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獎項殊榮: 《香港澳門米芝蓮指南》餐廳2022, 2024
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食評 (159)
等級4 2024-12-28
1120 瀏覽
嚟會展不外乎去美食展書展動漫節之類,都未試過行入啲原來有個博覽商場,裡面有間粵菜廳,米芝連嚟㗎,環境寬敞沉實典雅,有啲feel首先嚟壺靚茶,有好多種茶選擇,竟然有龍井,嗰種香醇坊間鮮有,茶香之餘更有花香滲出佢地會用蠟燭座暖啲茶,飲完一杯就有專人會幫你fill返琥珀合桃作為候餐小食,實在驚喜。每粒合桃都非常脆口,唔會太甜,同時好有芝麻嘅香味,會食唔停口前菜嚟份焦糖叉燒先,用鐵板上菜,同樣會用蠟燭座暖佢,表面嘅焦糖令叉燒閃炩炩食起嚟肥美香甜,肉香爆發,伊比利亞黑毛豬非同凡香要食茄子,平時鍾意嗌魚香茄子煲,今次同豬肉眼筋嘅配搭,椒香十足但唔會辣茄子質感拿捏得宜,爽口又濕潤,豬肉有嚼勁又香口用M9和牛炒出嚟嚟飯,牛香超乎意料咁豐富,每啖飯都係滿滿油脂香氣,加上用砂鍋炒出嚟,超有鑊氣,呢個季節食一流最後嚟個芝麻卷,係一款好有情懷嘅甜品,簡單點綴,食落芝麻味好突出,有生磨嘅風味,確實係唔簡單原來到最後都有碗糖水送,今次係紅豆沙,簡單一碗,但豆香滿滿飲落又係有種獨特香味,唔只陳皮,仲有啲花香咁嘅味道𠻹 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-08-30
3444 瀏覽
This Cantonese restaurant is located in the new wing of HKCEC, under the famous local restaurant of the same name which has been operated in Wanchai for many years, but this one is targeting customers who would like to experience traditional Cantonese cuisine in a more up-scaled environment.We are seated at a table on the window side, looking out to the waterfront promenade and TST on the opposite side of the harbour in the background. With high ceiling and nice decoration, it certainly has a big contrast with the more rudimentary, neighbourhood ambience of Sang Kee.We start with BBQ Iberico Pork 焦糖伊比利亞黑毛豬叉燒 ($288). Served on a tray heated by tealight, the char siu is very tender, with the optimal balance of fatty and lean meat, and also very good in taste from the complex flavours of the marinade. Another highlight is the oyster sauce soybeans on the side which has become such a rarity nowadays. One of the best char siu I have for a long while.Both of us order a soup, with my wife going for Double Boiled Pork Lung Soup with Fresh Grounded Almond Juice 龍皇杏汁燉白肺 ($148). The soup is heated on tealight to keep its temperature, and very rich with the almond flavours. The pork lung has also been cleaned thoroughly, without any weird taste. Very delicious.I have picked Hot & Sour Soup with Shrimps and Scallops 鮮蝦帶子酸辣羹 ($138). While the soup has the right level of spicy and sourness, as well as plenty of shrimps and scallops, and other delicacies like fish maw, I do not like the taste of the soup and not sure where it goes wrong. Perhaps some of the fish maw has gone rancid?Next is Baked Taishan Oysters in Clay Pot 醬香砂鍋焗台山蠔 ($338). Opening the lid brings forth many nice aromas, with