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COA 以墨西哥龍舌蘭為主題,自開幕以來一直成為城中熱話。嚴選來自世界各地的香料與食材,店內每杯雞尾酒都帶著無限的創意與驚喜,讓人感受到墨西哥的熱情與活力。喜歡挑戰新口味的人特別推薦 La Chinesca,這款雞尾酒巧妙融合了廣東和墨西哥的風味,墨西哥辣椒和薑的辛辣感,與香甜的蜜糖形成對比,再以麻油作為點綴,令整杯酒層次感更加豐富,清新爽口又不失刺激,充分展現了 COA 的獨特調酒哲學。COA is always buzzing with excitement, thanks to their creative cocktails made with tequilas and exotic ingredients from around the world. If you’re up for a flavor adventure, try the La Chinesca! This unique cocktail blends Cantonese and Mexican flavors in a perfect harmony. The spicy kick from jalapeñ
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