港鐵康城站 C2 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 21:30
11:30 - 21:30
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食評 (6)
Located in the bustling area of The Lohas, "安瀾蕃茄仔 Red Object" is a hidden gem that offers a delightful fusion of traditional and contemporary flavors. Their menu features a variety of dishes that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. Here are some highlights:1. 炭烤汁脆皮雞扒 (Charcoal Grilled Crispy Chicken Steak) - $68This dish is a standout on the menu. The chicken steak is marinated to perfection, then charcoal grilled to achieve a crispy exterior while keeping the meat tender and juicy inside. The smoky aroma from the charcoal grilling adds an extra layer of flavor, making each bite a savory delight. The dish is complemented by a savory sauce that enhances the overall taste, making it a must-try for any chicken lover.2. 凍檸檬茶 (Iced Lemon Tea) - $8To accompany your meal, the Iced Lemon Tea is a refreshing choice. Served chilled, this drink offers a perfect balance of sweetness and tartness from the fresh lemons. It's a great way to cleanse your palate and cool down, especially on a hot day. Ambiance and ServiceThe ambiance at Red Object is both cozy and modern, providing a comfortable setting for diners. The decor is stylish yet inviting, making it an ideal spot for both casual meals and special occasions. The staff are friendly and attentive, always ready to offer recommendations and ensure you have a pleasant dining experience.Final ThoughtsRed Object at The Lohas is a must-visit for anyone looking to enjoy delicious, well-prepared dishes in a welcoming environment. The Charcoal Grilled Crispy Chicken Steak and Iced Lemon Tea are just a glimpse of what this restaurant has to offer. Whether you're a local or a visitor, make sure to add Red Object to your list of dining destinations. #foodie #foodinstagram #foodielife #ilovefood #foodblogger #foodblog #安瀾蕃茄仔 #RedObject #lohasmall #foodjournal #香港 #香港美食 #TheLohas 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-11-03
1401 瀏覽
康城新開的分店讓人滿懷期待,但實際的體驗卻非常令我們失望,性價比低得難以接受。這間餐廳的價格比同埸同類型餐廳高,且套餐並不包含飲品,本以為食物質量會更出色才合理,但結果卻讓人大失所望。 當晚我們輪候了45分鐘才能入座! 我們點的番茄湯底,完全沒有番茄的酸甜味道,甚至連基本鹽味也欠缺,口感淡而無味。燒鴨的味道同樣不足,連最基本應有的肉香和調味都缺乏。家人點的豬排番茄湯刀削麵亦然,完全沒有預期的滋味和香氣。 整體來說,這次用餐經驗遠低於預期,令我們非常失望。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-11-01
1612 瀏覽
新開張就即管試下,點了豬扒刀削麵$68,加$8轉麻辣蕃茄濃湯底,不包飲品,凍檸茶要另加$8,共$84。先來了凍檸茶,見到杯飲品真有點愕然,無諗過咁細杯,覺得有點小家囉。跟住主角出場,蕃茄麻辣湯底喺好濃,濃到好似打咗獻咁,一啲都唔似湯,點了小辣,食第一啖覺得無乜野,點知越食越辣,一向食開BB辣嘅我真有點受不了,杯小型凍檸茶差啲唔夠救火,但佢哋無得揀BB辣,奉勸好似我咁平時只食BB辣嘅朋友不要挑戰喇,塊豬扒都算夠味,但有肥膏,而且肉質有點怪,整體嚟講感覺麻麻地好食,有點失望。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-10-31
1327 瀏覽
今日試下這一家新開的餐廳唔知係咪新開,所以好多人排隊 等左 20 分鐘左右可以入座今日試左蕃茄湯底 + 豬排 + 上海麵湯非常濃郁 豬排好好吃 不過另加奶茶就稍稍貴了一點整體來講非常唔錯,下次會再吃 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-10-24
1746 瀏覽
今次好開心,因為我係將軍澳嘅居民。我曾經喺銅鑼灣同九龍灣工作,亦常常幫襯佢哋以前蕃茄仔嘅銅鑼灣同九龍灣分店。因為我覺得佢哋啲蕃茄湯好濃郁、食材份量算多、價錢亦合理。或者我個人特別鍾意食蕃茄麵,所以對蕃茄麵要求好高。 依家將軍澳開咗!我仲可以叫外賣食𠻹!雖然佢哋試業中,咁啱我早放工,心情開心叫咗碗牛魔王,因為最開心係有牛骨髓食!當然very very yummy!不過佢試業都要排咗一陣隊,好彩早啲試咗先! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)