港鐵銅鑼灣站 B 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:15 - 23:00
12:15 - 23:00
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食評 (43)
等級2 2024-11-19
0 瀏覽
質素不過不失的車仔麵,今次叫咗滷水雞翼,滷水豬大腸同埋超淋牛筋(咖喱汁+中辣)~滷水雞翼有兩隻,滷水入味但肉質偏嚡,而且要浸湯先熱滷水豬大腸都有幾舊,滷水入味,口感係我鍾意嘅微彈👍🏻牛筋都係非常入味,而且炆到淋淋地又煙煙韌韌,不過就有一兩舊特別鹹,都係要浸湯先夠熱總結:咁啱順路想食車仔麵先會食🤣 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-09-24
120 瀏覽
四餸一麵連嘢飲竟然要$70,記得好耐以前過嚟食都仲好有質素,今次真係忍唔住要寫個食評去呼籲大家唔好再去。價錢貴已經不在話下,味道除咗鹹之外係乜都冇。湯底叫個中辣可以一啲辣味都冇,真係想知小辣同微辣會係點。啲餸嘅份量又少,每樣都係幾舊,仲要係超細件。比完錢都唔知自己食咗啲咩。然後舊豬紅竟然係硬既,所謂嘅五香牛腩一啲都唔淋,魷魚得嗰兩三舊,成碗嘢得個蘿蔔叫做好啲。呼籲大家以後絕對唔好去幫襯,無謂嘥錢食啲垃圾落肚。 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-08-16
329 瀏覽
Lunch冇咩胃口食野, 諗住拮幾串野食, 37蚊只能夠買到呢碗野食, 小得可憐如果只係買魚蛋10蚊5粒都冇咁嬲, 如圖所示牛百業已經縮到冇得再縮了, 姐姐幫我打包果陣我都呆左難怪依家飲食業會咁差啦, 咁樣好難令人想回頭幫襯 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-07-21
468 瀏覽
As a loyal customer since my university days, I can say with certainty that this classic cart noodle stall has been a constant in my life for years. And for good reason - their spicy sauce is the absolute soul of the entire dish, elevating every ingredient it touches.My personal go-to order consists of the chicken wings, pork intestines, and pork skin, all swimming in that beloved spicy broth. The flavors are simply out of this world - the rich, savory notes of the proteins perfectly complemented by the fiery kick of the sauce. Some also recommend trying the pig's blood, which adds an extra layer of depth.But the real showstopper has to be the spicy fishballs. These little flavor bombs pack an incredible punch, with a spice level that'll have you reaching for a cold drink in between bites. It's not for the faint of heart, but for true spice enthusiasts, it's an absolute delight.What I love most about this cart noodle stall is the sense of tradition and authenticity that permeates every aspect of the experience. The no-frills, old-school setup feels like stepping back in time, and the flavors are timeless. This is the kind of place that harks back to the golden age of Hong Kong street food.If you're a fan of bold, spice-forward flavors and don't mind getting a little messy, this cart noodle stall is an absolute must-try. It's been a favorite of mine for years, and I have no doubt it will continue to be a Hong Kong institution for many more to come. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2023-10-06
1071 瀏覽
利申:我由三十尾幫襯到依家五十今日星期五晚冇節目,打算食個面懷舊下....點知去到6:15...5張枱坐左6,7人,仲以為早所以小客...落單食物好快到...食物味道ok和以前差不多,餸的份量小但可以接受....但跟住視覺衝擊來了....好多好多烏蠅!有停留在客人背後,有停在你夾面食的手臂上,有停在你枱面上order紙本上望住你!一直食一路望住d烏蠅,開始由不安跟住有d反胃....越食越唔舒服,草草落肚就急走俾錢時同收銀講好多烏蠅,佢答:係咩?哦,原來係弱視...得罪晒係openrice見到上一個comment都係話多烏蠅....原來唔係新野...係「死性不改」!冇下次了...又一次証實:「回憶美好,現實殘酷」 繼續閱讀
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