly recommended ***

就黎母親節, 搵一個好地方同好食嘅地方係有啲難度。唔想好似平時咁去素食館, 想要一啲靜靜地有特式, 岩老人家嘅, 加上男朋友不是素食者, 要搵一個另大家都覺得好食就難上加難。最後, 搵左幾日, 擔粗粗就決定叫男朋友訂 Sow Vegan (本身自己都想去試好耐

呢間素食私房菜, 有見過一啲介紹, 欣賞店主(Marium & Pamela) 個份努力同心思, Pamela 仲有去過藍帶學院學廚。Sow Vegan 每月會轉一個菜單, 提供四或者六個菜, 午餐只有四個菜的選擇。除左純素私房菜, Sow Vegan 耐唔耐會有 workshop 活動, 可以留意下. 

當日得我地預約, 好似包左場咁, 加上輕音樂, 環境舒適 


1. Cream Truffle Mushroom Dip & Homemade Sourdough Bread 
(with homemade vegan butter (fermented tofu butter))
麵包好脆好香, 加埋個松露蘑菇醬, 好好食。
另外仲有用左腐乳椰子等整出黎嘅素牛油, 好有特式 

Cream Truffle Mushroom Dip & Homemade Sourdough Bread
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Cream Truffle Mushroom Dip & Homemade Sourdough Bread
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Cream Truffle Mushroom Dip & Homemade Sourdough Bread
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2. Beetroot consomme jicama “dumplings” 

呢個好精緻, 豆薯小餃子 食到有豆腐香味同埋加左牛油果, 拎出黎已經覺得好靚. 
加埋個紅菜頭高湯, 好似金魚係水度游咁 
Beetroot consomme, jicama “dumplings”
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Beetroot consomme, jicama “dumplings”
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3. Homemade garganelli, saffron yuzu emulsion, basil sunflower seed pesto
自家製嘅長通粉, 加左藏紅花葵花籽醬 同埋羅勒葉, 柚子皮碎係面, 幾開胃
唔好睇佢好似細細碟, 個長通粉有厚實感, 煙煙韌韌有咬口.

Homemade garganelli, saffron yuzu emulsion, basil sunflower seed pesto
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Homemade garganelli, saffron yuzu emulsion, basil sunflower seed pesto
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黎到最後, 梗係第二個胃嘅.... 甜品 

4. Trio- Pandan Vegan Macaron, Mango Elderflower Agar & Coconut Vegan Egg Tart
Macaron 本身已經有啲難整, 純素嘅甜品因為沒有了蛋奶食材, 難度再提高
Pandan Macaron 唔會好甜, 清清地幾好.
芒果接骨木花寒天凍, 淡淡嘅芒果味
椰子撻, 杏仁片加左鹽鹹鹹地, 同埋個面用火炙過, 好特別
唔好漏左左上角個杯斑蘭茶喎, 食完野之後清下個口, 一流 
A Thai inspired dessert trio- Pandan Vegan Macaron, Mango Elderflower Agar & Coconut Vegan Egg Tart
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A Thai inspired dessert trio- Pandan Vegan Macaron, Mango Elderflower Agar & Coconut Vegan Egg Tart
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A Thai inspired dessert trio- Pandan Vegan Macaron, Mango Elderflower Agar & Coconut Vegan Egg Tart
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A Thai inspired dessert trio- Pandan Vegan Macaron, Mango Elderflower Agar & Coconut Vegan Egg Tart
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 如果最後有多杯咖啡作結, 咁就真係PERFECT... 
題外話/補充資料: 1. 地點幾好, 地鐵巴士附近. 泊車就要附近停車埸或者錶住 2. 由於係工廈入面, 要留意大廈入口, 唔係有機會會miss 左 3. 如果有食物敏感或其他飲食需要, 可以同店主先講作出安排 4. 記得早啲訂位, 招待人數大約10位上限, 人多要同店主先講, 方便 作出安排 5. 如果自己帶蛋糕, 有 HKD 100切餅費用 6. 酒類可以自帶, 但要先同店主講 ======= 私房菜 (四道菜) 午餐: HKD 390 私房菜 (四道菜) 晚餐: HKD 390 私房菜 (六道菜) 晚餐: HKD 530
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$390 (午餐)
Cream Truffle Mushroom Dip & Homemade Sourdough Bread
Cream Truffle Mushroom Dip & Homemade Sourdough Bread
Cream Truffle Mushroom Dip & Homemade Sourdough Bread
Beetroot consomme, jicama “dumplings”
Beetroot consomme, jicama “dumplings”
Homemade garganelli, saffron yuzu emulsion, basil sunflower seed pesto
Homemade garganelli, saffron yuzu emulsion, basil sunflower seed pesto
A Thai inspired dessert trio- Pandan Vegan Macaron, Mango Elderflower Agar & Coconut Vegan Egg Tart
A Thai inspired dessert trio- Pandan Vegan Macaron, Mango Elderflower Agar & Coconut Vegan Egg Tart
A Thai inspired dessert trio- Pandan Vegan Macaron, Mango Elderflower Agar & Coconut Vegan Egg Tart
A Thai inspired dessert trio- Pandan Vegan Macaron, Mango Elderflower Agar & Coconut Vegan Egg Tart
  • Pandan Vegan Macaron
  • Coconut Vegan Egg Tart
  • Beetroot consomme jicama dumplings
2018-11-05 2551 瀏覽
Sow Vegan, which has a nordic vibe, is a cozy private kitchen and dining place  hidden in an industrial building in Kwun Tong. It is run by a pretty lady named Pamela, who studied psychology in UK and loves cooking. When she came back to Hong Kong, she devoted herself in learning how to cook great vegan food, and has been running Sow Vegan for 2 years. I am so lucky that my foodie friend brought me here for our birthday dinner, as we are both October birthday girls.We opted for the 4-course dinn
Sow Vegan, which has a nordic vibe, is a cozy private kitchen and dining place  hidden in an industrial building in Kwun Tong. It is run by a pretty lady named Pamela, who studied psychology in UK and loves cooking. When she came back to Hong Kong, she devoted herself in learning how to cook great vegan food, and has been running Sow Vegan for 2 years. I am so lucky that my foodie friend brought me here for our birthday dinner, as we are both October birthday girls.
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We opted for the 4-course dinner instead of 5-course, as we were not sure if we could finish 5 courses. It was a smart choice as we were so full after the second course!
Sourdough Bread with Truffle Mushroom Dip and Vegan Butter
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Sourdough Bread
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Our fancy vegan dinner started with this Sourdough Bread with Truffle Mushroom Dip and Vegan Butter. Point to note, everything is homemade and prepared by Pamela. I adored the sourdough so much even though it’s not quite sour actually. When I tore it into pieces, steam came out of it and I was quite excited. You don’t often get freshly made/reheated bread served in front you right? 

