878 瀏覽
自從 6, 7 年前深夜LKF 飲完野,朋友帶我去soho 食過 The Flying Pan 之後,我就變左fans,一有機會就去食 All Day Breakfast以前通常都食 Eggs Benedict (champignon with mushrooms and garlic) , 但自從某次發現有香港少見嘅 corned beef hash 食 & 發現佢個 pancake 好正之後,差不多每次黎都必點呢兩樣仲有佢嘅 grits 好啱我口味 , side dishes 都必點尋日又去左食我最鐘意嘅組合:Scrambled eggs, avocado, corned beef hash, baked beans, grits, pancake with tomato juice!!!!!
以前通常都食 Eggs Benedict (champignon with mushrooms and garlic) , 但自從某次發現有香港少見嘅 corned beef hash 食 & 發現佢個 pancake 好正之後,差不多每次黎都必點呢兩樣
仲有佢嘅 grits 好啱我口味 , side dishes 都必點
Scrambled eggs, avocado, corned beef hash, baked beans, grits, pancake with tomato juice!!!!!