熱狗款式主打和風口味,並提供多款配料、醬料供客人選擇。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
現金 八達通
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (14)
等級4 2013-05-15
152 瀏覽
每一次來到大坑,總會經由天后地鐵站處,經銅鑼灣道進入大坑,未曾進入大坑的心臟地帶,總會有好幾間食肆已經恭候顧客,而每一次都會見到同一的店子。當一個人的時候,總會吃得很簡單,有時候也許不想吃得太多,就如今天一樣,就來到這間小小的熱狗店,也是在下經常擦身而過的食店,原因就是未曾想入內吃一個熱狗。進入店子,便有一自動售賣機,可是已經不能運作,壞了只好向店員落單。牆上有木製圓桶砌成的J字,內有日本食物,店裡也有吧枱和卡座,在下還是坐高椅吧枱好了。在下的 Nori Dog,其實是一個雞肉腸熱狗,熱狗上鋪滿了紫菜,而腸也蘸滿了沙律醬,熱狗足足有九吋之長,胃納少一點,也許都吃不消。不過熱狗包卻烘得過了火位,有燶位幾處,而且麵包不是烘得太脆呢!雞肉腸似乎普通了一點,而且不見得皮脆。紫菜豐富得很,整條熱狗也是碎的紫菜。味道不過不失,只是在下覺得好像普通了一點,沒有太大的驚喜。店員一邊聽音樂,一邊聽在下落柯打,都不知道是否聽到在下說甚麼,幸好沒有弄錯熱狗呢! 繼續閱讀
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好好味,好特別,wasabi 醬唔太强,配青瓜好夾,包脆腸香。我比10分。蚧子加蚧柳做腸仔,食落有新鮮感,視覺一流。醬汁做得出色。大膽嘗試。我見好多人食nori dog 下次試下 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2013-04-29
46 瀏覽
今天有事到大坑一趟,選擇了J-DOG作為quick lunch。首先,這裡點餐是自助的....在香港,我第一次用這些點餐機,令我回想起東京有些小館子都是這裡自助點餐機購票作為快餐店,不同口味配搭出不同組合,款式也很多~我選擇了Jumbo Dog+南瓜餅+可樂。早聞說這裡的Dog不是用腸仔了,配上蟹柳,出奇的合適。我沒記錯的話,蟹柳的卡路里遠低於香腸,真好。南瓜餅真是一般,好像炸得太久,有點點乾身,但整體都是良好。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-03-16
41 瀏覽
Somehow I think people dinning in Tai Hang usually has a dinning option in mind. So perhaps being a fast food shop, J-dog might not be as populated as other restaurants on the same street. I went today for a quick dinner and found it was actually pretty nice. So hop in here to get their dogs for snack or for a quick meal.J-dog offers six Japanese styled hotdogs, two meal deals and a brunch of snacks. There is a huge vendor machine at the front door and if you don't look closely, you will think it is only a large illuminated menu board. The vendor machine only takes octopus card for payment. Basically it works like any vendor machine, on the right side of the machine, you choose your meal by the number, pay the amount. Instead of having the food drops into the tray, a card which looks like below fell down. The next thing you do is to hand the card to the waiter/ chef, and have them prepare the food.My dog is called Kaso dog, which was a toasted bun with pork sausage, dry dish, cabbage, pork sauce and mayonnaise. The hot dog actually tasted really nice, I loved how toasty the bun was and the combinedflavour of the toppings.I also had the pumpkin croquettes but it was too sweet for my liking. The only thing I dislike about this hot dog shop is the limited choice on the drink list - only soft drink, beer and yogurt soda. Yet the dog is nice and I can definitely see myself coming again, just for the dog though 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-03-11
19 瀏覽
年廿九好多店都提早打烊又好鬼餓所以, 就入嚟呢度試吓這店子很日本 feel牆上有很多可愛小酒樽採用自助購買機用八達通一0都就有張靚卡印咗所選食物不過部機有d 遲鈍唔似汽水機吟快遲遲都未跌落嚟 熱狗居然無腸仔 ?!!!主角係蟹柳朋友說呢個食法很清新好味! 係因為包上面有黑芝麻炸魚柳一般炸蟹鉗味道不錯同中式酒樓的味道差不多對我來說, 炸物都算炸過時偏燶 ...店子細細靜靜好舒服 ! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)