the chef using plenty of shallot, garlic, and ginger as the base, before adding a mix of sauces to cook the plummy oysters, paying attention not to over-cook so the oysters retain good texture. The portion size is also generous with a decent number of oysters.Finally, it is Stir-fried Australian Lobster with Shingled Hedgehog 虎掌菌炒鮮拆澳洲龍蝦球 ($888). The lobster is great in quality, meaty and with a sweet, clean taste. The chef has added some tender asparagus and shingled hedgehog, a type of fungus with a slightly bitter taste. Another wonderful dish that has highlighted the quality of the ingredients to the max.The staff is friendly and provides us the complimentary Red Bean Soup for dessert. We both like it as the red beans are not over-boiled so there are still some bites, with a bit of dried tangerine peel to increase the aromas, and overall, not too sweet. A good finale to the dinner.The bill on the night is $2,028 and considering the overall experience, quality of food and service, this is a good restaurant for tourists and locals to try some authentic and labour-intensive Cantonese cuisine. Some of the dishes have to be order in advance, and do ask to book the tables on the window side beforehand to enjoy the best view. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
這家入選米芝蓮的海景粵菜廳,保留45年的傳統手工菜式。環境瑰麗堂皇,鄰近金紫荊廣場,亦見到美麗維港景色!前菜中的焦糖伊比利亞黑毛豬叉燒,外焦內嫩,肉質滑腍,甜蜜的焦糖香氣讓人垂涎欲滴。而龍井煙燻素鵝則帶來獨特的茶香與煙燻味。湯品方面,竹笙杞子肉汁燉花膠湯清甜可口,花膠大隻軟彈,令人滿足。主菜的雪裡蕻焗鮮拆波士頓龍蝦,龍蝦肉質彈牙,搭配爽脆的鮮淮山。陳皮香辣菌醬蒸南非鮑魚,微辣的醬料與鮑魚的鮮嫩,配上滑溜的陳村粉。香蔥鹹肉蒸馬友,肉質嫩滑,鹹肉的濃郁香味與香蔥的清香完美融合,有豐富的層次感還有脆口清甜的崧子百合蜜豆。甜品桂花百合薏米燉桃膠伴芝麻卷更是懷舊的滋潤選擇。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2025-02-18
0 瀏覽
這間位於灣仔的粵菜廳,擁有半世紀的傳統粵菜手藝,更入選2024年米芝蓮推介之列,可見實力非凡。餐廳裝潢瑰麗高雅,鄰近金紫荊廣場,能俯瞰醉人的維港景色,適合商務宴客或家庭聚餐之用餐場所。每位$888 加一前菜🌸焦糖伊比利亞黑毛豬叉燒外焦內嫩,焦糖香氣四溢,香甜可口。🌸龍井煙燻素鵝師傅巧手之作,散發淡淡茶香與煙燻香氣,層次豐富。湯品🌸竹笙杞子肉汁燉花膠湯湯品清甜暖胃,花膠軟彈有口感,滋補養顏之選。主菜🌸焗鮮拆波士頓龍蝦波士頓龍蝦肉質彈牙,泡油火喉十足,令人回味。🌸陳皮香辣菌醬蒸南非鮑魚肉厚彈牙的南非鮑魚配搭以遠年陳皮製成的香辣菌醬,微辣惹味。🌸香蔥鹹肉蒸馬友以鮮嫩的馬友做主角,配以香蔥鹹肉蒸煮,增添咸香風味。🌸崧子百合蜜豆🌸桂花百合薏米燉桃膠伴芝麻卷最後以兩款懷舊甜品作結。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2025-02-14
0 瀏覽
可眺望維多利亞港的金紫荊生記粵菜廳,是一家選入米芝蓮推薦餐廳這晚和好姊妹團拜,選了這款$888/一位 晚市套餐先來前菜焦糖伊比利亞黑毛豬叉燒,叉燒味道濃郁肉質鬆軟,龍井煙燻素鵝 茶香味道獨特。竹笙杞子肉汁燉花膠 很喜歡這個湯,清清甜甜,燉花膠非常厚身及很彈很軟腍。主菜雪裡蕻焗鮮拆波士頓龍蝦,已預先拆件方便食用,每口龍蝦啖啖肉。另一道是陳皮香辣菌醬蒸南非鮑魚,鮑魚很爽彈,加上有少少微辣很惹味。香蔥鹹肉蒸馬友 完全唔腥再來崧子百合蜜豆,清清甜甜可解膩。之後鵝蔥油撈手工麵 香而不膩最後甜品是桂花百合薏米燉桃膠伴芝麻卷 😋很滿足啊!整體這頓晚餐都很滿意🥰服務員很友善 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)