港鐵北角站 A1 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
06:30 - 22:00
06:30 - 22:00
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食評 (59)
等級1 2024-09-30
1297 瀏覽
兩次都係午飯時間去,食過第一次,念念不忘!令人留下深刻印象的,不單止是食物,是員工們的態度!中午時段一定忙,但佢哋有種從容不迫,親切友善的態度。這一餐茶記,食得好舒服。今日攞多咗嘢,有位同事主動話幫我放在另一個地方,為的係叫我可以食得舒服一啲。這種從客人角着想,主動照顧,這份善良,超出了食物啦。 字數寫唔夠,原來唔能夠評分,哈哈 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-09-20
1953 瀏覽
其實北角,砲台山一帶有好多人龍舖,今日我試吓呢間,所以我提早出門口,希望可以避開人龍,點知早上八點到,前面已有兩位食客。幸好流量快,排咗5分鐘到已經有得入座。其實經典早餐最抵食,可惜真係食唔到咁大份,所以叫了沙嗲牛肉,煎蛋米,凍齋鴛鴦,可惜忘記叫他們走甜,所以杯鴛鴦真的不是我杯茶。主菜上碟,賣相好一般,先喝了啖湯,熱度及味道正常,食咗啖米粉,都可以,再食呢間茶記的推介沙嗲牛肉,嘩!真心冇得輸,牛肉夾雜粒粒花生碎,沙嗲之惹味,完全唔係行貨,難怪店外有長龍,加上價錢真心貼地,凍飲又唔加錢!絕對可以繼續回頭。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-09-08
1480 瀏覽
放假咁好,去到渣華茶冰室冇咁多人,真係幸運!我試咗佢哋嘅銀芽肉絲伊麵,話你知啦,佢嘅伊麵係做得足晒要做嘅嘢。啲麵身唔會黐黐地,而係好爽口,仲有啲咬勁。銀芽同肉絲都炒得啱啱好,入味唔會太淡。真係食完之後覺得好滿足!如果你鍾意伊麵嘅話,真係值得一試喎! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-08-09
1643 瀏覽
今天早上跟女朋友吃早餐,我先到,坐了4卡位。服务员每五分钟催我一次,说很快很多人,到时需要多坐2个人。食物不错,有水平。催了我五六次,我离开时也没有太多人。香港的餐厅部分是自己搞死自己的,我下次不敢去。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-07-29
1661 瀏覽
I recently visited Java Cafe in North Point, curious to see if the establishment lived up to the buzz surrounding its noodle dishes. I decided to try their beef noodles, which had garnered quite a reputation online.First impressions matter, and visually, the dish presented a hearty and rustic appearance. The bowl was filled with a generous portion of beef and noodles, bathed in a rich, inviting broth. The aroma was promising, hinting at deep, complex flavors.Diving into the meal, the first thing that stood out was the sauce. It was undeniably rich and flavorful, providing a robust and satisfying base for the dish. The depth of the sauce suggested a well-crafted recipe with a good balance of spices and ingredients, creating a comforting and hearty flavor profile.However, there was a peculiar aspect that marred the experience slightly. The beef pieces were all clumped together, making it awkward to separate and enjoy individual bites. This unusual presentation was a bit off-putting and detracted from the otherwise enjoyable texture of the meat. It raised questions about the preparation process, leaving me somewhat perplexed.As for the noodles, they were decent—cooked to an acceptable texture and serving as a good complement to the sauce. However, they didn't quite live up to the lofty expectations set by online reviews. The meal was good, but not extraordinary. The meal was satisfying enough but lacked the unique or exceptional quality that I had anticipated.In conclusion, Java Cafe's beef noodles offer a mixed experience. The sauce is indeed a highlight, rich and flavorful, worthy of praise. However, the peculiar presentation of the meat and the merely adequate quality of the noodles slightly diminish the overall impact. Despite these minor setbacks, the dish is still worth trying, especially for those who appreciate a well-made, hearty broth. While it may not completely live up to the hype, Java Cafe’s beef noodles are a solid choice for a satisfying meal in North Point. 繼續閱讀
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