The dip has a strong truffle aroma, and I adored the mushroom so much! A nice combination for dip. There was a bit of it left and I so wanna pack it home! It’s a shame that it had to go to the bin…

The vegan butter tasted so good too. It’s made with coconut oil, and that’s why the coconut aroma and taste. I love coconut, and it just went so well with the dip on the sourdough.
Cream Burdock Soup with Burdock Chips
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Second course is a Cream Burdock Soup with Burdock Chips. This is the course that stuffed us. It’s quite a large bowl of soup, and I guess the cream and potato inside filled our tummies. It’s so thick and nice, creamy as well. I don’t usually like burdock, as it tastes like Chinese medicine to me (maybe it actually is? haha). But when it’s made into chips, it’s so delicious! Just like ordinary potato chips but a healthier version. I finished the whole bowl of soup and felt like I was 90% full already…Glad that we didn’t go for the 5-course menu!
Spinach Artichoke Homemade Ribbon Pasta with Almond, Olive and Dill
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Main course is a Spinach Artichoke Homemade Ribbon Pasta with Almond, Olive and Dill. The ribbon pasta was made with kale! Oh my god! I wonder how much effort was put to make this delicious pasta! And again, Pamela had worked her magic and made me like the food that I don’t normally like to eat - artichoke and olive. They both taste quite strong to me, a bit too sour. But they were actually fine in this pasta as they added a bit of flavour to the otherwise plain dish, and I ended up finishing everything on the dish

Passion Fruit Tart, Thyme Truffle Chocolate, and Cookie
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This awesome vegan dinner ended with a Passion Fruit Tart, Thyme Truffle Chocolate, and a Cookie (the ball in the middle of the photo). I was wowed by the fact that you can enjoy really delicious dessert, actually even better than ordinary ones!

The passion tart came with a layer of cream of top, which hid the passion fruit puree underneath. The crunchy tart base was so good that I forgot about my fork and ate it with my hand!

And the thyme truffle chocolate? Oh god, trust me, I couldn’t believe that it’s handmade in this cozy little kitchen! It’s so so good! I simply ran out of vocabulary to describe how good it is.

The cookie? I love it dearly! It’s so fluffy and flavoured! Nom nom nom! I wouldn’t mind one more piece of it!

Going green and having vegan diet have been a trend in Hong Kong recently, and I do quite like this trend as it promotes a healthier eating habit and a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. However, people often have a misconception that vegan or vegetarian would be boring and tasteless as there is no meat nor fancy seasonings. I sincerely hope that more people can try out Pamela’s cooking to know that there is a whole new world of vegan food outside, it’s just waiting for you to uncover!
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$390 (晚餐)
Sourdough Bread with Truffle Mushroom Dip and Vegan Butter
Sourdough Bread
Cream Burdock Soup with Burdock Chips
Spinach Artichoke Homemade Ribbon Pasta with Almond, Olive and Dill
Passion Fruit Tart, Thyme Truffle Chocolate, and Cookie
Ever since I start appreciating what I eat, I've made a deep connection with #vegan / #vegetarian food. When guys can't stop whining how much meat they need, sometimes it's nice to take a break and go back to the basics.The private kitchen is located in #kwuntong, but the place might be the airiest place I've found in this industrial town.Chef Pamela is an active vegan and put a lot of work in a simple dish. You see the pretty appearance of the simple ingredients, but what you don't see is the t
Ever since I start appreciating what I eat, I've made a deep connection with #vegan / #vegetarian food. When guys can't stop whining how much meat they need, sometimes it's nice to take a break and go back to the basics.
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The private kitchen is located in #kwuntong, but the place might be the airiest place I've found in this industrial town.
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Chef Pamela is an active vegan and put a lot of work in a simple dish. You see the pretty appearance of the simple ingredients, but what you don't see is the time she put in every single detail. Wide organic selections of veggies mix and match and dance on your taste palette. Even as simple as the coconut butter, you can taste the time and effort she has put in. I'm usually a bread-hater, but the sour dough here paired with truffle sauce and cocnut butter just literally kills me.
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Organic tomato soup has me screaming internally. How much I wanted to encore a second bowl. The basil oil on top with the mint leaf crashed with the sour taste of the roasted cherry tomato. The freshness of the watermelon made it extra good!
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Every dish takes a million steps to prep and the menu is so much more than just the ingredients!
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The ambient environement is definitely a huge plus for me.
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And as a non-sweet person, I really appreciate the mango sorbet and caramelized pineapple!
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My friend and I were both surprised that we didn't get hungry the subsequent afternoon, even though the portion seemed small. Must be the magic of eating slow when you appreciate the food!!
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)