11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 00:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
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BBQ燒豬排骨 烤脆薄餅
食評 (58)
等級1 2010-10-17
458 瀏覽
Set menus are fairly good value. After finishing the soup which was thick and delcious I was looking forward to the rack of lamp. I wasn't disappointed either; food presentation was excellent. Can't say the same for the dessert though - minimal on what was edible, the plate was sprinkled with a thin layer of chocolate/cocoa - which couldn't be consumed unless one licked it off & risk getting most of it down the front of one's shirt.Service was very good with the presence of waiters when I needed service.The ambiance was reasonable. Although I would have liked a brighter environment; maybe reflective of the bar style of this establishment? 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-08-15
254 瀏覽
OK, it is a team lunchWe have made a booking a day in advance, when we have arrived and being told our booking is not there, we are really surprised and a bit frustrated, but our smart F Chan can identify our record on the name list finally and get our table then.Frankly, the lunch choices are rather limited and not that favorite by me. I still can pick up my Ham Steak, one of my usual choice when I was still young and having dinner at Maxim's fastfood ~ hahaThe soup comes, which is so so. The packet of small biscuit is a bit fresh for me but it is not really tasty.It is rather long to wait for the main dash to come, coz, they wanna deliver them altogetherCome back to the food, both the corn and potato is pretty juicy to have, enhance your desire of eating. Harm steak with pineapple, I can taste out sweet and sweet, not bad, they are always a perfect partner, no salty is allowedFinally, thx my boss's treatment 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2010-07-06
102 瀏覽
I was at a loose end this evening and in the IFC so decided to go for a quiet steak. It was around 7pm but they seated me immediately in a quiet comfortable corner (I was alone). They had a decent selection of wine by the glass so I had a glass of tempranillo, which turned out to be a good choice. Decisions, decisions: filet mignon or ribeye...in the end I chose the 10 oz ribeye, served with some mixed veg + a baked potato. Ribeye was cooked exactly medium rare, as requested & was succulent and tasty. I had a second glass of wine and read for half an hour before leaving. Great service - a waiter always seemed to be around when I needed one (honestly!) and I wasn't pressured to leave when I had finished.Comfortable food, comfortable seating, comfortable lighting & comfortable service - just what I needed. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-04-23
73 瀏覽
對此店的食物全沒興趣,只覺得是Ruby Tuesday的高級版.但來歡樂時光,就沒有問題.在翠玉軒飯局之前,與陳真先來飲兩杯.來到已差不多全場坐滿,幸好吧檯上還有兩個相連空位,一坐下,身旁帶點微醉的老外,不斷撩旁邊的酒客交談,見到我手上的Canon相機,還問我這部是不是Nikon?對喜力,嘉士伯等生啤沒有興趣,還是來一杯健力士,小時候當草,長大之後當寶,喜愛健力士的苦,而且又帶香滑的感覺,人生之中,有誰是一出生就順風順水?甜酸苦辣總會有.自上年之低潮後,現今總算否極泰來.就好像健力士的個性.啤酒送薯片,面前的是ESPN的體育節目,談談近況,那就消磨了大半個小時的歡樂時光. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-04-23
51 瀏覽
自從成家立室之後, 真正未出來酒吧浦過. 是日晚上有飲宴. 能早放工的我就約下友人. 一齊happy hour一下, 搵個籍口, 啤啤佢.其實是日狀態不太好的, 感冒初癒, 胃口沒有的, 中午飯買了一支平平地既酒之後便沒有進食. 直至放工. 去食飯之前, 才來試下啤啤. 再搞份著條, 暖一暖胃. 同朋友一樣, 來杯 "人上人" 黑啤. 朋友沒留意drink menu 上寫的是Daught Can, 吧內的一個假tap, 令人錯覺呢度有生啤(Guiness)賣. 到頭來發現只是罐裝而令他大感失望. 同埋, 於味道上, 氣泡上, 罐裝的健力士同新鮮的健力士係差好遠的. 反而Lager類啤酒就冇咁明顯既對比.我的肚子是空虛的, 香港酒吧好興送小食佐酒. 而呢度既小食就是薯片一客. 我就另外叫多一份芝士薯條. 填一填肚, 好讓酒下肚. 薯片不知是什麼貨色, 比較厚身, 一樣香脆非常. 用薯片送酒總好過用花生及其他nuts. 因為真係可以頂肚同唔傷胃. 另外的薯條, $38一份. 但比預期的細份好多. 一杯仔薯氣. 等同老M既size. 不過, 係中區既商場酒吧, 係要收你一個premium架啦. 味道多了香草, 多了芝士, 說不出有什麼特別, 用來佐酒姐, 咬一條飲兩啖啤, 這配搭可真是不錯.時間差不多, 飲埋啖酒, 便要向下一場進發. 向一對新人道賀. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)